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Recently, attention has been drawn in the social scientific literature and research to the effects of changes in family structure on the individual and family life cycle. With reference to the Italian situation, the author discusses the way in which in contemporary societies an increasing number of individuals go through different kinds of families/ households over their lives, commuting, during specific life phases, between different households and families on a more or less permanent basis. The phenomenon of commuting between households renders the boundaries of the family household less clear and more permeable, challenging the meaning of family membership and of family boundaries.  相似文献   

A method for systematically recording the process of family therapy (the Focal Therapy Record Sheet) is described, based on the focal approach developed in earlier papers by the authors. It demands a conceptual distinction between assessment of families and treatment techniques and embodies continuous evaluation of family improvement according to specific criteria. A detailed case illustration showing the Sheets completed for each of 14 sessions after two diagnostic interviews is provided, together with an anecdotal-style account. The value of the instrument for teaching purposes, in routine clinical work and for research is discussed.  相似文献   

Suicide among adolescents is increasing. Three interacting factors—the crisis of adolescent development, family dysfunctioning, and social factors—create vulnerability to feelings of rejection and worthlessness among suicidal adolescents. Long-term family problems that are not openly acknowledged but for which the adolescent feels responsible are particularly relevant. The authors recommend a multiple approach to assessment and treatment in which crisis intervention is employed initially; and individual treatment for the adolescent and family therapy are utilized concurrently on a long-term basis.  相似文献   

Books reviewed: George W. Burns, Nature‐guided Therapy: brief integrative strategies for health and well‐being Robert Theobald, The healing century Judith Johnson, and William McCown, Family Therapy of neurobehavioral disorders: integrating neuropsychology and family Therapy P.R. Sachs, Treating families of brain‐inury survivors Andrew Turnell, and Steve Edwards, Signs of safety: a solution and safety oriented approach to child protection casework D.M. Fox, and N. Miller, (eds) An oral history of marriage counselling in Australia: from meaning well to doing well Hilda Kessler, (ed.) Treating couples Leslie B. Kadis, and Ruth McClendon, Concise guide to marital and family therapy  相似文献   

An examination of the history of suburbanization in the United States shows that the suburban ideal has, from its beginnings, been associated with a vision of family togetherness, meaning that husband, wife, and children choose to spend their leisure time with one another. While the migration to the suburbs has been in part fueled by a desire to escape the mix of classes and ethnic groups of urban areas, and by government- and market-shaped economic incentives, the suburban ideal has stressed finding an environment in which family ties can be strengthened. The social and spatial structure of suburbia promotes familial isolation through a lack of public space and through an emphasis on home maintenance and home-centered entertainments. It is argued that by providing such optimal conditions for togetherness, suburbia may actually undermine familial harmony by exacerbating the strain of trying to live up to an essentially unattainable ideal.  相似文献   

The home is a meaningful site of security, control, and comfort. On the basis of ethnographic data, this paper examines how the meaning of home changes for people at‐risk of foreclosure and how their subsequent actions are shaped by these meanings. I explore shifts in the meaning of home, with particular attention to the interaction of race, family structure, and immigrant status in these constructions. As owners respond to foreclosure threat, interactions with lenders further leave owners with a sense that the process is beyond their control, threatening ontological security and a sense of being at home in the world.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to present the Maudsley model of family therapy for children and adolescents with anorexia nervosa, one that integrates principles and skills from a variety of models. The Maudsley model is of prime importance because of its non‐pathologising approach to families, because its techniques have been published in sufficient detail for standardised application by clinicians, and because of its strong history of empirical support. It is also a model that integrates both modernist and constructivist influences from the history of family therapy.  相似文献   

MATTERS is a program of Berry Street, and has been in existence since 1990. The service is funded to address parent/adolescent conflict and the service delivery model has developed over time in a direction which incorporates family therapy and conflict resolution techniques. Many families come to the service seeking assistance for problems regarding violence, and increasingly around a young person's violence to parents and other family members. In some instances, violence has been present over a long period and has become normalised within the family's experience. When working with families who present with problems of adolescent violence, the service aims to find a pathway for the young person/family to confront violent behaviour and move to a different position about the meaning of violence in their lives. This paper describes the team's approach to working with adolescent violence, utilising ideas from narrative family therapy and psychodynamic theory, and incorporating issues of power in society, culture and gender. Outcomes, dilemmas and future directions are also discussed.  相似文献   

