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The sociological evidence available to date has not firmly established the relationship between suicide and social status. It is postulated here that societies in different stages of development may manifest different patterns of etiology of suicide, and thus the suicide rates of different social strata may change over time. Educational attainment is used as an indicator of social status, rather than “usual” occupations as in previous studies. From an analysis of a transitional society, it is concluded: first, the relation between suicide and social status is negative; and second, with coming societal changes, it is likely that the relation between suicide and social status will also change.  相似文献   

The theoretical usefulness of a convergence of symbolic interactionism and urban sociology is discussed. A method is proposed for the analysis of large numbers of social identities. Black racial identity, in particular, is considered. Racial identity is found to be far more salient for blacks than for whites, but even for blacks, a number of other identities are seen to be more frequently employed. The notion of a “standard package of identities” is developed, and the utility of such a model for understanding group differentiation and inter-group linkages is explored.  相似文献   

This article examines the attitudes of white soclologists and black students in predominantly white colleges and universities in all geographic regions of the country. Respective attitudes are at sharp variance and produce several kinds of conflict behavior. The personal and professional crises experienced by white sociologists when challenged by black students are described, along with the principal grievances of black students against social scientists in the race relations field. Also examined are structural and organizational changes in sociology and in the academic institutions resulting from a particular form of black-white conflict. Attention is given to black-Jewish conflict in sociology as well as to the distinctiveness of black-white relations in Southern colleges and universities.  相似文献   

A two stage socialization model is used to analyze ambition among black and white women who are active in party politics. It is hypothesized that learning or activities considered atypical for women will stimulate ambition among women, but that patterns of significant factors may vary across races. The general hypothesis is sustained, although the staged model is given only marginal support. The ambition of white women is linked to nontraditional sex role beliefs, while black women's ambitious linked to current activities and the existence of parental interest in politics. Both sets of ambitious women report atypical sex role education in their backgrounds.  相似文献   

Cet article évalue les effets de l'appartenance de la mère et du père à une classe - déterminée selon la théorie marxiste des classes -sur le niveau d'instruction de leurs enfants, garçons et filles, au Canada. Les données sont tirées d'un échantillon représentatif de Canadiens et de Canadiennes. Les analyses multivariables mon-trent que l'appartenance du père et de la mère à une classe influe sur le niveau d'instruction des enfants des deux sexes. Que le père ou la mère soit issu de la bourgeoisie, de la classe des dirigeants ou de la classe des spécialistes, l'enfant aura un niveau d'instruction plus élevé que celui dont les parents appartiennent à une autre classe. On a toutefois observé que seuls certains effets de l'appartenance à une classe étaient directs; les effets liés à l'appartenance à une classe semblent ne se manifester que partiellement dans les differences de niveau d'instruction des parents, qui sont liées à la classe à laquelle ils appartiennent. Les niveaux d'instruction de la mere et du père influent directement sur le niveau d'instruction des enfants des deux sexes, une fois neutralisés les effets de l'appartenance sociale des parents. De plus, les effets du niveau d'instruction du père et de la mère ont tendance à différer selon le sexe de l'enfant (le niveau d'études de la mère influe davantage sur celui de la fille et à l'inverse celui du père influe davantage sur celui du fils). Toutefois, cette tendance ne se vérifie pas en ce qui concerne les effets de l'appartenance des parents à une classe. Les analyses qui comparent les sous-échantillons d'âges indiquent que la double influence de l'appartenance des parents à une classe et de leur niveau d'instruction a diminué après les années soixante compara-tivement aux années précédentes. Les résultats sont interprétés à la lumière de la théorie du capital culturel. This paper assesses the effects of mothers' and fathers' class positions—measured in terms of Marxist class categories—on the educational attainment of male and female offspring in Canada. Our data are from a national representative sample of Canadians. Multivariate analyses show that, for offspring of both genders, the class positions of fathers and mothers influence educational attainment. Where either parent was a member of the bourgeois, managerial or expert class categories, this meant more education for the offspring than other class backgrounds. Only some proportions of the class effects were direct; the effects of class background appear to partially operate through differences in educational attainment of parents that are associated with parents' class positions. Mothers' and fathers' education levels continue to have comparatively strong positive relationships with educational attainment for offspring of both genders after controls for class categories of parents. Further, the effects of paternal and maternal education tend to be “same-sex directed” (mothers' education levels have stronger effects for daughters than for sons and vice versa for fathers' education). However, a similar pattern does not hold for the effects of parental class positions. Analyses comparing age sub-samples indicate that the influences of both parental class positions and parental education levels upon educational attainment of offspring have decreased in the post-1960 period compared with earlier years. The results are interpreted in terms of the theory of cultural capital.  相似文献   

