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As a rem arkab le trend of modern lingu istics,System icFunctional G ramm ar(SFG)suggested by M ichael Halliday isboth h ighly theoretical and practical.It goes beyond language it-self and deals w ith the soc ial environm ent of language and con-siders language system a m ean ing potential.Context of situation,wh ich is the basic concept of context,ind icates“the environ-m ent in wh ich the text com es to life”[1].It is defined by moreⅡ.T ran sitiv ity H ypo thesis and Param etersIn de…  相似文献   

A remarkable talent in American poetry,E.E.Cummings(1894—1962)is,of all qualities,best known for his radical experiment with the poetical langu-age.F.O.Matthiessen,a Harvard professor and incisive critic,described himas a ″romantic anarchist″, who made plain his contempt for authority by celeb-rating individuality.Cummings’s first book ″The Enormous Room″ (1922),hisname-making novel based on his bitter experience of being unjustly imprisonedin France for three months in World War I and devoted to a savage exposure  相似文献   

二部图最大匹配的快速动态优化算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
建立了二部图G=(V,U,E)的二级优先匹配规则,在此规则下,用改进的深度优先搜索对匹配算法进行改进,使得算法能够根据连通分量的个数动态优化算法的性能,使动态最大匹配算法的时间复杂度提高到O(max(|V|,|E|,m|U|)).  相似文献   

The exact solution for the combined KS and KdV equation is obtained via introducing a simple and effective nonlinear transformations.This method is very concise and primary and can be applied to other unintegrable nonlinear evolution equations. It is common knowledge that the Korteweg de Vries(KdV) equation [1] (1) has been proposed as model equation for the weakly nonlinear long waves which occur in many different physical systems; the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky (KS) equation is one of the simplest nonliaear partial differential equations that exhibit Chaotic behavior frequently encounted in the study of continous media [2-4] . Many interesting mathematical and physical properties of eqs. (1) and (2) have been studied widely. But, in several problems where a lonq wavelength oscilatory instability is found, the noulineai evolution of the perturbations near rriticality is governed by the dispersion modified Kuramoto-Sivashi nsky equation(3)ft is clear that this equation is a combination of the KdV and KS  相似文献   

This paper is about the philosophical and methodological foundation of artificial intelligence (AI). After discussing what is a good "working definition", "intelligence" is defined as "the ability for an information processing system to adapt to its environment with insuffcient knowledge and resources". Applying the definition to a reasoning system, we get the major components of Non-Axiomatic Reasoning System (NARS) , which is a symbolic logic implemented in a computer system, and has many interesting properties that are closely related to intelligence. The definition also clarifies the difference and relationship between AI and other disciplines, such as computer science. Finally, the definition is compared with other popular definitions of intelligence, and its advantages are argued.  相似文献   

Cooprate Identity System (CIS), genrally speaking, is design or moulding for enterprises'image. As a whole, CIS is a kind of enterprise' culture's construction, a kind of distinguishedstrategy used by enterprises in order to exist and develop. After introducing and analyzing CIS' orig-ination and development, this paper analyze and summarize the key reasons for which CIS can be-come fashion in China: Firstly, CIS can be more suitable to and promote the development of modernsocial productivity. Secondly, the intredction of CIS can mnake enterprises gain abundant return.Thirdly, CIS is growing up every day in itself. Then, it analyses that some conditions must be creat-ed when enterprises introduce CIS in China. They are: (1) knowledge preparation; (2) conceptpreparation; (3)The preparation of managerial level; (4)The preparation of clerks' quality; (5)Expense preparation; (6)Social preparation. Finally, it sums up five misunderstanding regions of introducing CIS in China.  相似文献   

