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Objective. This study tests the proposition, suggested by the middleman minority theory of entrepreneurship, that retail enterprise among white immigrants in the urban North was aided by the emergence of segregated black communities during the Great Migration of 1915–1930. Methods. Census data on major Northern cities in 1910, 1920, and 1930 are analyzed in several multivariate regressions. Results. The merchant participation rate of foreign‐born white men was unrelated to the index of black spatial isolation but was positively associated with the relative size of the black population, implying that the existence of large black consumer markets did promote the entry of the immigrants into the retail trade. Conclusions. White immigrants in the early 20th century North had a retailing niche based partly on serving blacks. Yet, there was no evidence that the immigrants benefited from a “captive market” that arose because of residential segregation by race.  相似文献   

Migration alters both the origin and destination of migrants in a variety of ways. This study uses data recently made available by the Internal Revenue Service to document gains and losses of both persons and income accruing to counties in the United States as a result of internal migration between 1992 and 1993. The degree to which migration alters the size of a county's population as well as the amount of income received in that county is assessed by means of effectiveness rates which are ratios of net flows to total flows. The majority of counties, especially those in the South and West gained both migrants and income during the period; losses were confined largely to the Northeast, Great Plains and California. Counties at the edges of large metropolitan areas gained income even more rapidly than people; counties containing large central cities lost income even faster than they lost migrants. Amenity-laden recreational and retirement counties were also among those who gained both people and income via migration. Overall, these results indicate an exacerbation of demographic and economic differences between regions as well as within metropolitan areas.  相似文献   

Why Does Immigrant Trip Duration Vary Across U.S. Destinations?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective . This article explores the factors that lead to differences in immigrant trip duration across U.S. destinations. Methods . Using data from the Mexican Migration Project and the 1970, 1980, and 1990 U.S. Censuses, we estimate discrete-time hazard models of the probability of return for unauthorized male migrants. Results . We find three patterns of migration for undocumented migrants across U.S. destinations: semi-permanent and permanent migration to urban areas; temporary migration to agricultural areas; and sojourner, or cyclical, migration to border regions. These patterns depend on the characteristics of the immigrant population that moves to each destination, in addition to the opportunities available to migrants in each destination. However, all these factors are mediated by social and institutional conditions at the destination. Conclusions . The findings of this study reiterate the importance of economic opportunities as an important predictor of not only migration to, but also length of stay in, the United States. Dynamic regions not only attract more immigrants, but they also attract a more permanent population of migrants.  相似文献   

Objective. This study fills a void in research on race and social change by analyzing the transformation of the “black business elite,” that is, those blacks who have been nationally recognized as successful entrepreneurs. Methods. Data from encyclopedic sources on eminent black entrepreneurs are used to build a chronology that documents how this elite has changed over time. Results. In the early and middle 20th century, the elite was dominated by southerners who prospered in lines of enterprise that arose because of racially segregated consumer markets, namely, banking, insurance, and publishing. By the end of the 20th century, the elite was dominated by northerners, many of whom were born in the North and succeeded in forms of mass media entertainment that appeal to racially integrated audiences. Conclusion. These geographical and occupational shifts reflect salient post World War II changes in race relations, most notably the decline of racial segregation in many areas of social life and the increase of opportunities for black entertainers to achieve distinction on a national level. Yet, blacks' pursuit of eminence in the business world continues to be focused into a narrow range of endeavors.  相似文献   

The large increase in Eastern European migrants entering the Dutch labour market has led to concerns about their potential claim on Dutch unemployment benefits. We use a decomposition analysis to investigate differences in uptake of unemployment benefits between migrants and native Dutch employees by analysing register data for all employees in the Netherlands in 2015. The results show that Eastern European migrants, similar to other migrants, receive unemployment benefit more often than native Dutch employees. This difference can be largely ascribed to job characteristics. The inclusion of unemployment risk in the analysis reveals that non-working migrants are much less likely to receive unemployment benefits than Dutch natives.  相似文献   

