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ON October 10, 1911, Sun Yatsen, a pioneer of the Chinese bourgeois democratic revolution, led the Wuchang Uprising and overthrew the rule of China's last feudalist dynasty. Because 1911 was the Year of Xinhai according to the Chinese lunar calendar, the Revolution of 1911 has also been called the Xinhai Revolution. However, many people may not be aware that women also joined the bourgeois revolutionary organizations and took an active part in the fighting to topple the feudalist dynasty and establish the bourgeois republic. Before the Wuchang Uprising, the  相似文献   

WITH its blue sky and sea, green trees and crimson flowers, the Hainan Special Economic Zone is a vital, picturesque place. Located near the Jinpan Industrial Development Area, the new planning center of Haikou City, Hainan, is a military camp attached to the naval air force. The Fourth Detachment is a troop unit of women telephone operators. Through the simple, monotonous task of connecting and disconnecting telephone lines, they have obtained remarkable achievements.  相似文献   

Women Soldiers     
Soldiers in uniform visit Wang Shixiang, a former soldier of the Red Detachment of Women, who fought in Hainan during the Second Revolutionary Civil War (1927-1937).S〔,](l]、),一卜11:t一r、;{。)、,11\1、1}认厂、,、(纬}一\一,11!了、{:了11、,){W、川)11认ll()协以少}川日川1川〔l川111日}},卜,(}‘理7}‘川为Women Soldiers…  相似文献   


Research suggests certain aspects of military life, especially operational deployments, may negatively impact military marriages. However, much of this research is from the United States and uses deductive quantitative methods. Qualitative research investigating the lived experiences of forming and maintaining marriages was conducted with six male U.K. Army personnel. Semistructured interviews were analyzed, using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, identifying five themes, each representing different dilemmas the soldiers’ had to balance to maintain successful marriages and Army careers. These five themes are best understood as practical, emotional, and cultural dilemmas that can be alleviated with practical and emotional methods; such factors could be used to build resilience in soldier’s marriages. These possible resilience factors could shape the content of interventions to increase resiliency in military marriages.  相似文献   

MORE than fifty years have passed yet the story of three women soldiers and a baby girl still reaches far and wide in the Longjiao mountain area of Yangxin and Daye counties. In August of 1942 the War of Resistance Against Japan was deepening and the 14th Brigade of the 5th Division of the New Fourth Army had boldly driven into the south of Hubei Province. Some scattered  相似文献   

AT the beginning of the 20th century, China was undergoing a great social change with the start of the democratic revolution against the Qing Dynasty, China's last feudal state (1644-1911). At the same time, a group of women intellectuals was emerging and growing with the development of women's education in China. They embraced the ideals of democracy and equality between the sexes and actively took part  相似文献   

The study examined the experiences of 48 Israeli mental health practitioners who helped the residents of Gush Katif during the forced relocation. The practitioners spent between 1 week and a year-and-a-half assisting these residents. Shortly after the relocation, they participated in one of four debriefing groups, which aimed to process and summarize their work. Phenomenological analysis revealed three main themes: (1) Who are our clients: the government or the residents? (2) Blurring boundaries between professional and personal self; and (3) Returning home. The study highlighted the challenges associated with intervening in shared trauma, especially in realities of political conflict.  相似文献   


A community sample of Latinas completed surveys that included measures of sexual abuse and intimate partner violence history, relationship power, negotiating power regarding condom use, perceived HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) risk for sexual partner, and sexual behavior. More than half of the women reported a history of intimate partner violence in the past year and/or sexual abuse in their lifetime. Intimate partner violence was correlated with lower overall sexual relationship power scores, while sexual abuse was correlated with lower condom-use negotiating power. More extensive intimate partner violence had the strongest association with higher HIV/STI risk, while controlling for relationship status, sexual abuse, and relationship power.  相似文献   

There has been a steep rise in the proportion of children born to and living with unmarried parents. Unmarried parents are increasingly likely to cohabitate, especially low-income couples, placing their children at elevated psychosocial risk. This life history study of poor, White single mothers suggests that the current focus on differences between married and cohabiting poor women may overstate underlying similarities in factors associated with their partner formation and dissolution and that poor women's decisions about marriage and cohabitation must be understood in a developmental context that reflects the stacking, over time, of multiple forms of vulnerability to unstable partnerships, single motherhood, and continuing poverty into adulthood.  相似文献   

Cumulative trauma disorder is a widely accepted construct that refers to illnesses of the soft tissues which supposedly occur due to biomechanical workplace risk factors. However, is the term "cumulative trauma disorder" a useful term for describing the illness attributed to it? This paper will scrutinize this question by specifying the meaning of "cumulative trauma disorder" and examining this construct to see if the belief in it is justified, and if this belief is leading to the elucidation of the phenomenon it is purporting to notate. Anomalous findings will be identified and used to help evaluate the accuracy of the belief system currently surrounding the term. Finally the ability of the construct "cumulative trauma disorder" to provide an adequate foundation for research in this area will be explored. A model of alternate pathomechanisms for this illness is advanced to provide a method of studying the disorders associated with the term.  相似文献   