Sterilizing and drving Chinese traditional honey pills (diameter 20mm) and their packages with a Radio-Frepuency electronic field' The output of the Radio-Frequency source is 500 watt,the frequency is 35MHz,the process time is from 3 to 12 minutes. After a once-through treat ment, total of germs decreases from 13000 Per gram,sterilizing rate is 90% ; total of fungus de creases from 160 per gram to 20 per gram,sterilizing rate is 87. 5%,moisture content of honey pills decreases to below 15%,and the treated packages will not mould.Using Radio-Frequency electric field and Radio-Frequency magnetic field in the organic syn thesis, there are features such as temperature rising quickly & evenly,no sudden ebullition .reacting peacefully, utilizing reactants adequately,and no pollution to the environment,etc, it may be ex panded to be used in industrial manufactuing Make experiments as following:①Use parallel-piate capacitor to couple a Radio-Frequency electric field,its output power of Radio-Frequency is 500 watt and its frequency is 35MHz (megacycle),synthesizing PhNHCOCH3 with it, the productivity is 57. 2%,close to the that of the regular synthesis, 63. 3%,The produc tivity can be greatly improved if reaction container of better function is manufactured.②Use inductance to couple a Radio-Frequency magnetic field,its output power of Radio-Fre-quency is 500 watt,and its frequency is 34MHz(mega hertz),Adopt the Skraup reaction,to synthe size o-aminophenol (C5H7NO) and glycerol (C3H3O3 ) etc. into 8-hydroxynuinoline (C9H7NO), its productivity is 84. 6% .superior to that of the regular synthesis,68. 2%.  相似文献   

1. IntroductionHumans have the ability (or competence) to think logically, and this is an undeniable fact. However,what this ability consists in is a difficult question. It might be said that logical ability consists in theknowledge of a set of logic rules. But what are those logic rules? For centuries logicians have devel-  相似文献   

As the oldest and most frequently used conventional expressions,Chinese proverbs usually represent the way of thinking of the Chinese people.Metaphors,one typical type of Chinese proverbs,try to establish a relation of equality between two relatively dissimilar entities, such as time and money.The ability to understand and to use figurative language is related to one's social competence and professional achievement.In order to reveal the mechanism of proverb processing,the current study takes a close look at the nature of semantic properties and their inter-relationships in Chinese proverbs.522 Chinese sentential proverbs(the two clauses of the proverb are of the same syntax,e.g.,“人活脸,树活皮”)were presented to 360 university students.They were asked to rate the familiarity(1 for least familiar, 7 for most familiar), predictability(1 for least predictable, 7 for most predictable),agreement(1 for least matched between the two clauses,7 for most matched between the two clauses),degree of being understandable(1 for least understandable,7 for most understandable),and imaginability(1 for least imaginable,7 for most imaginable)based on a 7-point Likert Scale,as well as age of acquisition(AOA).Correlation and regression analysis were conducted based on these ratings. The results show a significant positive correlation between familiarity and each of the rest semantic properties,which are consistent with the findings of the previous work.A significant negative correlation between age of acquisition and each of the rest semantic properties is also observed in the current study.However,no significant correlation is found between familiarity and degree of being understandable,which might be due to the low rating of familiarity and the wide dispersity.In order to further reveal the inter-relationships of semantic properties, hierarchical regression analyses are carried out and show that familiarity,imaginabiltity,agreement,and age of acquisition significantly predict the degree of being understandable,while familiarity and age of acquisition significantly predict the predictability of proverbs. Our results demonstrate that familiarity and age of acquisition are two important factors which influence our understanding of Chinese proverbs. In addition, the semantic consistency between two clauses of a Chinese sentential proverb and degree of imagination also play an important role in understanding idiomatic strings.Imaginability is related to the theory of″Dual Coding,″which argues that visual and verbal information are processed differently and along distinct channels in the human mind, creating separate representations for information processed in each channel.The mental codes corresponding to these representations are used to organize incoming information that can be acted upon,stored,and retrieved for subsequent use.Both visual and verbal codes can be used when recalling information.The ability to code a stimulus in two different ways increases the chance of remembering that item compared to if the stimulus is only coded one way.Our results suggest that the processing of a Chinese proverb partially relies on the accessibility to visual code of a proverb which is primarily affected by culture. Therefore, Chinese culture could influence the understanding of Chinese proverbs. Specifically,in the creating process,a number of concrete concepts are used to express the abstract inter-relationships through their similarity,e.g.,the relationship between a person(人)and his/her reputation(脸)is similar to that between a tree(树)and its bark(皮).In other words,the reputation of a person is as important as the bark of a tree.In order to successfully understand the Chinese proverbs,it is important to learn about the deeper meanings of″face″and″reputation″in Chinese culture.That explains why the comprehension of a proverb is significantly associated with one's culture understanding.Based on the current study,more studies should be conducted with a focus on the understanding process of proverbs,which will help reveal the mental mechanism of Chinese and preserving Chinese culture.  相似文献   

