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张友庭 《社会》2006,26(4):85-107
本文从文化人类学中的祭祀圈理论出发,以福建寮村民俗中的“张公信仰”为切入点,结合当前中国东南宗族重建的农村社会背景,描述了作为祭祀对象的“张公”从“私家神”到“角头神”再到“村落神”的发展历程。通过对“张公信仰”祭祀圈的扩大和巡神仪式中村落轮值制度的研究,提出了“现代宗族”的核心概念和“现代宗族家族化”的分析模式,讨论了在村落范围内公社集体主义体制解体以后,宗族集体主义和村落集体主义的共生共变所呈现的村落文化形态的新变化,在此基础上尝试展望村落集体主义文化整合对农村社会的影响。  相似文献   

本文是笔者宗族风土论的一个组成部分。即近世福建义序黄氏宗族的历史人类学研究部分。笔者采用了传统中国政治制度的结构分析和福建地方社会风土考察相结合的研究视角,根据人类学田野调查的观察和对族谱等第一手资料的解读,勾勒了宋代末期到民国中期义序宗族的历史。义序个案提示,虽然族产和乡绅的能动性时宗族的组织化具有决定性的功能作用,但父系的观念系谱和以此为基础的宗族乡村的日常生活和文化传承是近世宗族存续的文化前提和社会基础。这种宗族的风土性渊源于传统中国政治制度结构性要求和以儒教为代表的精英文化的长期渗透,同时在这一过程中宗族自身亦成为晚期王朝统治和德治政治文化的基础。  相似文献   

当正式制度与非正式规范发生冲突:计划生育与宗族网络   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
彭玉生 《社会》2009,29(1):37-65
中国宗族制度的核心是祖宗崇拜和传宗接代的香火观念。这种传统的文化规范与当前计划生育政策发生直接冲突。一方面,强大的国家机器毫不妥协地推行计划生育政策;另一方面,复兴的宗族网络支撑着古老的香火观念。虽然计划生育的严格推行大幅度地降低了生育率,但本文所分析的村级数据却发现宗族关系越强的村庄,其生育率越高,从而揭示了非正式规范是如何通过社会网络软化刚性的正式制度的。  相似文献   

社会文化变迁论认为,土改改变了中国宗族社会内部的基本秩序和社会关系.尽管部分学者也留心到有其不变的一面;文化实践论在承认变迁的同时.更强调土改被原有社会的文化法则给定义、操演,甚或置换了,突出文化的再生产和连续性。但从写文化角度看,宗族的变还是不变,一定程度上不取决于土改.也不取决于宗族,而是取决于后世学者对宗族的看法。本文坚持,平等关爱和分化支配同是中国宗族社会内部的两种关系或结构,阶级不是外来的概念;20世纪的土改凸显阶级分化,借助阶级斗争解构传统宗族组织为特征的地方社会运转机制。并没有改变宗亲关系或系谱关系。本文对宗族社会土改的特征也进行了概括,就宗族社会内部分化,即地主、士绅与普通族众的关系给予再探讨,在此基础上提出了“宗族村落土改”和“非宗族村落土改”两种土改类型。  相似文献   

袁红涛  张颖 《唐都学刊》2005,21(2):112-114
面对当代社会中"宗族复兴"的现象,有必要梳理和分析"五四"前后对家族制度和道德伦理的批判理路,发掘和分析其时审视宗族文化的多元角度和深层动因,追索宗族批判话语的生成背景,体会历史当时的丰富信息,从而对家族文化在新旧世纪的命运能有更加全面和客观的认识.  相似文献   

祁门韩楚二溪汪氏为越国公汪华八子俊公支裔,为当地著姓望族。宋代以降,该宗族理学兴盛,经商风气盛行,乃至形成商贾世家。该宗族积极参与地方文化建设,理学名贤汪克宽入祀环谷书院,是官府与民间社会互动的结果。宣统年间合修的《韩楚二溪汪氏家乘》中表现出来近代新式教育形式,男女平权观念等,都具有鲜明的时代进步特征,集中体现了该宗族积极参与了近代中国社会文化转型过程。  相似文献   

