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本文通过叙述美国瑶族的国家认同与文化认同过程,分析了美国瑶族国家认同与文化认同的特点。认为与一般的美国人及其他民族的认同发展历程不同,美国瑶族的认同发展历程没有遵循文化认同——民族认同——国家认同的发展规律,而是从国家认同到文化认同。  相似文献   

今天生活在中亚吉尔吉斯斯坦、哈萨克斯坦、乌兹别克斯坦的东干人大约有13万,他们原本是清朝末年我国西北回民起义失败后,在白彦虎等几位首领带领下逃亡中亚的陕甘回民后裔。由于他们迁徙到一个完全陌生的异域环境,并与内地回族在完全隔离的状态下生活了130多年,其语言、文化等受到相邻民族文化影响,发生了许多变化,但他们仍有较强的回...  相似文献   

汪高鑫 《回族研究》2005,(2):109-114
白寿彝先生史学理论之最具特色之处,是强调中国史学的民族性。其主要内涵一是认为中国通史是中华人民共和国境内各民族的历史,要正确地认识“中国”这个概念,要辩证地看待中国历史的疆域问题,要重视中原以外地区少数民族历史的叙述;二是强调历史教育要关注国内民族团结的历史前途,对历史上的民族关系要看其主流和发展趋势,要辩证地看待历史上民族之间的差异与共同、矛盾与团结问题,要将爱国主义思想教育与少数民族史相结合。  相似文献   

Since the end of the first war in 1996, the definition of the Chechen national identity has been at stake in a top-level competition. I argue that four main trends – the separatists, the radical Islamists, the traditionalists and the pro-Russians – are in competition. Each of them produces its own narrative, based on a specific rendering of history. Using a constructivist approach, I address the influence of an all-out war context on social interactions, self-perception and categorisation by the others. I then examine the narratives in competition. I finally show how history and traditions have become political weapons in the struggle for power and legitimacy by opposing self-proclaimed elites promoted by wars.  相似文献   


The growth of a national identity in Lesotho after 1910 was a direct response to the threat of incorporation into the Union of South Africa. The Basotho feared being governed by what they considered to be an unjust and hostile South Africa. The Basotho appealed to the justice of the British government - for them to continue to honour the protection that they had extended to the nineteenth-century Basotho chief, Moshoeshoe. The protection which Moshoeshoe had secured entrenched his position as the centrepiece of the Basotho's emergent national identity in the twentieth century.  相似文献   

Using a framework derived from Identity Theory, this work focuses on the extent to which attitudes towards immigration are structured by the prominence and exclusivity of national identity. Prominence refers to the value of an identity relative to others. Exclusivity is when the prominence of a single identity negates all other comparable identities. Prominence and exclusivity are relevant for understanding attitudes towards immigration in that they imply degrees of flexibility on the very dimension of identity that most distinguishes immigrants—nationality. Catalonia, an autonomous region of Northwestern Spain that is home to multiple autochthonous identities and a recent large influx of immigrants, allows the role of identity exclusivity and prominence to be directly assessed. Using a representative survey of attitudes towards immigration collected in 2010 (n?=?1389), results show that, contrary to expectations, exclusive and prominent identifiers (i.e. only Spanish or only Catalan) are not significantly more opposed to immigration. Future work should consider national identity to be a relevant contextual dimension not for its independent predictive power, but because of its intersection with other salient predictors such as education, employment and class.  相似文献   


This article examines the self-identification strategies that officials of two border towns use to characterise their respective localities. These strategies are considered relative to four theoretical paradigms used to analyse identity: centre-periphery, regionalist, essentialist and non-essentialist. Clear differences are revealed between the two towns, despite their similar geographical location at the periphery, general demographic features and shared history. In one case, the evidence suggests that the identity is centred locally and affirmed through daily behaviour or 'practices', while in the other, that the identity focus is regional and essentialist in nature.  相似文献   

随着改革开发的深入和社会主义市场经济体制的建立,思想政治工作面临着前所未有的机遇,也面临着许多新情况和新问题。在新的形势下营造高校思想政治工作舆论氛围具有十分重要的意义。因此,做好高校思想政治工作必须研究如何为思想政治工作营造良好的舆论氛围问题。只有营造良好的思想政治工作舆论氛围,高校思想政治工作的实效性才能得到提高。  相似文献   


This article argues that the car is an intimate aspect of the governance of Australia. The term 'governance' is defined as the techniques used to know, order and manage individuals. The film Mad Max II: The Road Warrior is used as a prism to separate out the roles that the car performs in governance. Three roles are identified: the car as identity, the car as myth and the car as power. Applying this framework to Australia reveals the car's complex involvement in Australian governance, from the knowing and ordering of others, to collective myths of possession and future prosperity, to the knowing of place from space, to the removal of indigenous children. The significance of the car means Australia can be characterised as the petrochemical, chrome-plated cyborg republic of Oz.  相似文献   

列维-斯特劳斯的亲属制度理论及布迪厄的批判   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
亲属制度理论是列维-斯特劳斯结构人类学的核心内容;这一问题的理论基石是以女人为中介的交换,列维-斯特劳斯区分了交换的两种基本形式:即限定性交换和一般性交换;基于这一理论的局限性,法国著名人类学家、社会学家布迪厄对此进行了深刻批判。  相似文献   