Research on individuals who graduated from high school from 1958 through 1972, has indicated that the timing of marriage and first birth had a greater affect on educational attainment among women than among men. It is hypothesized that, among more recent cohorts, these differences may have been reduced or eliminated by social changes in the 1970s and 1980s. A test of this hypothesis was conducted using data gathered from 187 predominantly white, middle-class individuals who completed questionnaires in the spring of 1972, when they were in the eighth grade. A follow-up study was conducted in 1985. The results suggest that marital and parenthood timing affect educational attainment, but the relationships were not significantly different for males and females. Furthermore, the tendency for women to marry and have children earlier than men had only a minor effect on differences in educational attainment.  相似文献   

The Correlates of Religiosity Among Black and White Americans*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper explores the correlates of religiosity among blacks and whites, asking two questions: (1) Is the relationship between SES and religious attendance the same for both races? (2) What factors best predict church attendance among both races? The findings show that (1) SES is positively related to religious participation among whites; (2) the best non-religious predictors of attendance across all denominations and churches studied are SES and age; (3) including a measure of religious belief greatly increases the explanatory power of a predictive model; but (4) the relationship between SES and attendance varies by denomination and church among blacks.  相似文献   

This paper provides insight into the wage gap between lesbians and heterosexual women. Using data from the 2000 Decennial Census, we find a lesbian premium that equals approximately 10% for women without a bachelor’s degree, and is nearly non-existent for women with higher levels of education. These findings are consistent with proposition that the gap between lesbians’ and heterosexual women’s commitment to the labor market narrows at higher levels of education. We also find that controls for industry and occupation exert only a small effect on the gap between lesbian and heterosexual women’s wages.
Bradley S. WimmerEmail:

Rainwater's assertion that blacks have low self-evaluations because they receive more negative evaluations from other blacks than whites receive from other whites is challenged here by reference to Heiss and Owens evidence that negative self evaluation among blacks is limited to work-related traits. Substantial support was found for our major hypotheses that, compared to whites, (1) blacks would report more negative evaluation of “most men” but not of “most women” (since the provider role is traditionally ascribed primarily to men), and (2) the more negative evaluation of “most men” by blacks would be limited to work-related traits.  相似文献   

The major objective of the research reported here is to investigate the significance and meaning of the contextual effects of communities on individuals’ opportunities for socioeconomic attainment. A model which incorporates both individuals and their communities is proposed and tested. The empirical test was done by using samples of the Israeli labor force population. The findings demonstrate that community has significant effects on individuals’ attainment. Community seems to be an additional factor that affects social mobility and as such an important dimension of the stratification system. Characteristics defining the social context of the community as an opportunity structure are identified and their significance discussed.  相似文献   

This study compares mother and father reports of fathers’ involvement, including frequency of involvement and emotional involvement, with their child and examines demographic and social factors that predict the discrepancy in father and mother reports. Using matched pairs of parents (n = 2,058) from the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing data, this study finds that father and mother reports of fathers’ involvement differ significantly. For example, fathers report spending 17.6% more time engaged in 11 activities with their young children than mothers report. How parental disagreement is measured yields starkly different results given the underlying distribution of these data. The paper also provides insight into what data issues should concern researchers studying fathers’ involvement and contributes to the growing literature on fathers’ involvement.  相似文献   