The wider context of the trade-off between work and family is not just a matter of changing preferences. The focus of the literature in this area has been strongly concerned with the identification of factors promoting high levels of female employment than with the location of policy determinants of cross-national fertility variation. Work–family reconciliation is considered as a political action that gives quite limited and unstable support to encourage women’s labour market participation, this results in the poor development of external services and in fewer benefits for women, who have to undertake multiple roles inside and outside the family. The Southern European countries (SEC) model take a specific family-oriented approach to work–family reconciliation. They are family-oriented in that they entrust the family with more responsibilities that in other countries and take a conservative/corporatist-family-oriented approach to work–family reconciliation. The key role and the interconnection between fertility and employment among women, as well as the influence of the gender system and, on the whole, of the welfare system depend on the specific culture of different countries. Based on these theoretical premises, this paper reviews the academic discussion of the meaning of work–family balance concept in the cultural context of SEC from a comparative perspective, taking in account the gender equality debate.  相似文献   

I use a discursive analytical approach to explore ways in which senior managerial men working in nonprofit organizations understand the contribution, if any, of their own sport history to their work skills, how this may vary by organizational contexts and how the subtexts of these discourses may strengthen the dominance of managerial men in a specific context. I used semi‐structured interviews to ask 67 senior managerial men about the role they perceive their sport history plays in their managerial skills. Two overlapping topics emerged from the data: team and leadership skills and perseverance and toughness. I explore the meaning these topics had for the managers and the possible gendered subtexts of these meanings. The findings are situated in the critical feminist management and sport literature.  相似文献   

The Family Interaction Test is a narrative projective method designed to elicit children's perceptions of family life and patterns of interaction by way of stories around particular themes and events. Drawing on a post-modern interpretive approach, the paper proposes that traditional psychometric research methodologies underpinned by the logico-empirical paradigm are inappropriate in the study of narrative meaning. It is argued that practitioners, rather than seeing themselves as separate from the story teller and thus objectifying the ‘true’ meaning of the narratives, can instead enter into a discourse with the story teller as a way of testing hypotheses and thus establish the verisimilitude of story meanings. The results of a preliminary clinical study using this methodology with the Family Interaction Test are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The Milan approach, pioneered by Selvini-Palazzoli, Boscolo, Cecchin, and Prata, has significantly contributed to the field of psychotherapy, particularly in the realm of systemic and family psychotherapy. While rooted in systemic principles and concepts, over time the original Milan group demonstrated differences in their clinical orientations and practices which led to their regrouping into two teams. The paper explores the divergences in their views and directions on family dynamics and the role of symptoms within the system. It delves into the influence of Boscolo and Cecchin, two of the ‘Milan Four’ on the Centro Padovano di Terapia della Famiglia. Drawing from a conversation with Andrea Mosconi, a mentee and collaborator of Boscolo and Cecchin, the paper examines the reconfiguration of the original ‘Milan Four’ team and its impact on their clinical approach. Key Milan principles and concepts such as hypothesising, circularity, and neutrality are examined with particular emphasis on the work of Boscolo and Cecchin's systemic work. These principles, intertwined and interconnected, provide a fertile ground for the construction of multiple hypotheses and circular questioning. The paper also highlights the concept of reflexivity, which originates from Bateson's work and plays a crucial role in family relations and communication while explaining the birthplace of paradox taking place when two levels of meaning are ‘confused.’ The Milan approach continues to be highly regarded, as its early concepts and ideas have evolved and left a lasting impact on the field of family therapy. By reflecting on the distinct contributions of Boscolo and Cecchin, and using examples, Mosconi offers valuable insights into the rich legacy and ongoing relevance of the Milan approach to contemporary therapeutic practice.  相似文献   

Family therapy is moving increasingly toward evidence‐based practice and competency‐based training. This article explores what might seem to be an unlikely link between social constructionist supervision, which is based on dialogic and fluid processes of meaning‐making, and the increasing reliance on discrete core competencies in the education and training of family therapists. We propose an alternate approach to competencies for supervision with therapists in training that, among other things, invites accountability and provides evaluative props. The approach we propose is based on a set of orientations that we hope reflect the dialogic and contextual nature of social constructionist practice and supervision. These orientations consist of reflexivity and attention to power, fostering polyphony and generativity, collaborative stance, and focus on client resourcefulness. Ideas and questions for supervisors and therapists in training to address the orientations are articulated.  相似文献   

