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随着社会对人才要求的提高,参加函授课程提高自己知识水平的成人越来越多。然而函授教学中的面授阶段教学内容及时间缩水的情况的普遍,使得社会对函授毕业的学生另眼看待,轻视其文凭,这也同时影响到函授的招生,影响到教育事业的发展。因此,应采取对策,改变现状。  相似文献   

刘红梅 《职业时空》2008,4(1):95-96
近年来,成人高等教育教学质量有明显的下降趋势。影响成人高等教育教学质量的因素是多方面的,既有学校的,也有社会的;既有教师的,也有学生的;既有观念认识上的,也有工作方法上的等等。笔者拟从办学主体的角度,就影响成人高等教育教学质量的一些主要因素提出几点看法。  相似文献   

在信息化时代到来之后,人们逐渐提升应用信息技术的水平,目前国内中职院校教学中的重要学科之一就是计算机教学,现代化教学也提高了对中职计算机教学的要求,使得中职计算机教学逐渐显露出弊端,因此需要不断完善中职计算机教学,促进中职学生计算机能力的提升。本文主要研究中职计算机教学中存在的问题,并提出中职计算机教学的有效对策。  相似文献   

刘克美 《职业时空》2008,4(9):122-123
二语习得的逆过程是指在第二语言的学习过程中由于学习者对这种语言的学习时间与使用时间的减少或停止,对该语言的运用能力随着时间的推移而逐渐减退。  相似文献   

合唱,顾名思义就是由多个人以不同的声音共同演唱,合唱是音乐教学中必不可少的组成部分。合唱是人类音乐艺术中最值得称赞的艺术之一,对音乐文化的发展有很大的促进作用。合唱教学在众多学校的音乐教学都有所体现,然而进行合唱教学时仍存在一些问题亟待解决,影响着学校音乐教学的发展与进步。因此,我们需要对音乐教学中合唱教学的重要性进行阐述,并探索合唱教学的对策,从而推动合唱教学的发展以及整个音乐教学的发展与进步。  相似文献   

深入地对初中化学教学活动成效不佳的原因进行综合性剖析,会发现由许多原因造成,其中关键性原因就在于初中化学教师不能够结合初中生的多元化学习需求及初中化学的学科特征去设计化学教学方式,致使初中化学出现许多问题,比如:初中生化学学习兴趣不高、初中化学实验设备不完善、化学教学管理不够科学等。因此,需要初中化学教师和化学教学管理者认真剖析阻碍化学教学质量和水平的因素,并形成合力采取有效对策化解,进而实现初中化学课程革新的教学目标。  相似文献   

伴随着高校、社会及大学生自身等各方面环境和因素的影响,大学生作弊现象日益普遍,在校园成为了一种大规模的现象,这给高校和学生成长发展带来不利影响。本文将着重对大学生作弊的不同心态表现进行分析,对造成大学生作弊的原因进行深入探讨,探求解决的方法和应对策略。  相似文献   

随着科技进步和互联网功能的日益强大,人们对手机等互联网工具的依赖性越来越强,大学生作为时代的弄潮儿,对手机的使用依赖也越来越高,甚至不分时段的在课堂中使用手机,手机的定位也从“工具”变为“玩具”。本文通过自填式问卷了解大学生课堂手机依赖情况,分析其原因主要为教师课堂教学缺乏吸引力、教师课堂管理不严、学生对部分课程重视程度不够等,并针对原因从高校制定并落实更加完善的教学制度,对学生形成有效约束、教师丰富教学内容和手段,提高教学质量等方面提出几点合理可行的建议,促进其更好地把握大学时光。  相似文献   

陈宇清  蔡少莲 《职业》2013,(23):83-83
本文通过对当前学校护理专业学生成人护理课程人文素质培养的现状剖析,阐明加强学校成人护理专业人文素质教育的必要性,探寻在成人护理课程中提高护生人文素质的途径和方法。  相似文献   

This article explores using game theory in social studies classrooms as a heuristic to aid students in understanding strategic decision making. The authors provide examples of several simple games teachers can use. Next, we address how to help students design their own simple (2 × 2) games.  相似文献   

