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本人多年从事穆斯林社会及伊斯兰文化研究,主要利用两种分析模式——知识体系论和社会结构论。这两种理论模式反映了伊斯兰教在中国不同穆斯林社会中的实际融入路径。这种伊斯兰文化论的理论基础是宗教文化类型分析法,是改革开放以来我国民族学人类学理论发展过程中演化发展来的理论模式。伊斯兰文化与各信仰民族的社会文化融合,形成具有不同特征的宗教文化复合体,我们可以对其进行客观合理的分类分析。使用宗教文化类型概念,可以对分布在全国各地不同穆斯林社会中伊斯兰教的传播发展方式进行整体特征分析,为比较研究奠定一个合理的学术基础,然后再深入各个地区了解不同穆斯林群体中伊斯兰教的特点,最终形成对伊斯兰教中国化的多样模式及其发挥作用的实践形态的有效研究。  相似文献   

The term ‘religious nationalism’ is often theorized, at worst as antithetically conjunctive where religion is defined as the allegiance to God and nationalism is the allegiance to the nation, and at best as instrumental. I argue here that this fusion of religion and nationalism takes place most convincingly if we understand religion as adherent performance rather than solely as a theological container of tenants. I illustrate this through American Christian Zionist performances and discourses regarding their self-imagined identity as being in a national diaspora for Israel. I argue this religious nationalism is possible because Christian Zionist performances of a national allegiance to Israeli Jews are grounded in an apocalyptic narrative of the future.  相似文献   

The paper outlines the main features of the contemporary discourse on hybrid subjectivity, a discourse which is internally differentiated along ‘organic’, ‘intentional’, and critical social theory lines. It then examines how these discourses can be applied to our understanding of hybrid cultures and identities. The article focuses on two central claims underlying the intentional approach: one, that cultural boundaries are theoretically and empirically problematic; and secondly, that a hybrid position provides the potential for an enlightened and critical world-view. In response, two contentions are articulated that will provide a more nuanced understanding of the hybrid self. Drawing on the work of Simmel and Park, the paper, in contrast to the intentional account, highlights the ambivalence of boundaries; secondly, a critical investigation of the enlightened hybrid consciousness is offered which suggests that this new form of consciousness underplays the role of prejudice and ambivalence. As a result of these discussions, the article demonstrates that the discourse on hybrid identity raises key theoretical issues either ignored or insufficiently addressed by existing scholarship.  相似文献   


Relying on the biographical narrative Leila, a girl from Bosnia and the recorded narratives by adolescents born of wartime rape in Bosnia and Herzegovina we illustrate the difficulties and symbolic implications associated with negotiating hybrid identities in post-conflict Bosnia and Herzegovina against the dominant post-conflict discourse based on ‘pure’ ethnicities. We argue that in today’s Bosnia and Herzegovina, hybrid identities are marginalized by official politics and societal structures as a legacy of the war. However, they simultaneously embody the symbolic tools through which ethnic divisions could be overcome, envisioning and recalling a multi-ethnic Bosnia and Herzegovina as a supra-national designation.  相似文献   

While the concept of symbolic boundaries and ethnic boundary-making is well established in social research, the direct consequences of these boundaries for the integration of migrants have not received much attention. This paper thus analyses whether religious and secular boundaries of national belonging among the majority population have an impact on perceived discrimination among Muslim minorities in Western Europe. To analyse this linkage, data from the International Social Survey Programme measuring the importance of religion as a symbolic boundary of national belonging among the majority have been aggregated as a regional context condition and combined with a Muslim minority subsample from the European Social Survey. The results of the multilevel models reveal that the salience of religious boundaries is associated with less perceived discrimination among Muslim minorities, while secular orientations among the majority seem to be more decisive for subjective perceptions of feeling discriminated against. Overall, the results thus challenge the role of religion as an ethno-religious demarcation and point to the relevance of secular boundaries of belonging for immigrant integration.  相似文献   

基督教和伊斯兰教在中国近现代史上有不同的境遇 :针对基督教的教案频频发生 ,针对伊斯兰教的侮教案引发多起风潮。考察教案和侮教案的表现、性质、后果和原因 ,我们可知 :宗教交流应坚持平等和相互尊重的原则 ,政府处理宗教问题应有正确的政策导向 ,民众对待宗教应有正确的心态 ,这对社会和宗教的稳定发展尤为重要  相似文献   

