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坚持以人为本是科学发展观的本质和核心,是我国经济社会转型期消除不和谐因素的出发点、立足点与重要途径之一.而"主体民族"的提法仅从非哲学意义上把主体理解为居于主导地位或起主导作用的角色,未从哲学主体的角度去理解和区别国家或地区"主体民族"的合适提法,混淆了各民族的政治地位和社会作用的概念,易造成误解与纷争.田野调查表明,"主体民族"观不能表达强势民族对弱势民族的平等态度,属于轻视他们的语言文字和行为,加剧了弱势民族干群的自卑情绪、"等靠要"观念与民族隔阂.民族地区的现代化,首要的是人的观念和行为的现代化.本文提出了转变"主体民族"观念的建议及其现实需求、事实依据与理论分析.  相似文献   


In the contemporary age of international migration, the mobilities of people into and out of cities are increasingly diverse. Correspondingly, it has been claimed that forms of belonging are becoming increasingly flexible, strategic and characterised by multiple place attachments. This paper examines these claims in empirical detail by investigating how different scales of belonging and mobility come together in the context of migrant incorporation processes in a hyperdiverse, transitional suburban locality in Sydney, Australia. Drawing on several migrant biographies, I flesh out the lived dimensions of mobility and emplacement and the various routes and roots that characterise cities of diversity. This article uses grounded portrayals of individual experiences of place and everyday mobility across a range of migration statuses and ethnic backgrounds to examine the spatial practices of belonging for mobile (and relatively immobile) migrant subjects in the city. As such, this work contributes to research that highlights the mutual constitution of place and movement, by considering the role of migrants in the everyday production of urban space.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to analyse the origins and transformations of a Muslim community in western Colombia. The history of this small religious group of Afro-Colombians is presented over a period divided into four phases. This division is based on four dominant interpretations of Islamic doctrines adopted by the majority of the group over a period of time. These changes were not only due to religious motivations but also due to changes in the social milieu and the need for taking advantage of emerging opportunities. The religious conversion of Afro-Colombians to Islam took place within the complex socio-political context of the Colombian conflict which began in mid-1960s and is still ongoing. The adoption of this new religious perspective did not evolve in an isolated manner, rather, it transformed the identity of the community by strengthening the value of ethnic differences in a place of segregation. In this context, this paper analyses the role of religion as an important element in the construction of ethnic identity. It is also important to recognize that this cultural negotiation happens at the margins of the dominant society, which views Afro-Colombian minorities negatively or simply ignores their presence.  相似文献   

Following feminist and postcolonial discourses, this paper uses the concept of ‘everyday experience’ as a tool to trace the social world of educated Palestinian women in Israel. The term refers to the complex array of these women's experiences in racialised and gendered social sites, as well as within the class, religious, and ethnic contexts in the subordinated group and its relations with the dominant Jewish group. Based on 108 in‐depth interviews with Palestinian women citizens of Israel, the paper claims that educated Palestinian women are located in a ‘third place’ between cultural, gender, class, national and racial structures that generates a continual ambivalence. Within this marginal, ‘unhomely’ space women negotiate their own identities and challenge dominant social definitions. Women create various modes of interim spaces and multi‐dimensional, shifting identities for themselves. The ambivalent attitudes generated by the women's experiences expose the possibility of shedding categorising markers. The omnipresent existence of the gendered, racialised regime of knowledge makes every place a potential site of subversion and resistance.  相似文献   


Multiculturalism has meant something of a crisis for many Jews in the United States in that it has placed them in the paradoxical position of being part of the dominant white majority while they continue to maintain their particularity as an ethnic minority. Some scholars who subscribe to the ideal of a postethnic society as a means of resolving the divisiveness and fragmentation in multicultural America have, however, argued that this very dualism experienced by American Jews today may well point toward what they hope will come about in American society as a whole when it moves beyond multiculturalism. This essay explores some of the ways in which the contradictions experienced by Jewish Americans as members of an ethnic minority with majority status figure in recent Jewish American fiction. It concludes with a brief discussion of the possible implications of the anomalous position of American Jews for the place of contemporary Jewish writing within the rapidly changing canon of American literature.  相似文献   

随着全球化的深入发展,离散族群与祖籍国的联系日益紧密,他们对祖籍国怀有强烈的政治认同并发起或参与指向祖籍国的远距离跨国政治活动,成为当今全球政治的一个重要现象,被学术界称为“远距离民族主义”。作者认为促使远距离民族主义产生和发展的因素主要有几个:一是离散族群对祖籍国或传统居住地的归属感,二是政治流亡者的动员,三是双重公民身份或双重国籍的存在,四是现代交通、通讯为远距离跨国交流带来的便利。第一个因素至关重要也必不可少,但并非完全具备这四个因素才能产生远距离民族主义。许多国家在舆论、组织机构和法律政策上对离散族群参与祖籍国的外交和政治事务给予了程度不同的支持,甚至成为远距离民族主义的主导者。作者认为,远距离民族主义曾在历史上推动了反殖民斗争最终使许多国家获得了独立,有时也为改善居住国与祖籍国之间的双边关系发挥了一定的作用,这些是应该肯定的。然而,它给离散族群的居住国和祖籍国的民族国家建设所带来的消极影响也不容小觑。  相似文献   

