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科学合理的绩效考核指标可以有效地监督经营者,及早发现潜在问题,促使其努力工作,拓展企业业绩。目前我国国有企业对经营者的业绩缺乏完善有效的考核机制,表现为:考评制度不健全,流于形式;考核技术单一,方法简单;考评质量不高,效果不佳。为了建立健全一个科学有效的绩效考评机制,克服管理效果、企业产权、考核目标这三大难题,在制定反映企业经营者的考核指标方面,更要重视考核主体的明确、企业战略目标的清晰以及绩效考核指标的全面这三大要素。  相似文献   

对科研技术人员绩效考核的若干思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张琳 《探求》2007,(3):65-66,53
绩效考核正在成为提升企业竞争力的有效战略工具,但在科研院所,往往由于工作业绩难以量化、缺乏明确的工作绩效评价指标,很难达到考核的预期目标。本文分析了科研技术人员的工作特点并提出了解决这一问题的方法。  相似文献   

当前,企业的绩效考核在一定程度上还存在考核定位模糊,绩效考核缺乏科学性,考核方法不完善,绩效考核缺乏有效的沟通与反馈机制,没有起到考评的实际作用等等,目标管理对组织内易于度量和分解的目标会带来良好的绩效,有助于改进组织结构和职责分工,目标管理有利于调动职工的主动性、积极性、创造性,改善人际关系,简化管理程序,提高管理水平,目标管理能公正评估员工,为人事决策提供重要依据,所以,推行目标管理有利于实现企业和职工的双赢。  相似文献   

党校教师绩效考核体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李韶驰  程文丽 《探求》2014,(4):107-113
综合运用层次分析法和模糊综合评价法能够有效提高绩效考核指标权重分配的科学性和可信度,使得绩效考核的结果更为合理。把这种绩效考核的方法引入到党校领域中,通过建立科学的教师绩效考核指标体系和绩效考核模型,可以较为全面地反映党校教师绩效考核的主要影响因素,为党校教师管理及师资队伍建设提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

现代生态危机不仅是企业转型发展问题,也是科技创新和社会治理问题。虽然地方政府越来越倾向政治绩效最优化和公共利益最大化,但在尚未形成比较完善而成熟的绩效考核体系之前,党政部门仍会以地方政绩和部门利益为中心,还缺乏公共服务均衡化保护。在出现生态危机过程中,利益的纠葛与碰撞很可能触发群体性、突发性事件。此时党政治理模式的纯熟与否将直接影响社会矛盾与冲突能否得到及时有效地缓和与化解。  相似文献   

全球化浪潮的迅速蔓延使当前社会陷入不可预知的环境风险。现代环境风险是科技理性至上的现代性后果、知识依赖性增强的不确定性后果和"有组织的不负责任"的全球化后果,它暴露了GDP主义的危害、科技理性的局限与社会体制的弊端。因此,积极防范并主动应对环境风险挑战的可能出路在于社会责任伦理体系的重构:经济上,推动企业经济内`生型增长模式转变,将环境资本与经济要素纳入发展绩效考核指标;政治上,推进政府绩效考核制度变革,推行政府环境的行政问责;科技上,构建"政产学研"联动的环保科技创新体系,培育新的环保产业经济增长点。此外,搭建社会公众的环保参与平台,努力推进公众内在环境道德自律与外在他律的有机结合。  相似文献   

朱林兴 《创新》2007,1(4):126
朱林兴(上海市经济管理干部学院教授)2007年5月24日在《解放日报》撰文认为,近年来,我国按照现代企业制度的要求,将引入公司治理制度作为国有企业改革的重要内容,取得了不小的成就.但是,企业尤其是国有企业缺乏社会责任的问题并没有完全消除,还需要多方面多角度地强化企业尤其是国有企业的社会责任感.这包括以下几个方面:  相似文献   

地方政府扶持外向型企业集群发展的思路   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国以加工贸易为主要特征的外向型企业集群存在的问题是:外向型企业集群加工贸易的商品结构和出口市场与一般贸易的重合度高;外向型企业集群与本地企业交流合作少,带动地方产业升级的作用有限;加工贸易缺乏本地根植性,易迁移。地方政府发展外向型企业集群的思路是:扶持某些重点行业或企业;完善配套企业体系;培育创新网络系统等,以利于企业集群快速发展。  相似文献   

宋玉蓉 《探求》2016,(3):63-68
公务员绩效考核不仅关乎公务员的有效管理,还影响政府形象和行政效率。由于准确性和可操作性不强,在当前的公务员绩效考核中,普遍存在"走形式"的现象。应从实行差异化绩效考核、设计科学的绩效考核指标体系、让服务对象参与考核、考核结果与公务员的利益挂钩等几个关键方面入手,提高公务员绩效考核的效果。  相似文献   

张铁男  才华 《学术交流》2003,(11):100-104
近年来,黑龙江省的国有企业从战略上调整经济布局,完善现代企业制度,减轻企业负担,加强企业管理,改革取得实质性的进展。运用对应分析法,对黑龙江省国有企业的经济效益指标进行分类分析,今后的改革方向为:大幅度减低国有股,实行产权多元化改革;寻求新的吸纳劳动力方式,积极推进再就业工程;促进国企改革配套市场的发育与完善,为资源配置创造必要的条件;政府切实履行宏观调控、完善法规、规范市场秩序等为企业创造公平竞争环境的职能。  相似文献   

