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The call for increased attention to the biopsychosocial perspective in social work practice is now decades old in the USA. And yet the challenge of teaching and learning from this perspective for those with limited background in biology calls for more inter-disciplinary examples to assist students with the process of engaging in theory-informed practice. In addition to identifying the key elements of human biology, this review of the literature focuses on four examples of client behaviors that receive little or no attention in most current textbooks on the inter-disciplinary nature of human behavior in the social environment; namely, the psychobiology of sleep, the sociobiology of eating, the neurobiology of post-partum depression, and the behavioral endocrinology of menopause. This review concludes with implications for practice.  相似文献   

The main aim of the article is discussion of the conceptual framework for defining religion from a sociological perspective. One of the possible orderings of its development is showing historical periods and conceptual streams. As far as history is concerned the author distinguishes three periods: classical, post-classical and contemporary, showing dominant themes and ways of approaching religion in each of them. An alternative way of ordering is proposed in the second part of the article based on the source of religious change identified as the crucial point by sociologists working on theories of religion. There are three perspectives in identifying religious change: giving priority to individuals, to social systems and to religion itself. Every perspective has some outcomes for understanding the place of religion in social and individual life. The last part of the article is devoted to presenting the impact of religious conceptions on interpretational disputes between sociologists of religion.  相似文献   

《速记基础》是高职院校文科类专业的一门专业基础课程,以职业能力培养为目标.课程内容影响着专业教育效果、专业培养目标和岗位能力。随着职业岗位的内涵发生变化.课程内容也被要求进行优化和更新充实。应基于职业能力整合课程教学内容,最终实现高职生职业能力和社会职业需求的零距离对接。  相似文献   

陈蕾 《现代交际》2014,(10):182-183
加强高校党建育人工作,筑牢抵御"和平演变"及思想渗透的钢铁长城,具有深远而重大的战略意义。高校校报作为党的喉舌耳目和重要宣传舆论工具,理所应当在加强党建育人工作中发挥重要而积极的作用。  相似文献   

上海文化产业发展与文化体制改革协同推进研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当前,上海文化产业总值在全国名列前茅,但后劲乏力;上海文化产业体制改革步子较快,但成效不明显。上海文化产业发展与其体制改革缺乏必要的协同性。未来3年,上海文化产业发展与文化体制改革应协同推进,确立文化产业发展目标及重点领域。惟有改革创新,才能实现上海文化产业发展及其体制改革协同目标。  相似文献   

The paper concentrates on three aspects that played a role in shaping the capital of Slovakia: the importance of a name given to the territory illustrating how renaming came to play a crucial role in creating a capital of Slovakia, an successful example of how to nationalise a place and a past; the second part of the paper describes the barriers in acceptance of Bratislava as the capital city of Slovakia among its citizens; the final part deals with ideological incentives in demolition and construction the town and its monuments. The main argument says that the route of Bratislava to the position of the capital of Slovakia was atypical, the majority of its population did not want this status, the actors of the national revolution—the Slovaks did not regard it as their centre, and it did not even have a definitely fixed Slovak name. Nevertheless, Bratislava succeeded gradually made its own history of ‘all Slovakia’. The democratic revolution of 1989–1993 confirmed the functioning of Bratislava as the centre of Slovakia, both in the actual political revolution and in the creation of democratic institutions. As a matter of fact, Bratislava could not be considered a ‘big city’ especially in comparison to Vienna, Prague or Budapest—with nearly half of million inhabitants belongs to rather small cities in East Central Europe and sometimes is characterised as a ‘provincial large city’.  相似文献   

Over the past two hundred years, large, modern firms have tended to replace small, family businesses. In parallel, the family has declined as a social institution. We suggest that these developments are interrelated. Because information of cheating in market transactions spreads only gradually in large markets, the reputation of the family firm could support contractual performance only in small, traditional markets. As markets grew in size, this reputational mechanism could no longer operate. The small, family firm was then replaced by the large, modern firm. This transition led to a decrease in the importance of the family.   相似文献   