张红菊 《唐都学刊》2011,27(4):108-114
美国殖民地时期,在北美大西洋岸,有一个著名的"烟草海岸",它以切萨皮克海湾为中心,包括弗吉尼亚、马里兰、北卡罗来纳等几个南部殖民地,以生产和出口烟草为主要的经济形式,甚至是经济支柱。但是在18世纪后期至19世纪初期却走向衰落,从此盛名不再。导致烟草海岸衰落的原因是多方面的,包括战争的沉重打击、黑人奴隶劳动力的减少、内部经营多样化的发展、烟草种植耗竭土壤肥力、工业革命的发生以及由此带来的棉花种植的兴盛等,使种植烟草利益降低,经济转型。  相似文献   

Objective. This study develops and tests a model of political regionalism that posits that if regions are politically exceptional, then individuals sharing the same profile but living in these different regions will have divergent presidential voting patterns ( King, 1996 ). Methods. Analyzing presidential voting behavior from 1952 to 2004, I use logistic regression techniques to test a regional model of homogeneity (southern exceptionalism) versus a unit model of homogeneity (South and Non‐South are statistically similar). Results. The findings show that the South's presidential voting patterns are exceptional in the 1950s and during the civil rights era but, starting in the Reagan era, southern exceptionalism waned. These findings also show that the South is converging with the non‐South (northernization) relative to the influences of race, family income, union membership, in‐migrants, and gender, and the non‐South is converging with the South (southernization) relative to the influences of education, blue‐collar workers, and age. Conclusions. Both economic class and race variables contribute to the demise of regional exceptionalism; however, race plays a more persistent role. Given the process of “southernization” and the instability of the predictors of presidential voting for the South over time, I conclude that the study of the South as a region should continue until the process of change subsides and a new equilibrium is found.  相似文献   

Records of dryland homesteaders in three parts of the Great Basin between 1912 and 1920 show that crop failures were common occurrences, and that failure was more often attributed to jackrabbits than to drought. These records demonstrate that most failures caused by rabbits conformed to well-defined temporal and spatial patterns, but they also make it clear that some losses can be explained only by specific actions taken by the farmers, their families, and neighbors.  相似文献   

李卫东 《社会》2019,39(6):23-61
基于广州2016年的“农民工社会融合与婚姻家庭调查”数据,本文从性别和世代的角度系统探讨了农民工的婚姻稳定性问题。分析结果表明,新生代农民工的婚姻稳定性显著低于第一代农民工,女性农民工婚姻稳定性低于男性农民工,且新生代女性农民工婚姻稳定性最低。流动模式对农民工婚姻稳定性具有显著影响,且这种影响存在性别和世代差异,其中流动模式形塑着农民工的婚姻收益和离婚阻力,流动模式对农民工婚姻稳定性的影响,同时又受到具体的性别效应和世代效应的共同影响,其中的脆弱性差异机制可以解释流动模式对农民工婚姻稳定性影响的性别效应和世代效应。  相似文献   

European countries have experienced population aging and consequent pressure on public pensions. Some European countries, therefore, have welcomed migrants, expecting that the inflow of people will ease the demographic and fiscal problems. It is important to ask if this policy approach has had the intended effects. This paper examines the effects of labor migration on public pension systems. Using error correction models (ECMs) with cross-country time-series data on European countries from 1981 to 2009, this analysis demonstrates that labor migration has deterred the reduction of public pension benefit levels and government expenditure on pension as well as the expansion of private pensions. This implies that labor migration eases the pressure on public pension systems. Migration contributory effects have been larger in countries with Bismarckian pension systems because those countries have experienced greater pressure on public pension systems than other countries.  相似文献   