“红色经典”现象与大众文化认同危机   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王妮娜 《唐都学刊》2005,21(3):103-107
出现在中国当代文化转型进程中的"红色经典"改编热,除折射出了国人对信仰缺失、人心不古、道德淡化的消费主义时代的失望和不满,以及为解除精神困顿和信仰焦虑而产生的对英雄、崇高、理想的精神需求外,更重要的是,透过政治话语的参与和大众审美文化对红色改编的关注,发现国人在全球化进程中日益显现出的民族文化认同危机意识。  相似文献   

李秋香 《唐都学刊》2012,28(1):73-75
民间信仰具有多种文化认同功能与文化控制作用。秦汉民间信仰的多种文化认同或文化控制功能不仅具有共时性特征,而且具有历时性特征。由于民间信仰属于深层次的文化内容,故其具有相对独立性。在秦汉时期的某一时段,其独立性体现为,国家的最高神为太一,但各地信仰的主神又各具特色。这一方面表示民间信仰并不与国家祭祀同步叠合,另一方面又显示包括民间信仰在内的小文化传统处在与国家主流意识形态既统一又对立的地位。具体来说,王朝早中期民间信仰与主流文化、国家政权之间的关系呈现出相对和谐的一面;王朝晚期民间信仰与主流文化、国家政权之间的关系则显现出对立的一面。秦汉民间信仰的文化功能对于当前文化建设具有重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

在传统养老方式日益弱化、新型农村社会养老保险制度全面覆盖的背景下,本文以中国健康与养老追踪调查(CHARLS)数据为基础,探讨了正式社会养老保险制度与传统宗族养老文化对农村家庭代际转移的影响.研究表明,在新农保制度覆盖初期,农村老人参保对代际转移具有挤入效果,随着政策的深入开展,新农保制度对代际转移的挤出效应逐步显现.而宗族网络对家庭代际转移具有显著的促进作用,以宗族为载体的传统养老文化依然保持着较大的影响力,在一定程度上削弱了新农保制度的效果.  相似文献   

按照马克思关于社会结构的“经济─—政治─—文化”三元结构模式,信仰隶属于文化范畴。在文化中,价值观念体系居于它的核心,而信仰又居于价值观念体系的核心。信仰执掌着文化从传统走向未来。由于信仰在社会结构中这种特殊的地位和现代社会转型对文化自觉性的特殊要求,信仰从总体上对社会转型形成了阻滞、成果巩固和理想牵导三种基本的作用。  相似文献   

Within the social work profession, supervision is highly valued. Yet it is not clear how supervision supports good practice or how supervision makes a difference for children and families. In this study, using paired observations of group supervision and family meetings alongside interviews with parents, we explored the link between supervision, practice, and engagement. Considering each data set separately, we found a range of skill levels within the supervision discussions and in the meetings with families. Parents reported generally high levels of satisfaction with the service and in relation to their individual worker. But more importantly, we found a “golden thread” between certain elements of supervision, more skilful practice, and improved parental engagement. We discuss these key elements in detail and consider what these findings tell us about good supervision and what difference it can make for families and children.  相似文献   

For families with multiple problems (FMP), knowledge is lacking on the practice elements of interventions (the distinct techniques practitioners use to promote positive outcomes) and their program elements (intervention design and delivery systems). The aim of this study is to identify both common and specific practice and program elements so as to determine contents and overlap between interventions. For FMP, we selected interventions that had at least moderate (>0.5) effect sizes in the Dutch context (N = 8). A deductive content analysis was used to assess the manuals of these interventions with the taxonomy of interventions for FMP. We defined as common those elements found in at least five of the eight interventions and as specific those found in fewer than five. Of the practice elements, 79% were common across the interventions, and 21% were intervention specific. Interventions with the highest percentages of intervention‐specific elements derived from the taxonomy were 10 for the Future (15%), Family Central (14%), Intensive Family Therapy (14%), and Multisystemic therapy (11%). Core program elements: duration, intensity, intervision, supervision, and consultation, varied greatly between interventions. Among interventions for FMP, we found practice elements to have considerable overlap. Among program elements, we found greater variety.  相似文献   

