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One of the most important challenges in health care management is balancing resources with fluctuating and uncertain demand. This study examines whether introducing a standardised process for sales and operations planning at a large university hospital improved specialty department managers’ knowledge of planning conditions and if so, whether decisions were made based on this knowledge. Using responses from a survey of 30 specialty department managers at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden, the analyses indicate that operational knowledge strengthens insights about the needs for strategic decisions, and vice versa. Moreover, knowledge is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for making decisions at the department level. An overall planning and decision structure is required and should be implemented first at the hospital level to effectively allocate resources. 相似文献
认真开展案例研究,促进管理科学及管理教育发展 总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23
管理案例研究是现代管理科学发展的重要源泉 ,是管理新理论和方法创新的基础 ,目前已在管理学界引起了重视 .本文在讨论管理案例研究重要性的基础上 ,阐述了其对现代管理科学发展和管理人才培养的重要作用 ,并结合我国实际情况 ,提出了如何进行管理案例研究的几种方法 . 相似文献
Existing research works on process quality improvement focus largely on the linkages between quality improvement cost and production economics such as set-up cost and defect rate reduction. This paper deals with the optimal design problem for process improvement by balancing the sunk investment cost and revenue increments due to the process improvement. We develop an optimal model based on Taguchi cost functions. The model is validated through a real case study in automotive industry where the 6-sigma DMAIC methodology has been applied. According to this research, the management can adjust the investment on prevention and appraisal costs on quality improvement that enhances process capability, reduces product defect rate and, as a result, generates remarkable financial return. 相似文献
We propose and analyze a two‐dimensional Markov chain model of an Emergency Medical Services system that repositions ambulances using a compliance table policy, which is commonly used in practice. The model is solved via a fixed‐point iteration. We validate the model against a detailed simulation model for several scenarios. We demonstrate that the model provides accurate approximations to various system performance measures, such as the response time distribution and the distribution of the number of busy ambulances, and that it can be used to identify near‐optimal compliance tables. Our numerical results show that performance depends strongly on the compliance table that is used, indicating the importance of choosing a well‐designed compliance table. 相似文献
A criticism of behavioral health care delivery is that it has largely missed the social determinants of behavioral health disorders and their diagnosis. Toward addressing this criticism, this study evaluates the delivery of behavioral health care as a part of primary care operations. Focusing on the treatment of depression, the study results show that: (i) primary care clinics operating in communities with superior social environment characteristics are associated with improved depression outcomes in the short term, and (ii) psychosocial resources (social and emotional support) and the built environment (man‐made resources and infrastructure to support human activity) of primary care clinics are associated with sustaining the improvement in depression outcome in the long term. Centering our attention on IT‐enabled, evidence‐based, and affordable primary care as mechanisms that can enable the integration of behavioral and medical care delivery, the results suggest that IT‐enabled and evidence‐based primary care are associated with improvements in depression outcomes. We also find that the effect of improving the affordability of behavioral health care delivery depends on the community's socioeconomic status. Primary care clinics in socioeconomically disadvantaged communities practicing cost‐containment are associated with improvements in depression outcomes, and, therefore, can contribute toward reducing disparities in behavioral health care delivery. Counter to our original expectations, we find that the effect of evidence‐based care on improvements on depression outcomes increases as the availability of medically trained behavioral health care specialists practicing in a community increases lending support to concerns that primary care clinics in resource‐rich communities obtain greater benefit from quality improvement interventions. 相似文献
Two case studies illustrate multicriteria decision making techniques frequently used in procurement practice: least-cost sufficient performance and weighted utility optimization. Both techniques have defects and are rarely robust. Decision by exclusion and pairwise comparisons is proposed as a third approach which eliminates inferior alternatives by generalized forms of minimum performance requirements established under multicriteria framework. It is more robust and maintains high level of accountability. 相似文献