周超  樊虎 《民族学刊》2022,13(8):117-125, 165
我国实现全面脱贫后,推动巩固全面脱贫成果与实施乡村振兴战略的接续发展是过渡时期的主要任务,而防止发生规模性返贫风险则是其中的关键一环。一直以来,民族地区都是我国组成部分的关键点和薄弱点,也是规模性返贫风险的易发地区。基于多维视角,发现民族地区规模性返贫风险呈现出区域性、群体性、联动性等特征,从生态性、政策性、发展性等因素深度剖析其发生缘由,进而从相应角度提出创新民族地区生态扶贫方式、完善民族地区返贫风险治理政策体系框架、建构民族地区新内生发展模式等针对性对策,以防止民族地区发生规模性返贫风险。  相似文献   

追问盘古——盘古神话来源问题研究之一   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
盘古神话在先秦乃至秦汉时期的汉文古籍中均没有记载,直到三国时代才出现在徐整的《三五历纪》中。盘古神话源自何处?源自什么民族?这是近百年来学术界争论不休的一个问题。本文及以后将陆续发表的系列研究文章认为,盘古神话来源于华南珠江流域的两粤(广东、广西)地区,来源于华南珠江流域的原住民族——壮侗语民族。  相似文献   

当前我国民族立法工作中存在的主要问题、成因及对策研究   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
本文分析了当前我国民族立法工作中存在的亟待研究解决的五个方面的问题,即:民族立法工作不平衡,且严重滞后;民族法律体系不配套,法与法之间衔接难;变通权行使远未到位;自治法规地方特色和民族特色不明显,针对性和操作性不强;立法技术、法律规范和立法程序不完备,缺乏法的科学性、权威性和强制性。文章从思想认识、自治法规的立法体制、权限范围、批准程序和效力等级、民族立法理论研究和立法队伍建设等方面探究了造成上述问题的主要原因;在此基础上,从如何提高对民族立法工作重要性、必要性和紧迫性的认识,进一步理顺立法权限和立法体制,科学编制立法纲要、规划和计划,加强制度建设,建立健全民族立法民主化和科学化机制,加强民族立法理论研究和立法队伍建设等方面,提出了解决上述问题的具体措施;最后,强调了搞好民族立法工作必须正确处理的几个关系问题。  相似文献   

Genealogical reckoning has always been a prominent aspect of Somali social organisation long characterised as a ‘segmentary’ lineage-based political system. Beyond this ethnographic foundation there was also a widely-held view that the Somali nation—despite the inherent ‘republicanism’ of the segmentary system—did at least possess a distinctive and inclusive ‘national’ genealogy. However for a decade now—following the collapse of the unified state of Somalia—authors have been re-examining the basic assumptions of the Somali nation. True to the traditions of the segmentary system they describe, a younger generation of scholars has challenged their elders and these youthful revisionists have uncovered the ethnic and even ‘racial’ complexity of the Somali state and questioned the dominant national genealogical discourses. This article asks that the dominant genealogical framework of Somali studies be taken back to its local contexts, and that descent by lineage (or indeed race) should be seen as only one part of the repertoire of political legitimacy in Somalia.  相似文献   

This article considers the experience of the impact of ethnofederations on social identities that cut across such an ethnic divide. Based on a series of in-depth interviews focusing on the structure and operation of women’s and lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender movement organizations in Belgium, we demonstrate that these groups experience constraints of the dominant ethno-linguistic identity. These results in a ‘federalism disadvantage’ for identities cross-cutting the ethnic divide, the result of which is a neglect of policy competencies situated at the federal level.  相似文献   

The literature on ethnic entrepreneurship has focused on structural factors, group characteristics or a combination of both when explaining the entry and/or success of different ethnic groups in/to self-employment. While the active involvement of individuals has often been noted, agency has been under-theorised, and frequently conflated with what are considered as ‘cultural’ factors. This article explores the question of agency in ethnic entrepreneurship by looking at how entrepreneurs access and mobilise different kinds of resources. Using a forms-of-capital approach, the article draws on qualitative data from the U.K. and Spain, and looks at how entrepreneurs mobilise cultural, social and economic resources in structural contexts that include constraining as well as enabling features. Our findings show that the entrepreneurs are active agents who play an important role in shaping ethnic businesses. However, their agency varies significantly depending on the extent to which entrepreneurs have access to different kinds of resources, which is closely linked to their socioeconomic position. The article contributes to the literature through its direct engagement with the question of agency in ethnic entrepreneurship, and by highlighting the relevance of social class in entrepreneurial processes.  相似文献   