This article examines some of the factors that may have affected the tendency for social workers to refer adolescents to a randomised controlled study of multisystemic therapy (MST). If we are to improve integration between researchers and the clinical setting in the future, it is important to consider those factors that affect implementation of research projects and evidence-based treatment methods. Evidence-based methods that lack the support of clinicians will have problems surviving in clinical practice. In the present study, we found that social workers' treatment ideology was associated with referral rate. Social workers who sympathised with the ideology on which MST is based referred patients to the project to a greater extent. Moreover, we found that the perception of a good work climate and good social support correlated positively with the referral rate from the unit. The results suggest that when implementing evidence-based methods, or research projects on treatment methods, researchers should consider whether the method is consistent with the current treatment ideology within the unit. Working conditions in the unit should also be considered.  相似文献   


Several studies on time preference have found time inconsistency in both gain and loss preferences. However, the relationship between the two within the same person remains unclear; that is, does an individual who demonstrates time inconsistency for gain outcomes do so for losses as well? This paper reports on individuals’ time inconsistency for gains and losses in a laboratory setting. To obtain a precise comparison of individuals’ time inconsistency for gains and losses, we used Rohde’s “DI (decreasing impatience)-index” (Manag Sci 65(4):1700–1716, 2018) and measured the level of time inconsistency, rather than merely identifying whether TI was present. This index represents how strongly a person exhibits present bias, and easily extends to the comparison between gain and loss preferences within the same person. Further, it allows the experiment to test for so-called future bias, which has been a focus area in recent time inconsistency literature. It is elicited through a non-parametric method, which avoids any specification errors in the analysis. Our findings are as follows: first, we found future bias in preferences for not only gains but also losses, and we confirmed that this tendency is consistent with previous findings on preferences for gains. Second, a positive correlation between time inconsistency for gains and losses was found at the individual level. Indeed, we could not find a significant difference between the two in most cases.


This paper explores the political significance of Asian American campaign finance activity in municipal elections. We examined both the donation patterns of Asian contributors and the fundraising coalitions assembled by Asian candidates. From the contributor perspective, we found that Asians contributed in roughly proportional levels to their population as a whole, and were willing to contribute not only to coethnics but also to Asian candidates of other ethnicities and to non-Asians. As for Asian candidates, we found that they relied heavily on Asian contributors for campaign funds, especially coethnics. Asian candidates’ ability to draw on ethnic networks for campaign funds is an important political resource that enhances their ability to mount competitive campaigns. However, the value of these networks is limited by candidates’ inability or unwillingness to form panethnic fundraising coalitions.  相似文献   

南昌城区的社区居民对全民健身计划的认识水平整体上偏低,男性居民对健身活动的喜爱程度明显高于女性。居民对健身投资消费已有所认识,近半数愿意花钱去健身。提高社区居民健身的质量,应从了解社区健身活动的主要特点出发,建立各种基层体育组织,加强规划与管理。  相似文献   

陈进  吴金艳  刘海虹 《创新》2010,4(2):64-67
民营企业是国民经济发展的重要支柱,而上市民企是民营经济及上市企业群体的重要组成部分。通过对金融危机爆发以来武汉市上市民营企业债务风险变化情况的分析,发现民营企业债务风险在危机时期得到不同程度的显现,变动情况与宏观经济走势高度相关。进一步分析发现,民营企业的自身属性以及不完善的市场机制是债务风险形成的重要制度性因素,必须重点加以解决。  相似文献   

新中国60年法律体系建设研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新中国60年来,法律体系历经了奠基阶段、起步阶段、初步形成阶段、基本形成并日臻完善阶段。我国在中国特色社会主义法律体系建设过程中取得了相当经验,同时,在现实中还存在一定的问题。对中国特色社会主义法律体系进行回顾与展望,可以让我们汲取经验,为依法治国基本方略的实现奠定良好的法制基础。  相似文献   

This article reports an empirical investigation of the cognitive effort required to decide in multiattribute binary choice using a variation of the Additive Difference strategy. In contrast with other studies, this paper focuses on the effect of various context variables (rather than task variables) on cognitive effort. In order to select the context variables to be manipulated, we used the model proposed by Shugan (1980; J. Consumer Res. 75 (1980) 99). Our results indicate that there is a positive relationship between the cognitive effort required to decide and the mean of the differences between the dimensions of the choice alternatives. We have also found an inverse relationship between cognitive effort and the variance of the differences between the dimensions of the choice alternatives. Finally, we have found that in negative correlation contexts the effort needed to decide is greater than in positive and null correlation contexts.  相似文献   

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