The primary aim of this article is to examine the impact of management's approach on the effectiveness of service quality operations. Drawing upon semi-structured interviews with multiple managerial actors at different hierarchical levels and archival sources, the findings suggest two alternative paths of management's approach regarding service quality. One of the paths distils customer confidence, aims to fulfil customer requirements as well as the strategic and potential intentions within the organisation. The other represents more of a short-term approach for managing service quality, which only demonstrates some aspects of customer satisfaction at the time when the customer interacts with the service provider. In the latter, as our evidence showed, the service provider could fail to build customer loyalty and face customer boycott. The findings highlight a fundamental need for management across different hierarchical levels to adjust their approach to encompass the entirety of service quality operations, if service quality practices are to result in employee satisfaction and desirable customer experience. 相似文献
为探讨科技创业企业在不连续技术变化环境中进行自主创新的过程与机理,采用案例研究的方法分析了路明科技集团的成长路径。发现仅有技术上的原始创新不足以支撑创业企业的持续高速成长,通过合资合作、直接投资进行纵向产业集成以及技术并购、二次创新等手段进行横向产业集成是企业实现高效成长的有效路径。 相似文献
Valeria Belvedere 《生产规划与管理》2013,24(6):447-461
This article deals with the definition of the scope of operations management (OM) in service companies. Operations, in service companies, are often dispersed throughout the organisation and so it is difficult to understand where OM tools and practices can be applied and who should be in charge of their implementation. Starting from the assumption that the actual scope of service operations is influenced by the degree of variety of the offering and of variability of the delivery process, this article analyses three case studies in an attempt to understand whether and why operations, in these companies, include different activities. This article argues that three factors affect the perceived scope of OM, namely: the dominant culture; the existence of industry-specific regulations and the endowment of facilities. 相似文献
探索性与验证性案例研究访谈问题设计:理论与案例 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
在区分完全探索性、局部探索性和验证性案例研究类别的基础上,探讨了理论回顾、访谈对象选择以及访谈问题设计在上述3种类型案例研究中的作用和实现方式,并通过3个实际案例研究予以详尽说明。最后,比较了3种类型案例研究访谈的异同,并就情境预研、时间与问题数量控制、访谈者注意事项、访谈问题的发展、数据收集程序安排以及理论饱和度检验6个方面的共性问题进行探讨,提出了以典型事件/实践为载体开发访谈提纲的建议。 相似文献
AbstractAs a continuous improvement practice, Six Sigma has been accepted globally across the service industry. In the past decade, the application and success of Six Sigma in healthcare services has been remarkable. Despite the fact that several papers on Six Sigma have appeared in the erstwhile literature related to healthcare operations, there is a dearth of field studies highlighting the application of Six Sigma in healthcare outsourced firms, in specific to healthcare payers that engage in a non-clinical setup. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of Six Sigma within the healthcare payer outsourced firms, where error-free delivery becomes critical. The article contributes to the literature of Six Sigma in healthcare outsourcing highlighting how ‘Six Sigma as a methodology’ could help reduce claims adjudication errors in a healthcare payer firm. The Six Sigma DMAIC project case study presented as part of the paper delivered a saving of USD 0.53 million and is a classic example of how Six Sigma can bring bottom-line impact to healthcare outsourced organizations. Managerial implications and lessons learned are discussed alongside the concluding notes. 相似文献
复杂情境下中国企业管理创新类型选择研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
旨在解析我国企业在多因素综合作用的复杂情境下就突变型与渐进型管理创新选择的问题。基于扎根理论、使用多案例比较研究方法,首先采用开放式译码、轴向译码、以及选择性译码析出了大连三洋冷链有限公司管理创新案例中蕴含的关键概念、范畴和故事脉络,并对初始案例研究草案和研究样本进行了发展和补充;其次,在对其他9个案例分别进行概念、范畴和故事脉络分析的基础上,对10个案例进行了比较研究,得出了我国企业在组织规模、行业环境、企业家精神和组织文化的不同组合维度下对突变型和渐进型管理创新的选择模式及其中的机理。 相似文献
Six Sigma process improvement methodology has been accepted globally across the service industry. In past one decade, the application and success of Six Sigma in Services is remarkable across Information Technology organisations, Hospitality firms, Government, Healthcare firms and Banking & Financial Sector. The aim of this paper is to explore the role of Six Sigma within call centres where the metric based environment complements the application of Six Sigma for process improvements. The article establishes the literature for the need for Six Sigma in call centre environment elaborating on customer facing metrics in addition to internal performance measures and highlighting the advantages of Six Sigma. A case study is presented in the second part of the article to study the DMAIC project management approach of Six Sigma for improving the Top Box Customer Satisfaction score of a Banking call centre. The literature identifies the possible opportunities for improving the performance of call centre metrics using Six Sigma. The project case study presented as part of the paper delivered a saving of USD 0.27 million to the bank, and is a classic example of how Six Sigma can bring bottom-line impact to an organisation. The article is limited to elaborate the advantages of Six Sigma in call centre environment, emphasising on its need and its compatibility to go along successfully with change acceleration and project management processes. Managerial implications and lessons learned are discussed alongside the concluding notes. 相似文献
Gareth R. T. White Svetlana Cicmil Nachiappan Subramanian Vikas Kumar Ashish Dwivedi 《生产规划与管理》2019,30(10-12):907-918