在经历了第三波民主潮流之后,许多转型国家都选择了独立的司法审查制度作为宪法的保障。由于受到不同国家的影响,加之本国的特征存在差异,它们建立起形式多样的司法审查机制。这些宪法审查机制在组织结构与权力运作上都有各自的特点。本文指出:虽然我国并未采取司法性宪法审查模式,然而学习与研究这些国家的宪法审查机制对推进我国的宪政建设乃不无裨益。基于我国目前的宪法审查制度建构,我们可以从组织机构、权力运行以及文化建设三方面借鉴转型国家宪法审查的经验,推进我国的宪法审查制度实践。  相似文献   

Publication of scientific research in print is traditionally peer reviewed anonymously prior to publication, which is a time-tested process but has serious limitations. The advent of the Internet permits postpublication open review online after minimal review by the editors or the author-selected reviewers, which can be quick, that permits the authors to revise the content. Most meritorious articles published online may be selected for publication in print as annual or biennial collections.  相似文献   


This paper explores the potential of the purposeful use of activity in cultivating community in a life review and performance group with bilingual elders in a community based organization. Activity used to promote community among group members enables a diverse group separated by language and cultural barriers to find commonality, accept differences, take risks as acts of self-determination, and find a strengthened identity in the pursuit of a shared goal. Examples are given that detail the ways in which expressive activity develops the group's ability to exercise self-determination.  相似文献   

While the anonymization of biological samples and data may help protect participant privacy, there is still debate over whether this alone is a sufficient safeguard to ensure the ethical conduct of research. The purpose of this systematic review is to examine whether the review of an ethics committee is necessary in the context of anonymized research, and what the considerations in said ethics review would be. The review of normative documents issued by both national and international level organizations reveals a growing concern over the ability of anonymization procedures to prevent against reidentification. This is particularly true in the context of genomic research where genetic material’s uniquely identifying nature along with advances in technology have complicated previous standards of identifiability. Even where individual identities may not be identifiable, there is the risk of group harm that may not be protected by anonymization alone. We conclude that the majority of normative documents support that the review of an ethics committee is necessary to address the concerns associated with the use of anonymized samples and data for research.  相似文献   

"学术契约"是基于相关主体间的履约而构建的一种强规范学术管理模式.目前观之,这一模式遭遇了制度性困境,呈现出学术制度导向的"内在致庸性"、学术责任泛化和学术行动集体无意识等弊病."学术责任"模式作为一种反思性的存在,是基于对现行"学术契约"模式之流弊全面审查后的全新范式.其内核是致力于对学术个体的学术责任的"唤醒",倡导学术宽容主义,规避学术管理中的工具化思维,植入制度人文因子,回归学术作为"精神的志业",变革管理本位的学术评价机制.  相似文献   

In the 30 or so years since the publication of Gosta Esping-Andersenapos;s Three Worlds of Welfare Capitalism a number of rival welfare state typologies have emerged. This article has two broad aims. First, we review the reviews of welfare state typologies, pointing to issues of often unclear case selection and a wide range of concepts, variables, and methods, resulting in a variety of worlds of welfare and their constituent nations. We show that there is a great variety in the welfare modelling business at two different levels. Reviews vary significantly in terms of the number and composition of included studies, which has made it difficult to sum up the “state of the art.” Individual studies included in the reviews also vary significantly in terms of issues such as aims, concepts, variables, and methods. Second, we produce a new review, which adds value as it is based on a clearer search strategy, and includes more recent material that was not available in earlier reviews. This finds that there is a great variety in terms of process (concepts, variables, methods, and number of countries) and findings (the number and composition of “worlds”). We argue that the country classification seems to show less consensus that previous reviews, with fewer “pure” nations (i.e., agreement between studies). We suggest that in order to provide a clear point of engagement, future reviews need to pay more attention to a clear and explicit search strategy, including issues such as inclusion criteria.  相似文献   

现行绩效评价体系中财务指标存在问题及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘巍 《学术交流》2002,(5):73-75
现行的企业绩效评价体系中 ,财务指标存在不能适应复杂多变的现实 ,缺乏时效性、可比性、预测性等问题。可采用预测值代替实际统计值作为标准值 ,将流动比率改为现金比率和经营净现金比率等措施加以改进 ,建立一套新的绩效评价体系 ,改善企业内部管理  相似文献   

This research review was undertaken to explore the current evidence pertaining to sibling placement in the foster care system. The review specifically addresses the following questions: (1) Which theories inform research on siblings in foster care? (2) Which designs and methodology are used to study brothers and sisters in out of home placement? (3) How do researchers define ‘siblings’ when investigating child placement? and (4) What are the findings of studies pertaining to siblings in the foster care system? This review suggests that incorporation of theory into research regarding siblings in foster care is quite limited. Additionally, few studies clearly state how siblings were identified and defined. A major strength of the research, however, is the diversity of design and methodology used. Overall, the evidence presented in this review strongly supports keeping sibling groups intact unless there is a compelling reason for separate placements.  相似文献   

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