Marriage and family therapists' perspectives on cognitive–behavior family therapy (CBFT) have seen major changes over the years. The focus on cognitions and behaviors in treatment is now widely embraced by marriage and family therapists because of the effectiveness of the approach and its flexibility and integrative potential. This article provides an introduction to the special section and a brief history and overview of the application of CBFT to the field and some of the benefits it can provide to the growing and ever-challenging area of couples and family therapy.  相似文献   

Using the theories of communicated narrative sense-making and family communication patterns as a basis, this study examined (a) the characteristics of family genealogists, (b) dimensions of genealogical communication, and (c) the extent to which such communication predicts both immediate and extended family satisfaction. Data were collected from 423 participants (recruited in classrooms and online) who completed an online survey. Results revealed four genealogical communication behaviors: (a) frequent engagement, (b) coherent perspectives (i.e., regarding family history), (c) personal research, and (d) dark side. Family communication patterns predicted these genealogical communication behaviors, which in turn predicted family satisfaction, with genealogical communication dimensions serving as significant mediators. Among the identified dimensions of genealogical communication, coherent perspectives served as a particularly consistent predictor and mediator regarding extended and immediate family satisfaction.  相似文献   

Counselors may benefit from applying principles of existential psychotherapy to career counseling with Black men. Existential psychotherapy asserts that there are 4 issues that all people experience: death, freedom, isolation, and meaning. The life experiences of Black men, including difficulty with their careers, suggest that they may struggle with these existential concerns, particularly finding meaning in their lives. Because work and issues in other domains of life (e.g., family, community) often intersect, an existentially based career counseling approach may prove useful. An overview of existential psychotherapy is presented, followed by a discussion of its applicability to career counseling with Black men. In addition to suggestions for career counselors, recommendations for training and professional development are offered.  相似文献   

This article presents a method for family crisis intervention, utilizing a case history approach. The goal is extended from restoring the crisis bearing unit to its pre-crisis level of coping to a basic restructuring of maladaptive pre-crisis behaviors. It is aimed at general behavior change as well as resolution of the immediate situation. It adapts crisis intervention theory to intervention involving chronic crisis bearers and their families. It eliminates the tendency to identify one member of the family unit as the patient without considering the impact of the other members. This approach consists of short term intensive treatment combined with selected traditional techniques.  相似文献   

Prominent Melbourne therapist and teacher Tom Paterson is interviewed by his former student, Anastasia Contos. Tom ranges over the whole history of family therapy in Australia, discusses training (his own and that of students now), the state of family therapy, the influences upon his therapy and teaching, and his approach to working with couples.  相似文献   

Employment has become increasingly precarious in developed countries, meaning that, for many young adults, jobs provide neither benefits nor security, more work is part time, and employers are increasingly hiring workers from temporary help agencies and contract companies rather than as employees of their own company. These changes in employment relations have profound effects on gender roles and on family transitions of young adults, especially young men and in particular in countries such as Japan, where there are rigid family norms and the male‐breadwinner tradition still prevails. The authors examined the effects of the experience of non‐regular work on the timing of marriage and whether this differs by sex. Using recent life history data from Japan, they found that men working in non‐regular jobs are especially likely to postpone marriage. The implications of the growth of precarious work for changes in work and family institutions in Japan are discussed.  相似文献   

The issue this paper wishes to address is how history, as encoded in historiography of history-writing, is actually based upon its capacity to conceal, disguise and indeed suppress the everyday. This is especially true when you consider that most history is really driven by the nation state and that far from envisaging a history free or rescued from the nation, most history-writing ends up reinforcing it. In other words, history’s primary vocation has been to displace the constant danger posed by the surplus of everyday life, to overcome its apparent ‘trivia’, ‘banalities’ and untidiness in order to find an encompassing register that will fix meaning. With Hegel, narrative was given the role of supplying the maximal unity by which to grasp the meaning of history. What immediately got privileged was, of course, the nation state in the making of world historical events or and ultimately class, subjects who can claim world historical agency. By the same measure, the surplus or messy residues of modern life, especially its immensely staggering complexities, its endless incompletions and repetitions – all irreducible – are repressed or in some instances the microcosmic is sometimes mobilized to reinforce macrocosmic meaning. (This has frequently been called history from below and what Germans have called Alltagsgeschichte.) What I would like to do is explore the category of everydayness, ushered in with the masses and the appearance of the subaltern, as a minimal unity that provides its own principle of historical temporality that easily challenges the practice of history-writing as we know it.  相似文献   

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