第三次中东战争的地缘政治学探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
事实上,第三次中东战争冲突的核心其实并非单纯是宗教上的分歧,地缘政治亦产生了重大影响.本文通过分析第三次中东战争爆发前后以色列所面临的复杂周边地缘政治环境及其国内影响安全的地缘政治因素(如疆域面积狭小、缺乏战略纵深等),从地缘政治学的角度来探析以色列在这次战争中的安全战略,进而对阿以和平走向作出某种展望.  相似文献   

This presentation describes a recently developed set of guidelines for estimating the economic costs of substance abuse, summarizes the findings from a Canadian study that utilized these guidelines, and discusses the implications to the potential development of guidelines for estimating the costs and benefits of gambling. The guidelines for estimating the costs of substance abuse present a general framework of costs to be included and discuss methodological issues such as the definition of abuse; determination of causality; comparison of the demographic and human capital approaches; the treatment of private costs; the treatment of nonworkforce mortality and morbidity; the treatment of research, education, law enforcement costs, the estimation of avoidable costs and budgetary impact of substance abuse, and the significance of intangible costs. Utilizing these guidelines, a study was undertaken to estimate the economic costs of alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs to Canadian society in 1992. Based on this experience, it is argued that cost/benefit research should be conducted by multidisciplinary teams, that the real value of such work lies more in the detailed findings than in the bottom line results, and that focus should be placed on developing an ongoing process for developing consensus on how to conduct studies of the costs and benefits of gambling, rather than attempting to find a precise methodology that everyone agrees upon.  相似文献   

多国部队从阿富汗撤出与新总统就职后,阿富汗局势复杂性从两个方面凸显出来:一方面阿富汗面临着安全局势恶化的可能性。军阀战争重启、塔利班卷土重来等可能性是国际社会担忧的安全核心问题;阿富汗大选已尘埃落定,新总统已经就职,但各派政治力量之间的竞争在这次选举后不会平息,旧有的民族、部族、地域矛盾依然存在,滞后的经济和社会发展状况不可能在短期内解决,这是国际社会担忧的阿富汗政治与社会的结构性问题。另一方面,这种情况并不是绝对的。因为,多国部队在撤出后的战略部署以及阿富汗自身安全力量的建设都影响着阿富汗未来的前途。例如,无人机战术的使用在很大程度上压制了各派反政府武装的攻势。阿富汗"天下大乱"的可能性不大,但局部不稳定却是非常可能的。  相似文献   

马哈福兹的<我们街区的孩子们>倡导一种能够促进社会发展与人类进步、在文化转型中既保留了传统核心价值观,又融入作为现代文化核心特征的科学理性精神和人本主义精神的新型核心价值观.为此,他既尊重宗教作为传统道德基石的作用,又将科学作为现代价值支柱而加以大力弘扬;既继承了伊斯兰教入世传统中对人的价值定位,又试图将它与现代人本主义精神相结合,以凸显"人"的价值,追求"人"的发展.因此,此种价值观的最终目的,实际是对具有现代自我意识的"新人"的召唤.  相似文献   

张浩 《科学发展》2010,(8):103-106
中国在推进城市化进程中,以城市人口占总人口的比例来表示城市化率的方法,实践证明并不科学。目前农村与城市的"二元结构"依然很突出。上海作为国内城市化率最高的城市,也有"概念性市区"问题,需要走新型城市化道路,在完成"人口转移型"城市化前提下,加快向"结构转换型"城市化转变。  相似文献   

The theme of the quality of work and working life has gone through ups and downs, recurrent references, at times only opportunistic, in the sociological literature. Our intention here is certainly not to go once again over the stages, both theoretical and empirical, at the international level, but above all european and italian, of this process.  相似文献   