王伏平 《回族研究》2004,(4):112-118
从唐宋到中华人民共和国成立 ,历经千余年 ,伊斯兰教不断在宁夏传播发展。本文在前人研究、实地调查以及尽可能多的相关资料的基础上 ,对宁夏伊斯兰教的历史与现状进行了概述  相似文献   

西南边疆少数民族地区城市化进程中的消费结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市化初期拟定的城乡分离与重工业优先两个基本原则,对中国城市化建设产生了持续的影响力。在西南边疆少数民族地区城市化进程中,居民消费结构呈现东西与城乡差异区域性特征。文章认为城市化的终极意义在于城乡一体化,全面提升居民的生活质量,从而实现人的全面发展。  相似文献   

This paper examines processes of residential settlement and incorporation of Lisbon's Muslims arriving first in the post-colonial period and later as international labour migrants. Issues related with Islam in the city are under-researched and seen as unproblematic in Portugal due to lower levels of segregation and the contemporary narrative of Portuguese tolerance. Based on an analysis of the spatiality of Islam in the metropolitan area and the individual accounts of 102 Muslims, this paper explores processes of incorporation, residential choice and belonging. The fragmented mosaic of Muslim settlement in local communities shows the role that religion can play alongside culture in creating spaces of belonging producing multiple experiences of the city. In three different localities—the inner city, an inner suburb and on the urban margin—I investigate the ways in which the cumulative action and agency of Muslim migrants over time transform local spaces and emerging structures for consecutive migrants. This paper argues that urban diversity and temporality provide a lens through which to reconceptualise the traditional choice and constraint debate to better understand the complexity of minority residential patterns and their outcomes.  相似文献   

The Islamic Movement, which is called in Arabic Al-harakaat al-islamiyya or Al-haraka al-islamiyya, has, since its foundation in the 1970s, placed emphasis on education, especially the dissemination of the Islamic message. After the movement scored significant successes in local authority elections, its influence increased on the ideological guidelines according to which some of the Arab education system is partially or fully shaped. The article discusses the split in the movement within the State of Israel, and the differences between the southern and northern faction. It also compares Islamic education and Arab education within Israel and abroad in Europe, in countries which have large immigrant Moslem populations.

The education system that the Islamic Movement tries to develop symbolizes the complexity of the relations between it and the state authorities. They are aware that the authorities will not help in differentiation and separation and will not cease from the constant supervision of the movement's educational institutions. Therefore, their choice of a synthesis between formal and informal education or of a partition between pedagogic state education and moral study classes, is a rational, calculated choice, taking into consideration the reality of a cultural – ethnic – national minority.  相似文献   


Can we start to say Race again when discussing youth and justice? This demand emerges from the findings of the participatory action research reported in this article. Fifty young people, in custody or in contact with youth offending teams (YOT), discussed the support that would enable them to desist from offending behaviour. Race was a prism through which they saw their experience. Rather than naming racism, family appeared to be a covert, legitimate, way of talking about identity, solidarity and difference. Family ties, overlaid with experiences of race and racism, could be reasons for engaging in behaviour that was seen as criminal. Family, overlaid with ethnicity, could become a source of support to enable young people to cope with the challenges of being involved in and desisting from offending behaviour. At a time where policy and political language has shifted from rac(ism) to a culturalist discourse focused on ethnicity or religion, naming Race and racism remains vital. Only by acknowledging the differentiating power of Racism can the experience of young people in contact with YOT be understood. Only by appreciating the value of shared experience of race (within families and communities) can appropriate pathways towards alternative futures be offered.  相似文献   

2008年世界宗教热点问题评析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宗教问题与民族问题一样,是人类社会面临的重大社会问题之一,它动辄就会影响到人类社会的和平、稳定与发展.世界上没有哪个国家或民族能够对此袖手旁观或置身于其外.2008年世界舞台上的宗教热点问题不乏其例,本文仅选择10例来加以评述,祈望能够引起人们的关注和重视,更期冀人们能够本着求同存异、和平协商、互谅互让、相互宽容的精神,化解宗教矛盾,消除宗教纠纷,共同为构建宗教和谐、民族和谐和社会和谐尽一份力.  相似文献   

沈毅 《回族研究》2012,(1):100-105
唐、宋时期是中国封建社会商品经济高度发展,政治、经济、文化各个领域高度发达的时期。处于同一时段的阿拉伯半岛也因为伊斯兰教的兴起而告别"蒙昧",走入文明时代。当时共处世界东方的唐宋王朝与阿拉伯王朝随着东西交通的开放,两国间政治、经济、文化、军事等领域交往频繁,伊斯兰教也随着阿拉伯、波斯商人的入华而传入中国。本文从原始史料入手,意在厘清唐、宋时期伊斯兰教传入中国东南部分地区的具体过程,并尝试分析其中的原因,发现其中的规律。  相似文献   