AbstractThe study explores the soft side of knowledge transfer partnerships between universities and small to medium enterprises (SMEs), a topic which is often neglected in the knowledge management literature. The aim of this paper is to uncover the issues which emerge during formation of a partnership between heterogeneous organizations and universities. In addition, the study unfolds the criticalities of typical process improvement capability that supports the knowledge transfer partnerships between universities and SMEs. Using multiple cases, this study unravels the dominant elements that influence knowledge transfer process development, governance, implications and responsibilities. The major contribution of this study is the development of a framework based on empirical evidence using three knowledge transfer partnerships (KTPs) which illustrates the way in which soft factors in knowledge transfer partnership phases may have an impact on success or failure of university–industry collaborations for innovation. 相似文献
This study investigates the characteristics of an effective performance management framework for outsourcing projects in a UK-based financial services organisation and how this may contribute to the success of the outsourcing arrangement. The analysis draws on outsourcing and performance management theory, and uses both primary and secondary data. Valuable information was found on objective setting, performance measurement and performance improvement in the outsourcing project. An adapted version of the Balanced Scorecard, termed a Logic Scorecard, is suggested as a measurement tool; a service credit system and a continuous improvement schedule used to enhance supplier performance. The performance management framework, which is one of the pillars of the supply chain operations reference (SCOR) model, was developed, and provides practitioners with step-by-step guidance for the implementation of performance management in outsourcing projects. This combines both suggestions for performance management before and after the outsourcing decision, thus considering the entire outsourcing lifecycle. The proposed 10-step framework for outsourcing not only incorporates strategic propositions but also shows its implementation at an operational level. 相似文献
Complexity is regarded a major impediment to Supply Chain (SC) performance. However, very few studies aid SC managers adopt adequate practices in response to structural and dynamic complexity. This study offers a comprehensive review of the practices that four manufacturing companies employ in their SC function to manage the structural and dynamic complexity of their product portfolio, internal SC, and supplier and customer bases. Moreover, leveraging the results of the inductive in-depth case studies, a classification of complexity management practices consisting of four clusters is advanced: variety reducing, confinement and decoupling, coordination and collaboration and decision support and knowledge generation. Each cluster’s distinctive logic and limitations are discussed and propositions on their managerial scope are introduced, therefore providing managers with relevant insights to design effective complexity management approaches in their organisations. 相似文献
Production planning and control for remanufacturing is a major managerial challenge in the operations management. Researches demonstrate the need for decision-making methods in this context, which has generated theoretical and quantitative studies. However, this area still lacks empirical studies dealing with the practical, day-to-day difficulties of remanufacturers. The purpose of this paper is to link the literature and practice in a systematic in such a way that it is possible to show the similarities and differences between theoretically listed needs and real cases, thereby extending the results of previous research. For this purpose, four case studies are considered. The cases involve original equipment manufacturers (OEM) of automotive parts that have remanufacturing operations. The results indicate that these companies have difficulties that have not been addressed to date in the literature related to the uncertainties inherent in remanufacturing. In addition, we find that these companies use simplified decision-making approaches. 相似文献
《European Management Journal》2017,35(1):116-127
The use of case studies as qualitative research strategy in social sciences seems to have increased recently, but there are no studies that empirically verify such claim. By explicitly focusing on the field of business and management studies, we aim to investigate the extent of publication and the main features of qualitative case studies published in the 20 highest impact factor business and management journals. The paper discusses the correlation between a journal's ranking and the extent of case studies it published, and between selected features of case studies (e.g. research purpose, design and data sources). Moreover, we shed light on how the identified features of a case study impact its probability of being published.Methodologically, we analyse by means of correlation and regression statistics, as well as clustering techniques a total of 19 features in the 352 qualitative case studies published between 2002 and 2011 in our sample of top business and management journals. 相似文献