(Nine months before her trip to Beijing, Kristy was in a situation that most single girl's dream of. Recent events have made Ben decide that Kristy is the woman for him, and that now is the time to propose.) Kristy: This is a lovely dinner, Ben. Ben: Well, I have something important to tell you...My boss gave me a big promotion today. Kristy: That's fantastic news! You deserve it. (leans over and kisses him) Ben: The only problem is that he's sending me to China to be the manager of the …  相似文献   

自建国以来,中国的党政关系发生了十分复杂的变迁,并呈现出明显的阶段性特征.这些阶段性的发展经历了从"党指挥政"到"以党代政"再到"以党领政"的发展历程.党政关系的发展最终使中国行政权力从党权中分离出来并呈现出逐渐扩张的趋势.  相似文献   

《梁书》、《陈书)历经千年,传抄过程中难免造成文字差错,后人直接引用,必然与事实不符。文章对这两部史书里面自相矛盾、不能自圆其说的时间、地点、人物、事件进行了考证,对错误之处作了剖析,并参照有关史料予以纠正,有助于正确把握梁陈史实。  相似文献   

历史上的城乡关系经历了随着社会经济发展而发生分离与对立,又在社会经济发展的基础上相互依存联系密切,并将最终走向城乡一体共同协调发展的历史过程。在这一历史过程中,唐宋时期是一个重要转折点。在唐宋以前,城乡之间城乡一体的发展态势较为明显;唐宋以降,城乡关系逐渐分离并形成了"交相生养"的新型关系。  相似文献   

对高校学生欠费问题的思考   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
针对目前高校学生欠费现象,分析了在高校中,学生学费、宿费在办学经费中的比重及学生欠费问题给高校办学带来的不利影响。指出制度不健全、家庭贫困、就业因素、观望心理等因素是目前高校学生欠费的主要原因。同时提出了解决高校学生欠费问题的对策是:建立健全一体化的收费管理体制;解决国家助学贷款问题;严格执行学生收费管理制度;加强对学生的诚信教育。  相似文献   

散曲的套数成熟在前 ,对元杂剧的形式有重要作用。后为元杂剧的唱曲起了定型作用 ,并为之提供了基本的乐调和曲牌 ,奠定了本色美的艺术特征。元杂剧的形成 ,从体式到风格 ,皆与散曲有密不可分的关系  相似文献   

现阶段的贫富分化及其对策研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于多种因素的作用 ,我国现阶段出现了较为严重的贫富分化趋势。贫富分化既抑制效率 ,又损害公平 ,是阻碍经济、社会健康发展的重大隐患。只要我们始终把广大人民的利益放在首位 ,加强宏观调控 ,规范收入分配秩序 ,就能够不断缩小贫富差距 ,逐步实现共同富裕的目标  相似文献   

明代法律多样,律始终占据法源主导地位,令、诰、例在明代不同的时期分别起着不同的作用,与律相辅相成,弥补律之缺位,强化律之功能。明代并不具备产生判例法的充分条件,明例的修定与判例法也毫无相似之处,而是成文法的制定。  相似文献   

论抗战时期我党干部教育的历史经验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
抗日战争时期,在党中央和毛泽东同志的领导下,我党在干部教育上取得了巨大成就,摸索出一条成功之路,为促进反法西斯战争的胜利奠定了基础。其历史经验:一是党的高度重视;二是系统化的教育管理和行政机构;三是灵活、适时、科学的教育、教学方式、方法;四是自己动手,克服困难的精神和勇气。  相似文献   

门神观念是我国传统民俗观念之一,其产生与早期人们对门户的认识与理解相关。门户不仅是建筑实体,且具有多重社会文化意义,具有内涵的丰富性和形式的多样性。出于装点、神秘化门户的需要,门画这种艺术形式得以出现并传承至今,成为当代一类历史文化的活化石。  相似文献   

贾府由盛而衰 ,大厦倾倒。与其相反的是 :赖家虽为贾府的世仆 ,因其在贾府管家时间长 ,权势重 ,善于拍马逢迎主子 ,钻了贾府管理混乱的孔子 ,渐次发迹 ,超越常人 ,最后连主子也要向其乞借遭冷遇。这一主仆贫富易位的典型事例给世人留下颇值得深思回味的人生课题。  相似文献   

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