《禹贡半月刊》是著名历史地理学家顾颉刚等人于 2 0世纪初创办的学术刊物 ,此刊发行仅 4年 ,却发表了很多颇有价值的学术文章。其中关于回族伊斯兰教研究方面也刊发了不少有见地的文章 ,本文就有关回族伊斯兰教研究特点作述评。  相似文献   

本文作者通过发放问卷、抽样调查、统计分析、理论探索等手法,对当代少数民族大学生的宗教信仰状况以及他们对宗教信仰的认识,参加宗教活动的情况,获取宗教知识的途径,对宗教政策和宗教现状的评价,所关心的宗教问题,对宗教与邪教、宗教与迷信的区别以及对待宗教与科学之间的关系等方面进行了较为深入的调查研究,由此总结出少数民族大学生宗教信仰的自身特点,并提出了存在的问题及解决的思路与方法。  相似文献   

本文通过田野调查,系统梳理了西乡县的回族人口及分布、伊斯兰教活动场所、伊斯兰教育、宗教管理和寺坊情况,主要讨论了西乡县伊斯兰教的派别特征、宗教互动、宗教仪式、婚姻问题、宗教教育、民族涵化、宗教管理、宗教资源配置等问题,认为处于川陕交接地带的西乡县散杂居回族社区相较于西北其他省区的回族社区是一种陌生的存在。  相似文献   

叶坦 《民族研究》2005,(4):10-16
本文从经济文化的全球化与民族性关系出发,分析以往研究的一些缺憾;进而从新发展观的视野考察我国民族经济学的研究现状,并对这门学科的形成、发展及其学理价值、科研特征与应用前景进行初步的探讨和阐释。强调加强民族经济学研究对于中国经济学、民族学等学科的发展以及西部大开发等实践具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Migration is an increasing worldwide phenomenon that creates multicultural societies with a growing number of adolescents who have experienced a process of migration or who have an ethnic background other than that of the majority. Migration may lead to loss of social relations and create challenges related to acculturation in the new country. These experiences may induce feelings of loneliness. Research on ethnic and migrant disparities in loneliness among adolescents is limited and inconsistent. The purpose of this study was to examine how adolescents’ immigration background and self-identified ethnicity are associated, independently and combined, with loneliness. We used data from the Danish 2010 Health Behaviour in School-aged Children survey which included a representative sample of 3083 13- and 15-year-olds. The results suggest that immigrants but not descendants of immigrants have an increased risk of loneliness compared to adolescents with a Danish origin. The results also suggest that adolescents’ self-identified ethnicity plays an essential role but differently for immigrants and descendants: identifying with the Danish majority was protective against loneliness among immigrants, whereas identifying with an ethnic minority group was protective against loneliness among descendants.  相似文献   

民族过程:文化变迁研究的新视角   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从民族的视野来看,文化变迁就是民族和文化之间互动的历史,是此二者追求动态平衡的时空过程。因此,我们可以利用原苏联“民族过程”理论的研究范式,具体分析民族的经济、政治和族体形态的演进对整个社会的文化变迁所造成的影响,通过一个新的视角来探寻文化变迁的规律。  相似文献   

The paper addresses the multifaceted quality of ethnicity in the Jewish population of Israel by probing into the ethnic categories and their subjective meaning. The analyses utilise data collected during 2015–2016 on a representative sample of Israelis age 15 and older, as part of the seventh and eighth rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS). Hypotheses are developed concerning the relationship between demographically based ethnic origin and national identity, as well as the effect of ethnically mixed marriages on ethnic and national identities. The analyses reveal a strong preference among Jews in Israel to portray their ancestry in inclusive national categories – Israeli and Jewish – rather than more particularistic, ethno-cultural, categories (e.g. Mizrahim, Moroccan, Ashkenazim, Polish, etc). Yet, whether Israeli or Jewish receives primacy differs by migration generation, socioeconomic standing, religion, and political dispositions. While the findings clearly add to our understanding of Israeli society, they are also telling with regard to immigrant societies more generally. First, they reveal a multi-layered structure of ethnic identification. Second, they suggest that ethnic identities are quite resistant to change. Third, ethnically mixed marriages appear to erode ethnic identities and are likely to replace them with national identities.  相似文献   

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