清真寺文化涉及生活的诸多方面,不仅促进了穆斯林核心价值观的良性发展,还为和谐社会的发展奠定了一定的基础。这种兼顾精神与物质建设的穆斯林核心价值观,具有丰富的内涵和深远的现实意义。  相似文献   

This paper presents alternative models for the integration of multicultural issues in research on domestic violence. Issues are discussed that illustrate ethnic specific strengths, concerns, and weaknesses of ethnic families and communities. These issues need to be incorporated in future research that more thoroughly examines ethnic and cultural issues in violence research. Alternative strategies for future research are also suggested which call for the incorporation of ethnic and cultural issues on an ongoing basis, so that commonalities across studies can emerge and we can begin to understand the cultural context of domestic violence.  相似文献   

马哈福兹的《我们街区的孩子们》倡导一种能够促进社会发展与人类进步、在文化转型中既保留了传统核心价值观,又融入作为现代文化核心特征的科学理性精神和人本主义精神的新型核心价值观。为此,他既尊重宗教作为传统道德基石的作用,又将科学作为现代价值支柱而加以大力弘扬;既继承了伊斯兰教入世传统中对人的价值定位,又试图将它与现代人本主义精神相结合,以凸显“人”的价值,追求“人”的发展。因此,此种价值观的最终目的,实际是对具有现代自我意识的“新人”的召唤。  相似文献   

当前,促进国有资产证券化、增强国有资产流动性是国资运营的主要目标。上海国资国企改革“十二五”规划明确要求,到“十二五”期末90%以上产业集团实现整体上市或核心资产上市。通过重点探索国资委持股上市公司的有效模式,以合理确定其职责、分析其面临的风险,进而从法律层面寻求相应的解决方案。研究表明,国资委直接持股、集团公司持股、平台公司持股等国资委履行出资人职责的三种模式各有利弊,国资委在具体选择时需要考虑企业的规模、市场化程度、国资委自身改革的进度等各种因素,进而选择最适当的模式。  相似文献   

上海世博理念、世博精神和世博经验探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐诤  王丹 《科学发展》2011,(3):31-36
中国2010年上海世博会是全球经济、科技和文化成果集中展示的一次盛会,形成了独特的上海世博理念、世博精神和世博经验。上海世博理念不仅传承世界博览会“理解、沟通、欢聚、合作”的基本理念,而且凸显了当今世界的发展趋势、时代诉求和历史使命,将成为引领未来世界城市发展的思想源泉。上海世博精神汇聚全国人民踊跃办博的精神风貌和世界人民热情参与的高尚情怀,展现了中国诚待世界的核心价值和世界信任中国的共同价值。上海世博经验是在世博会申办、筹办和举办的过程中所形成的制度、机制以及所创造具有特色的办法、技巧和心得,并在办博实践中不断应用、不断完善的知识体系。  相似文献   

新生代农民工较第一代农民工在婚恋行为方面已经出现了明显的转变,包括初婚年龄上升、婚恋对象更广、婚恋途径更丰富等。择偶观方面,男性新生代农民工会比较注重异性的长相,而女性则会更加注重异性的能力和收入。频繁的职业流动对新生代农民工的婚恋决策有着显著的负影响,而住房条件对新生代农民工的婚恋决策有着显著的正影响。  相似文献   

高校开展的创先争优活动作为重要的载体形式要为改进和加强高校学生党建和思想政治工作增强动力,提供组织和思想保障。探索建立大学生党组织责任区制度体系为研究重点的制度机制,以增强创先争优活动的时代感、实效性、针对性,是适应高校学生党建和思想政治工作的现实需要,是对创先争优活动和党的先进性建设长效机制的不断创新、丰富和发展;探索创新制度机制,加强创先争优活动的制度机制建设,有利于实现新时期学生党建工作的目标要求,有利于把高校学生党组织创先争优活动不断引向深入,推进高校学生党建和思想政治工作实现新发展。  相似文献   

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