The army–family relationship is vital for control by a state aware that the family is the central agent influencing their son to enlist. A historically ‘affectionate’ relationship prevailed between Israel's army and families. During and after the Yom Kippur War, families of captive and missing soldiers, and bereaved families, adopted ‘new’ social behaviors. They organized in an institutionalized manner, clashing with the establishment. Our research highlights the changing behavior patterns. Previously, Israel's ‘fighting family’ had applied a ‘hegemonic behavior model’. Families could process their loss privately, or publicly – as cultural agents committed to state values. After the war, many spurned that model and entered the public space, calling senior government officials ‘enemies’, ‘guilty’ of their plight. The new behavior fell on fertile ground: the declining traditional ‘network of elites’ and the burgeoning social-civil arena. Families of captive and MIA soldiers, and of fallen soldiers, adopted the trailblazing model. We first address theoretical aspects of ties between state and society, parenthood and family. Next we explore the ‘hegemonic model’ describing the pre-Yom Kippur War relationship between families and the establishment. We describe the ‘new’ behavior of two groups: families of captive and missing soldiers, and families of fallen soldiers. The state's co-opting of the family appears to be a regressive process, and the two institutions have begun operating competitively.  相似文献   


A multitude of published books and papers on child sexual abuse (CSA) describe symptoms, long-term effects, and therapy for survivors of abuse. However, the parallels between the nature of the sexual trauma event(s) as originally experienced by the victim and the therapeutic process into which the survivor later becomes engaged have not been reported. This paper attempts to fill that gap and proposes that the concept of a “Wall of Fear” is the bridge connecting the two. In the first part of the paper, a model of the CSA experience based upon Furniss (1991) will be explained in order to point out the basis for the dissociation and other symptomology demonstrated by the CSA victim. Following that, the stages of therapy will be mapped out, with special attention to the concept of the Wall of Fear (Oz, 1999) and traumatic memory resolution (abreactions) and with reference to the experience of the original traumatic events. Therapist fear of decompensation will be addressed.  相似文献   

Between March 1991 and February 2002 Sierra Leone was engulfed in a bloody and protracted civil war in which tens of thousands of people were killed, many more injured, over half of the population displaced and millions of pounds worth of property destroyed. Much of the violence unleashed, particularly on the civilian population, was the work of child soldiers. The phenomenon of child soldiers raises many issues of children's well‐being, although this phenomenon is not unique to Africa.

In this paper, I briefly analyse the reasons for and the nature of the conflict, in particular the social forces which impelled children to join social movements challenging for state hegemony. I focus on how peripheral capitalism has impacted on the Sierra Leonean family and how the ensuing political and economic crises have left Sierra Leonean children with little security, forcing them to turn to family surrogates (social movements) for protection. I examine the processes of demobilisation, rehabilitation and reintegration of former child combatants and some of the problems and challenges to social work and social workers working with traumatised children from war ravaged communities in African nations. I suggest that Tonnies' dichotomy between ‘Gemeinschaft’ and ‘Gesellschaft’ offers a useful framework for social work education in this context.  相似文献   

How do youth in foster care experience non-death loss? Drawing upon the theories of ambiguous loss, symbolic loss, and disenfranchised grief, this applied theoretical article integrates research findings to address how youth experience loss, grief, and trauma in foster care. Youth’s reports illustrate experiences of non-death loss, the impact of non-death loss on psychological and emotional well-being, and how non-death losses are disenfranchised and enfranchised within the foster care system. Recommendations are made that child welfare agencies consider how their practices and policies can be enhanced to meet the needs of grieving youth in foster care.  相似文献   

Although research is beginning to capture the complex interactions of biopsychosocial variables operating within experiences of stressors and trauma, the bodies of research have remained largely separate and limited. This study describes a scaffold of factors and pathways based on principles from dynamic systems theories (DST) to organize the literatures on stress and coping and trauma and resilience. As a process model, DST provides the language to understand both impact and response to stressors and trauma: not as a list of symptoms but as interactive processes within persons and between persons and their surroundings.  相似文献   

In this issue we will introduce readers to the General Principles of the Civil Lave of the People's Republic of China, which was adopted at the Fourth Session of the Sixth National People's Congress, promulgated by order No.37 of the President of the People's Republic of China on April 12, 1986, and effective as of January 1, 1987.This law was formulated according to the constitution and the actual situation in our country, drawing upon our practical experience in civil actirities,for the purpose of protecting the lawful civil rights and interests of citizens and legal persons and correctly adjusting civil relations,so as to meet the needs of the developing socialist modernizationThe Civil Law of the People's Republie of China has 156 articles and 9 chapters. The chapters are:1) Basic Principles;2) Citizen (Natural Person); 3) Legal Persons; 4) Civil Law and Agencies; 5)Civil Rights; 6) Civil Liability; 7) Limitations of Action; 8) Application of Law in Civil Relations with Foreigners; and 9) Supplement  相似文献   

Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Minors is China's first overall law aimed at guaranteeing minors' rights and interests. We will introduce this law to our readers in this issue.  相似文献   

‘Use of self’ was a central concept in social work in the middle of the twentieth century. Since then its emphasis in social work education has declined as more managerial, procedural and task-focused approaches have prevailed. A review of the degree and postgraduate diploma in social work in Scotland, initiated in 2014, incorporated a comparative content analysis of past and present UK National Occupational Standards (NOS) for social work. The analysis revealed many shifts in thinking and practice, including increased emphasis on ‘use of self’ in the 2013 Standards. This paper reports on this finding in the context of the fluctuating positioning of use of self in social work education, and the potential impact of these changes on qualified practice. It concludes that the changing standards reflect increasing interest in social workers’ ability to draw reflectively on ‘self’ in their day to day practice. Some of the drivers and challenges for a renewed focus on relationship-based practice and use of self are identified, as well as the opportunities presented by this review of the degree for evaluating the impact of changing educational policy on day to day social work practice.  相似文献   

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