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Sexual behavior in children ages 2–12 is related to a variety of environmental, child-specific, and reporter-related variables. This paper reviews correlational research that has examined the relationship of sexual behavior to the variables of sexual abuse, domestic violence, physical abuse, family sexuality, age and gender of the child, child behavior problems, and reporter characteristics. Sexual behavior is directly related to environmental variables that cause dysregulated behavior in children. It is also associated with child behavior problems and varies with age and gender. There are a number of reporter-specific variables, including education level, abuse history, and openness to sexuality, that are also related to the level of reported sexual behavior. The article concludes with a reminder that correlation does not mean causation.  相似文献   

SUMMARY. This article is based on the results of the first stage of a study of the Children Act (day care and preschool education), and looks at how the Children Act 1989 has been put into practice with respect to services for children under eight, in rural local authorities in England and Wales. It considers the duties given by the Act to local authorities from a rural perspective, including providing a range of services for children in need, reviewing the services that are available for all young children, and setting standards for day care services provided by the voluntary and private sectors. It concludes that although the Act has helped to focus attention on the needs of children in rural areas, there is a danger that nothing will be done to meet them because of the principle of targeting resources on children who are most in need. Rural isolation was rarely specified as an indicator of need, and other criteria often had an urban bias which may work against the development of services in rural areas. The article also argues that there is a particular need to develop new models of service delivery and ways of providing training and support to early years workers which are appropriate for rural areas.  相似文献   

滇西北湍急的怒江大峡谷深处,隐藏着很多美丽的地方,“丙中洛”便是其中之一。但是,这里山高路远,交通不便,当地人生活贫困,孩子们的成长和教育更是无法赶上外界的步伐。为了帮助孩子们接受更好的教育,在当地生活多年的“古道坊客栈”的主人赵果与来自全国各地的爱心人士一起创建了“嘎哇嘎普助学联盟”。除了“一对一助学”的项目外,“联盟”还在镇上为孩子们建立了一座乡村图书馆。  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that decoders (judges) accurately identified state anxiety in peers when provided with brief, single channel (audio-only, video-only) stimuli, and appropriately differentiated trait anxiety. Using a similar approach in the present study with decoders and encoders from three distinct age groups, we discovered that the ability to detect state anxiety transcended age. Children and young adults showed an ability to identify level of state anxiety in young adult and elder encoders. Young adults differentiated levels of state and trait anxiety in young adult and elder encoders. Discussion is focused on the adaptive and practical value of cross-generational identification of state anxiety and trait anxiety, and the difficulty of inferring personality traits in individuals from different peer groups.  相似文献   

This study tested the association between mother’s early age at first birth and various life outcomes for her children in later adolescence and early adulthood. Data were analyzed from the Rochester Youth Development Study, an ongoing panel study of adolescents enrolled in seventh or eighth grade in Rochester Public Schools in 1988 (N =729). Boys born to mothers who began childbearing before age 19 had elevated risks of drug use, gang membership, unemployment, and early parenthood. Girls born to young mothers only had elevated risks of early parenthood. Of the mediators tested, low maternal education had the largest mediating effects. The findings suggest that the risks associated with being born to a young mother are substantial but perhaps disproportionately so for boys.  相似文献   

In this study the clinical management of young boys (average age 6) who are gender identity disordered and who present with genital self injurious behavior is discussed. It is argued that the symptom of genital mutilation is often missed because it is not asked for in the clinical interview. A review of the literature, and case history material, suggests that the symptom of genital self injurious behavior is only found among children who are gender dysphoric. Young boys who experience severe gender dysphoria also have a serious affective disorder which must be addressed. In order to address the clinical emergency and to assist the families in getting the necessary treatment for their children specific recommendations for interventions are made.  相似文献   

Seventy-one U.S. mothers with a physical disability who had a child aged 0 to 3 years responded to a survey about the system of care used for their child. Results indicated that mothers participated in all different types of care (physical, comforting, playing, limit setting, and taking the child outside the home). Partners and participants’ mothers provided the most assistance with care. Mothers were generally satisfied with assistance received from others. This article explores how mothers remain central to their children with others assisting with the child’s care and the impact of such assistance on mothers’ relationships with partners and children.  相似文献   

Research involving children raises complex and well‐documented ethical questions and challenges that extend far beyond the reach of formal review and governance systems, where these exist. However, researchers collectively have a wealth of knowledge and experience in applying universal ethical principles in diverse social, cultural and methodological settings, which offers much potential for understanding how ethical concerns are responded to in situ. Through extensive consultation and research, the Ethical Research Involving Children (ERIC) project, discussed in this article, has drawn on this collective knowledge in generating evidence‐based resources that highlight best practice while grounding ethical decision‐making in lived experience.  相似文献   

The Health and Social Care Act comes into force in April 2013. It changes the organisation of the health service and accelerates the integration of health and social care. New relationships between primary and secondary healthcare will develop and the culture of clinical and cost effectiveness will expand into social care; work on children in public care is in the vanguard of this change. However, this is not an organisational change designed for children and there are considerable anxieties about how it will impact on the delivery of health care. The issues for children in public care need to stay high on the national agenda and in local fora.  相似文献   