郑少雄 《社会》2018,38(2):84-110
本文以历史人类学的视角讨论了阿来的四部长篇小说《格萨尔王》、《瞻对》、《尘埃落定》及《空山》(系列)。文章认为,康区历史上的空间感发生过重要转型,即从古代的四方四国模式收缩为晚期帝国及近现代时期的汉藏二元模式,再到当代的一元模式。与此相伴随,康区的时间也经历了不断规训的过程,即从循环的宗教时间转变为中原王朝的政治时间,再到现代线性时间。在上述转型之外,这些作品也分别暗含了空间里的中介与时间上的超越等另类时空发展模式。这一过程及结果既是康区的经验事实,也是历史叙事的功效。阿来的情感体验和文学追求是自下而上的,而其史观却相反。本文也考察了阿来这样的少数民族精英在建构关于本族群的文学化历史叙事中的复杂性。  相似文献   

石智雷 《社会》2020,40(1):213-242
本文利用2013—2015年我国跨省流动人口数据,从动态的视角考察了流入地文化和流出地文化对流动人口婚姻稳定性的影响。数据结果显示,高离婚率地区形成了一种强势的离婚文化,无论是从低离婚率地区流入到高离婚率地区,还是从高离婚率地区流入到低离婚率地区,曾在高离婚率地区生活过的跨省流动人口都会保持较高的离婚概率。离婚文化对个人行为的影响表现为继承效应和浸染效应:继承效应即人们迁移到一个新的文化环境中,原有的离婚文化会持续产生影响;浸染效应即人们迁移到一个新的区域,会受到新接触的离婚文化的影响。年轻人更容易受到新迁入地文化浸染效应的影响,而年龄较大的人更容易受到流出地文化继承效应的影响。在新环境中,男性更容易接受新的文化,而女性则更多地保留了原有文化特征。  相似文献   

鄂东南地区聚族而居的村落形态既受当地山区丘陵自然环境的影响,更是自宋以后,特别是明清以来外来移民不断迁入定居、繁衍的结果。而且移入先后的不同导致村落形成和扩散方式的差异,进而在一定区域内形成一姓数村、团状聚居和一娃一村,分散聚居等多种聚居模式。这种家族式聚居的村落形态为宗族的组织化管理提供了有利的生存土壤。来自江西等宗法文化较浓厚地区移民的迁入,以及不同族群为着生存空间的竞争,导致鄂东南地区在清代前期进入普遍的移民家族的组织化和制度化进程。以宗祠——支祠——家祠为层级的祠堂建筑格局与家族聚居区——自然村落——单个家庭的聚落形态相对应,体现出建筑格局与家族结构在某种程度上的契合。其中与自然村落相关联的支祠(鄂东南称之为祖堂、宗屋、公屋)更是构成所在村落的公共空间,并成为族人祭祀、娱乐、教育、生产等公共生活的核心,地理空间与血缘家族空间的重叠、建筑的象征功能与宗法组织的实际运作共同维系着清代以来鄂东南地区以家族为特征的乡村生产、生活秩序。  相似文献   

Migration can have emotional costs for migrants, whose face‐to‐face friendships are ruptured. This article explores the ways that migrants managed their emotions towards old friends after migration. Excerpts from semi‐structured interviews with 20 skilled migrants are analysed to show the stoic, fantasy and disengagement accounts used to deal with ruptured relationships. Each account demonstrates a different type of emotion work, which assisted migrants to cope with the loss of friends. The article discusses how the ways that migrants thought about their friends were affected by structural aspects such as geographic and temporal distance, and normative expectations such as the obligation for the migrant to return home. The article provides insight into the personal costs of migration and highlights the loss and coping that can follow, whilst demonstrating the complexity of friendship over time and geographic distance.  相似文献   

Objectives. Although urban scholarship has come to better understand the dynamics of black political incorporation in the United States, to date scant empirical attention has been paid to an important element of minority representation in local politics—the rise of black mayors. The present study addresses this gap in the extant literature. Methods. We analyze incidences of black mayoralties by fitting standard pooled and random effects probit models to a panel of 309 cities observed between 1971 and 2000. Results. Although cities' racial profiles are strongly associated with the incidence of black mayoralties, black representation on city council, black educational attainment, and reformed governments increase the odds of black mayoral emergence. On the other hand, southern location continues to depress the rise of black mayoralties, as do partisan elections, particularly in cities where no racial group constitutes a majority. Conclusions. Although our results partially confirm extant research on the diffusion of black mayoralties in American urban politics, they also call into question conventional wisdom. Our study emphasizes the need for more large‐N studies of minority representation in urban politics and provides suggestions for how the independent effects of black mayors on municipal policy outcomes might subsequently be analyzed empirically.  相似文献   