民族语言文字是构成一个民族的重要特征,它在民族形成和发展中起到了重要的作用。文章通过回顾和分析西藏民族语文工作的实践情况,论述了中国共产党遵循马克思主义关于民族平等、语言平等的基本原则,结合我国各民族的实际,制定学习、使用和发展少数民族语言文字的正确方针政策以及立法的过程,反映了党和国家对民族语文工作的一贯重视及党的民族语文政策在西藏的成功实践。同时依据民族语言文字发展的客观规律,提出了在我国统一的、多民族的社会主义大家庭里,汉语文和各少数民族语文共同发展并构成了我国多元性和多样化的文化,阐明了做好民族语文工作对于促进民族团结和各民族共同繁荣进步、维护民族地区的稳定具有重要意义。  相似文献   

总结60年来广西龙胜民族团结的基本经验,可以归纳为:一是对各民族共同利益予以最大限度的满足;二是在多元互动中长期磨合走向民族团结;三是在多元整合中相互适应实现民族团结;四是把提高民族素质作为民族团结的战略重点;五是把培养少数民族干部、加强少数民族干部队伍建设作为民族团结的决定因素。  相似文献   

The end of the Cold War has caused a reassessment of the future basis for conflict and identity. While Samuel Huntington predicts that super-national ‘civilisations’ are becoming the basis for identity and conflict, many dispute this arguing that either past ethnic and national bases for identity and conflict will remain the norm or that world integration and interdependence will cause the world to unite. This article examines an aspect of this debate using data on ethnic conflict from the Minorities at Risk data set, as well as data collected independently. Specifically, it assesses whether post-Cold War ethnic conflict, and by inference ethnic identity, is more influenced by civilisational or ethnic variables. The analysis shows that separatism, a nationalist variable, is considerably more strongly associated with ethnic rebellion than are civilisational differences. Furthermore, in the multi-variate analysis civilisational differences are, if anything, associated with less ethnic rebellion. Also, separatism and various political variables more strongly influence ethnic rebellion than do civilisational differences. Thus, this study strongly supports the contention that, at least as of the late 1990s, identity continues to be based on national end ethnic factors rather than civilisational ones.  相似文献   

庄乔 《民族学刊》2014,5(2):72-79,128
民族艺术设计与品牌化战略的结合是加强国际市场竞争力的有效途径,苦荞茶、5100矿泉水的包装设计及《民族学刊》的装帧设计都证明了民族艺术设计品牌化的重要价值和意义。民族艺术设计品牌化战略构想包括民族艺术设计与品牌战略的结合,民族艺术设计与市场营销相结合,民族艺术设计与科技创新相结合,民族艺术设计与文化创意相结合,民族艺术设计与国际化战略接轨。  相似文献   

在民国时代的康区,存在三种称谓当地土著族群的名称:"藏族"、"康族"和"博族"。这三种名称来自三种不同的政治力量,分别是民国中央政府、刘文辉领导的西康省政府和以格桑泽仁为代表的土著族群精英。本文将这三种称谓理解为三种话语,其间的分歧反映了三种具有不同的背景、立场与政治诉求的力量间的竞争。通过对这样一种"话语竞争"的分析,本文试图探寻一条理解民国时代康区的政治与族群进程的线索,展示在中国由传统王朝国家向现代民族国家转变的过程中,在国家政权建设与地方权力博弈的复杂互动中,"族群性"作为一种历史现象如何逐渐凸显出来,具有了新的政治意涵。  相似文献   

论族群与民族   总被引:46,自引:0,他引:46  
族群概念的引入和使用为中国人类学和民族学的研究开辟了一个新天地。族群概念的界定是多义的 ,有的强调族群的内涵 ,有的强调族群的边界 ,有的是两者兼而有之 ,但简明准确的界定可以概括为“族群是对某些社会文化要素认同 ,而自觉为我的一种社会实体”。族群与民族的区别是 :(1)从性质上看 ,族群强调的是文化性 ,而民族强调的是政治性 ;(2 )从社会效果上看 ,族群显现的是学术性 ,而民族显现的是法律性 ;(3)从使用范围上看 ,族群概念的使用十分宽泛 ,而民族概念的使用则比较狭小。族群与民族的联系是 :族群可能是一个民族 ,也可能不是一个民族 ;而民族不仅可以称为族群 ,还可以包括若干不同的族群  相似文献   

以色列自建国后没收了贝都因人在以色列南部内盖夫地区的大量土地,将这些土地犹太化,内盖夫地区的土地权争议与族群矛盾由此催生。与此同时,促进和保障原住民权利的国际组织机构相继出现;多元文化主义加剧了以色列的社会分裂;以色列知识精英不断批判犹太复国主义的霸权政治;非政府组织大量涌现,公民社会中的不平等现象日益引起关注。在此背景下,以色列贝都因人提出他们作为内盖夫原住民的话语,要求以色列政府承认他们在内盖夫的土地权。政府对此做出相关举措,解决贝都因人的土地权诉求。政府对待贝都因原住民的态度是以色列处理境内族群矛盾的缩影。  相似文献   

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