Currently available data and concerns about the validity of reports by mothers significantly truncate the ability of researchers to address a myriad of research questions concerning the involvement of fathers in families. This study aimed to inform this concern by examining predictors of father involvement and father‐mother discrepancies in reports of involvement within a low‐income, predominantly minority sample of families with both resident and nonresident fathers (n= 228). Paired hierarchical linear models were used to control for the interrelation between pairs of reporters. The results indicate that although fathers' and mothers' reports are similar, mothers consistently report lower levels of involvement than do fathers. Parental conflict, fathers' nonresidence, and fathers' age, as well as mothers' education and employment, predicted larger discrepancies between fathers' and mothers' reports.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationships between single parenthood and student achievement in Japan. The study uses sixth‐grade data from the 2013 National Assessment of Academic Ability and the Detailed Survey, which was the first nationally representative parental survey collected through schools in Japan. The results indicate that children of single‐mother and single‐father families perform academically lower than children of two‐parent families. For children living in single‐mother families, more than 50% of the educational disadvantage was explained by a lack of economic resources. For children living in single‐father families, the educational disadvantage was explained more by a lack of parenting resources, measured by discussions at home, supervision at home, and involvement in school, than economic resources. These findings suggest that the gendered labor force and division of labor among spouses in Japanese society may deprive parents of the ability to buffer the negative relationship between single parenthood and children's educational achievement.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of religiosity as a determinant of the educational attainment of women raised as conservative Protestants in the United States. A human capital model based on the demand and supply of funds for investments in education is used to develop hypotheses about various causal links between religiosity and years of schooling. The hypotheses are tested using data from the 1995 National Survey of Family Growth, a large-scale survey addressed to a representative sample of women in the United States. Among respondents raised as conservative Protestants, those who attended religious services frequently during their adolescent years are found to complete one more year of schooling than their counterparts who were less observant. The gap is smaller, but still sizeable and statistically significant, when other factors are held constant in a multivariate analysis. The empirical results are consistent with the hypothesis that positive demand-side influences are dominant and explain the observed association between religiosity and educational attainment.  相似文献   

Using the data collection techniques of historical analysis, secondary analysis of EEO-6 records, mailed questionnaires, and personal interviews, race relations among trustees, administrators, and faculty in the southeastern United States were examined during the late 1970s and early 1980s. The conclusion that blacks at traditionally white institutions (TWI) (1) had more tenuous job status, (2) experienced less job satisfaction, (3) experienced greater degrees of institutional alienation, and (4) more often stated a need for affirmative action programs than did their white colleagues at the same institution will surprise no one. Similar patterns and perceptions were found for whites at traditionally black institutions (TBI) where whites were in the “minority.” Although whites at TBIs remained members of the societal majority group as traditionally defined in the sociology of intergroup relations, their position and perceptions within specific TBIs were remarkably similar to the experience of black professionals at TWIs. Some implications for policy are drawn.  相似文献   

Nearly 70% of Korean women pursue postsecondary education, yet they occupy lower‐status positions than do men (K. Kim & Han, 2008 ). Therefore, the authors examined relative deprivation in equal opportunities and its effect on career‐related self‐efficacy among 603 Korean female college students. Self‐regulation was hypothesized to mediate the effects of relative deprivation on career decision self‐efficacy. This effect was hypothesized to differ according to parents’ educational attainment due to different degrees of parental support. As expected, self‐regulation mediated the relationship between relative deprivation and career decision self‐efficacy for participants whose parents had high education levels. However, participants whose parents had low education levels demonstrated less involvement in resolving relative deprivation. Findings suggest that career counselors should use different interventions based on parental education level to influence students’ self‐regulation and to enhance career decision self‐efficacy.  相似文献   

This article uses matched pairs of sons and their parents from the National Longitudinal Surveys: Old Cohort Databases to investigate the relationship between the marital history of parents, educational attainment, and intergenerational correlations in earnings. The research indicates that patterns of intergenerational earnings mobility vary with divorce. Sons from families whose divorced parents had relatively low earnings have a greater chance of having low earnings themselves. The research also shows that much of the variation in earnings mobility can be explained by lower educational attainment for children from divorced families. This finding highlights the importance of designing policies to assist the educational attainment of those most likely to be affected by divorce.  相似文献   

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