Objective. Although high levels of black‐white residential segregation have long been observed, relatively little is known about the residential patterns of black immigrants. This analysis examines the role of nativity and Hispanic ethnicity for the residential patterns of blacks in the United States. Methods. This article uses data from the 2000 Census to calculate dissimilarity indexes and conduct regression analyses. Results. We find differences in the extent of segregation of blacks from whites, with Hispanic blacks and non‐Hispanic black immigrants exhibiting higher levels of segregation from whites than U.S.‐born non‐Hispanic blacks. Conclusions. The strength of nativity and socioeconomic status provides some support for spatial assimilation theory. Metropolitan context also plays a role in explaining residential patterns: one reason foreign and Hispanic blacks are very segregated from whites is that they tend to reside in metropolitan areas where black‐white segregation has generally been high. Despite the role of these factors, race itself remains of great importance in explaining residential patterns, as segregation from whites is high among all black subgroups.  相似文献   

五陵原作为一个人文地理概念,来自于汉代所设的五陵邑。大量地向陵邑徙民一方面形成了五陵原及关中经济的繁荣,同时也使五陵原成为汉代学术文化的中心。  相似文献   

About 20,000 people from the United Kingdom emigrate to Australia each year. Of these, a significant number return to the United Kingdom, and some return again to Australia. Studies of such patterns of migration and return (and return again) were quite common a few decades ago, but are now rare. This paper makes use of a contemporary data source – an Internet‐mediated discussion forum – to explore the experiences of modern ‘ping‐pong poms’. A picture emerges of these migrants as exercising emotional reflexivity in dealing with the pull of family left behind, ‘homesickness’, the lack of a sense of belonging and their often‐disappointed dreams of a ‘better life’. By understanding the importance of emotions in people's decisions about return migration, policy can better attend to the realities of more mobile lives.  相似文献   

闫伯汉 《社会》2017,37(4):59-89
本文利用2012年中国城镇化与劳动移民调查数据,以儿童的认知发展水平为研究对象,以阶层再生产为分析视角,基于认知发展理论探讨农民工流动对子女认知发展的影响。研究发现,流动儿童拥有比留守儿童更高的认知水平,流动儿童相对较好的家庭背景为其认知发展提供了实质性帮助,乡城迁移中流动儿童的认知发展主要通过"转校"等机制得到促进;对于留守儿童来说,其认知劣势与父母外出工作并无显著的统计关系,而主要归因于家庭贫乏的文化资本和经济资本、子女数较多的家庭结构、较低的学前教育接受率或就读学校质量的低下。但是,流动儿童的认知水平整体上仍低于城市儿童,其认知发展仍然受到自身社会阶层条件和境遇的深刻限制,"流动"所带来的各类"认知收益"是有限的。  相似文献   

Objectives: We examine how acculturation experiences such as discrimination and social acceptance influence the daily psychological well-being of Latino youth living in newly emerging and historical receiving immigrant communities. Methods: We use data on 557 Latino youth enrolled in high school in Los Angeles or in rural or urban North Carolina. Results: Compared to Latino youth in Los Angeles, Latino youth in urban and rural North Carolina experienced higher levels of daily happiness, but also experienced higher levels of daily depressive and anxiety symptoms. Differences in nativity status partially explained location differences in youths’ daily psychological well-being. Discrimination and daily negative ethnic treatment worsened, whereas social acceptance combined with daily positive ethnic treatment and ethnic and family identification improved, daily psychological well-being. Conclusions: Our analysis contributes to understanding the acculturation experiences of immigrant youth and the roles of social context in shaping adolescent mental health.  相似文献   

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