Academic self-efficacy has been found to be important in predicting educational success among older children and adolescents, but scant work has addressed this for very young children. This study explored (a) whether academic self-efficacy appears to be associated with reading achievement among children in urban elementary schools in primary grades, (b) whether one can differentiate between concepts of self-efficacy and self-concept within this age group, and, if so, which has more predictive power for reading achievement, and (c) whether student motivation and classroom behavior mediate the relationship between self-efficacy and reading. Findings from random-effect multi-level modeling show that children in primary grades can differentiate between self-efficacy and self-concept, and it was task-specific self-efficacy tha1t significantly influenced reading achievement. Of the two possible mediators, student motivation significantly mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and reading achievement. Implications for the role of school social workers in enhancing achievement among young, vulnerable children are discussed.  相似文献   

Infants initially use words and symbolic gestures in markedly similar ways, to name and refer to objects. The goal of these studies is to examine how parental verbal and gestural input shapes infants' expectations about the communicative functions of words and gestures. The studies reported here suggest that infants may initially accept both words and gestures as symbols because parents often produce both verbal labels and gestural routines within the same joint-attention contexts. In two studies, we examined the production of verbal and gestural labels in parental input during joint-attention episodes. In Study 1, parent-infant dyads engaged in a picture-book reading task in which parents introduced their infants to drawings of unfamiliar objects (e.g., accordion). Parents' verbal labeling far outstripped their gestural communication, but the number of gestures produced was non-trivial and was highly predictive of infant gestural production. In Study 2, parent-infant dyads engaged in a free-play session with familiar objects. In this context, parents produced both verbal and gestural symbolic acts frequently with reference to objects. Overall, these studies support an input-driven explanation for why infants acquire both words and gestures as object names, early in development.  相似文献   

In the UK, The Munro Review of Child Protection (2010, 2011a, 2011b) has recently highlighted that among the failings in safeguarding children known to social services is the lack of meaningful relationships between social workers and children. In her final report, Munro (2011b) has made recommendations for a more child‐centred system anchored on two themes – the child's journey and the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). This article illustrates by way of practical examples how the UNCRC, together with the detailed advice and guidance contained in the UNCRC general comments numbers 5, 7 and 12, provides the best framework for developing effective social work relationships with, and safeguarding, young children. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Citing Literature

Number of times cited according to CrossRef: 14

  • Robert B Porter, Recording of Children and Young People’s Views in Contact Decision-Making, The British Journal of Social Work, 10.1093/bjsw/bcz115, 50 , 6, (1796-1815), (2019). Crossref
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  • Paul McCafferty, Implementing Article 12 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child in Child Protection Decision-Making: a Critical Analysis of the Challenges and Opportunities for Social Work, Child Care in Practice, 10.1080/13575279.2016.1264368, 23 , 4, (327-341), (2017). Crossref
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  • G.G. van Bijleveld, C.W.M. Dedding, J.F.G. Bunders-Aelen, Seeing eye to eye or not? Young people's and child protection workers' perspectives on children's participation within the Dutch child protection and welfare services, Children and Youth Services Review, 10.1016/j.childyouth.2014.09.018, 47 , (253-259), (2014). Crossref
  • Julie Ridley, Cath Larkins, Nicola Farrelly, Shereen Hussein, Helen Austerberry, Jill Manthorpe, Nicky Stanley, Investing in the relationship: practitioners’ relationships with looked‐after children and care leavers in Social Work Practices, Child & Family Social Work, 10.1111/cfs.12109, 21 , 1, (55-64), (2013). Wiley Online Library
  • Sara Johnsdotter, European Somali Children Dumped? On families, parents, and children in a transnational context, European Journal of Social Work, 10.1080/13691457.2013.844682, 18 , 1, (81-96), (2013). Crossref
  • C. Larkins, J. Ridley, N. Farrelly, H. Austerberry, A. Bilson, S. Hussein, J. Manthorpe, N. Stanley, Children's, Young People's and Parents' Perspectives on Contact: Findings from the Evaluation of Social Work Practices, British Journal of Social Work, 10.1093/bjsw/bct135, 45 , 1, (296-312), (2013). Crossref
  • Karmen Toros, Anne Tiko, Koidu Saia, Child-centered approach in the context of the assessment of children in need: Reflections of child protection workers in Estonia, Children and Youth Services Review, 10.1016/j.childyouth.2013.03.011, 35 , 6, (1015-1022), (2013). Crossref
  • Jane V. Appleton, Peter Sidebotham, Making an Impact for Children, Child Abuse Review, 10.1002/car.1208, 20 , 6, (391-394), (2011). Wiley Online Library

Volume 20 , Issue 6 November/December 2011

Pages 395-406  相似文献   

Specific aimsThis study explored feasibility and fidelity of an education program for parents with intellectual disability. The Australian Parenting Young Children intervention was translated and adapted for support workers in the Swedish social services.MethodFidelity was examined using implementation diaries tracking frequency of implementation of program activities and teaching approaches ((over 14 months, completed by 27 support workers from 15 municipalities). Eighteen of these support workers and their managers (n = 12) completed questionnaires examining feasibility using Roger’s concepts of program compatibility and complexity.FindingsResults showed that implementation of Parenting Young Children was feasible, with overall positive attitudes to Evidence Based Practice, good program compatibility, low perceived program complexity, and high satisfaction with implementation support. The fidelity measures suggest problems in how the program is used by some support workers: parents received less than the recommended number of sessions and activities such as observation of parents and follow up, were infrequently used by support workers.DiscussionThe findings raise questions about how program support and education should be provided. Difficulties in defining fidelity within the flexibility of the Parenting Young Children program are also discussed.  相似文献   

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