This article argues that contemporary concern about ending child prostitution is misdirected in its strategy. Some theorists and activists, even the ILO, are seeking to create a distinction between adult and child prostitution as if child prostitution could be ended whilst adult prostitution remains intact. The motivation for the distinction relies upon trends in the 1990s to characterize men's prostitution abuse of adult women as constituting legitimate work, choice and agency for the women themselves, and to construct a profitable prostitution industry which can create profits for governments and sex industrialists. I will argue that child and adult prostitution are inextricably interlinked, both in personnel (the women and children work together), in terms of the abusers (who make no distinctions), in the harm they cause and in that both constitute harmful traditional practices which must be ended. The acceptance of men's prostitution abuse as the basis for the industrialization of adult prostitution increases the scale and harm of child prostitution. Thus only policies to eradicate all of men's abusive prostitution behaviour will serve to mitigate child prostitution.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the usefulness of attachment theory in working with adults in psychotherapy. There are four classifications of attachment status in adults: secure attachment, and three types of insecure attachment: dismissing, preoccupied, and disorganized. These categories do not conform to standard diagnostic entities. I discuss examples of the three insecure attachment categories and the likely transference and countertransference configurations that may occur in each category. These categories provide an additional way for therapists to understand and to respond to the needs of their clients.  相似文献   

Geographically dispersed family members utilize frequent and diverse modes of communication to maintain their relationships. In transnational families separated by national boarders, family members may face constraints on channel selection due to cultural and/or structural factors. We draw from media multiplexity theory (MMT) and the cultural dimensions model to examine how transnationalism, societal individualism-collectivism (I-C), family allocentrism, and relational closeness influence the use of information communication technologies (ICTs) to maintain long-distance family relationships (LDFRs). Whereas results of the analysis provide cross-cultural support for MMT’s predictions regarding closeness and ICT frequency, the analysis reveals little support for MMT’s predictions regarding closeness and ICT variety. This study extends MMT by including culture in the study of relational closeness and ICT use, highlights the importance of family allocentrism when applying MMT to LDFRs, and demonstrates how transnational families can have frequent communication to maintain close, long-distance ties despite limited channel variety. Keywords: Culture, Immigrants, Information Communication Technologies, Long Distance Families, Relational ClosenessThis work was supported by the Humanities Center Faculty Fellowship program at Wayne State University.  相似文献   

行为主义,作为心理学的一个门类首先出现于美国20世纪20年代,对我们认识了解学习过程有重大意义,尤其是体现在实际教学中。已经有很多专家也对行为主义的具体方面做了很多研究因为在中学的英语课堂当中,行为主义学派作为不可或缺的一部分。但同时,我们也需要了解行为主义有不足之处。本论文旨在介绍行为主义的有效性及限制性,并提供建议以提高英语课堂的有效性。  相似文献   

Situational theory provides a conceptual framework for identifying and examining the active and passive information use behaviors of audiences in public relations campaigns. We suggest that the utility of situational theory may be increased by examining several possible dimensions of passive information use, using the cognitive response measurement approach. Data were collected from 85 female consumers at eight experimental sessions across the United States. Results suggest that situational theory and cognitive response approaches may be usefully combined to study a variety of dimensions of attention to messages. Such a combination may also serve to better inform message strategy in communication campaigns by providing a conceptually rigorous approach to conducting message tests.  相似文献   

对我国公用事业民营化的现状做了简要阐述,运用博弈模型分析我国公用事业民营化的必然性,提出政府激励性规制、惩罚性规制以及政府失灵等相关问题,在此基础上提出完善政府规制和提高民营资本服务效率的对策建议。  相似文献   

陈俊香 《职业时空》2012,(7):132+135
激励理论是管理学的重要组成部分,是管理者在实现其领导职能过程中遵循的重要理论之一。教师虽然不一定是管理者,但教师对其教学对象在思想和行为上具有影响力,这时教师就起到了领导(或引导)的作用,所以教师要善于把激励理论运用到教学实践中,采用不同的激励措施调动学生的学习积极性。  相似文献   

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