The Italian populist movement Lega Nord once famously claimed that the north of Italy was a nation (‘Padania’) that should be granted independence. Padania was posited by the party through a combination of outrageous anti-Italian statements, gatherings in places of historic and symbolic significance and through the selective appropriation of the past. This article takes this new ‘nation’ as a case study through which to further our understanding of the discursive strategies of nationalist movements, as they reinvent and rewrite history and redefine identities. It argues that some within the Lega, far from simply adopting a covert strategy of reinvention of the past (like many of their fellow nationalists do), openly advocated such strategy as a means of ‘liberation’. Moreover, the analysis highlights crucial contradictions between: the reality of strong, heterogeneous local identities in northern Italy and the effort of creating a new unitary community in the area; the needs of a hyper-modern economy and the longing for a mythic past; and, finally, a dubious rediscovered paganism and rooted Catholic traditions. The article argues that the lack of territorial and symbolic coherence in northern Italy was a crucial factor in making the Lega's attempts at re-invention less than compelling.  相似文献   

After a brief historical and theoretical introduction to the issues of Greek Catholicism in Hungary, the author presents their identity-creation process by way of analysing the Memorial Album published in honour of a pilgrimage to Rome in 1900. Studying the visual and discursive symbolism of the decorative album, the author considers it to be a symbolic representation of a community and an important step in the gradual creation of a Hungarian Greek Catholic identity. Finally, the author points out that the 100 year-old political process and its symbolic manifestation gained new importance as the formerly propagated uniform socialist identity disappeared in the wake of the political changes of 1989–1990.  相似文献   

全球化进程的进一步加快也强烈冲击着传统民族国家,国家认同问题的重要性日益彰显.现代货币作为民族国家权力建构的产物,本身是国家认同的重要组成部分.货币图像、货币语言、货币体验与货币信任是现代货币建构国家认同的四种主要方式.通过这几种方式,作为国家认同的现代货币发挥着合法性辩护、激励民族情感、协调社会活动、整合国家力量等重要功能.  相似文献   

国家学校教育情境下学生如何建构族群认同感的问题倍受关注。本研究采用日记与文件分析法、访谈法与非参与观察法,剖析影响藏族学生族群认同感建构的国家政策情境、社区情境与学校情境。研究发现,学生族群认同感建构存在两种张力:一是国家和学校通过意识形态渗透而指定的族群认同感,二是学生通过藏族文化符号再现而声称的族群认同感。国家和学校期望学生在中华民族多元一体化格局框架下建构族群认同感,以便实现其政治与经济目的。  相似文献   

白寿彝先生在民族研究方面,涉及民族、民族史和民族史学等领域,其特点是民族和统一的多民族国家研究相结合、民族史和民族关系史研究相结合、民族史学和中国史学史研究相结合,这些特点突出反映了白寿彝先生民族研究的学术特点和理论风格及其在学术史上的地位。  相似文献   

本文从民族自决的发展历史出发,考察民族自决从观念到政治原则及其实践的过程,认为民族自决对外主要表现为主权,对内主要表现为人权。在殖民体系瓦解后,民族自决现实形式有了新发展,民族自治已不再是多民族国家政治生活的全部,民族共治也是它的重要组成部分。  相似文献   

桂榕 《回族研究》2011,(2):100-105
全球化是认同问题不可回避的当下背景。当下回族的国家认同表现出宗教、族群、国家交融的情境性与多元化的现代性特点。作为个体的回族,表现出信徒与国家公民双重身份叠合的现代性认同;作为族群的回族,表现出凝聚与疏离的现代性认同。在这种时代背景下,伊斯兰教认同与乌玛家园作为回族的理想图景,与民间社会不断通过伊斯兰文化再生产来调适国...  相似文献   

民族团结与民族地区稳定是一个相互联系的理论概念 ,本文探讨了二者对祖国统一与发展的重要性 ,二者之间的互相关系 ,指出巩固民族团结和民族地区稳定面临的任务  相似文献   

覃世艳  董波 《民族学刊》2019,10(5):46-55, 111-114
综合创新论在二十世纪三十年代的文化哲学论战中产生,在二十世纪八十年代再次亮剑,在新时代又取得新的发展。综合创新论认为中华民族文化只能走“马魂中体西用”的融合创新之路,在学理上与毛泽东文化建设思想殊途同归,与习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想毫不违背,它从哲学的高度洞察到中华民族文化的世界性兴盛是必然趋势,对于构建中华民族文化认同具有十分重要的价值,但一直以来都没有引起理论界的足够重视。综合创新论的发生学、过程论和方法论三重视角,从理论上指明了构建中华民族文化认同的方向和路径。在实践中,坚持以“马克思主义”为思想之基,以“中华民族优秀传统文化”为动力之源,以“西方文化”为它山之石,以习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想统会中华民族共同理想,系统构建中华民族文化认同,为人类命运共同体建设贡献中国智慧和中国方案。  相似文献   

A Christian isolationism, adherence to doctrine the Roman/Byzantine Empire deemed heretical, has popularly been assumed to have been integral to medieval Armenian identity. However, Armenians’ isolation was only partial: pilgrimage to the Holy Land joined them to the wider Christian world; missionary work was limited rather by politics and internal problems; orthodoxy and desire for church union were strong in Armenian history. ‘National’ unity was not an ideal, but distinctiveness was asserted by propagating, in literature and sculpture, an Old Testament, Hebraic descent for rival aristocratic families, and an equivalence between their leaders and Old Testament figures.  相似文献   

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