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生态移民研究综述   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
随着生态环境的日益恶化,从20世纪90年代末开始,我国西部地区出现了真正意义上的生态移民现象,学者们对此进行了广泛研究,这些研究主要从经济的角度考察了我国生态移民的现状,提出了其中存在的问题及解决对策。由于生态移民不仅仅是一种经济行为,更触动了民族生活方式的改变等重大问题,今后的研究有必要侧重于移民社会的文化变迁及文化适应等人类学与社会学课题。  相似文献   

Belgium is a country with a long and diverse history of migration. Given the diverse context of immigration to Belgium, reasons for return migration will most likely vary as well. With this study, we want to quantify the return migration of Belgium’s immigrants and assess whether socio-economic, sociodemographic and health factors are related to return migration. Individually linked census and register data comprising the total Belgian first-generation immigrant population aged 25+ were used. Age-standardized emigration rates (ASER) by migrant origin and gender were calculated for the period 2001–2011. Additionally, relative return migration differences were calculated by country of origin and gender, adjusted for age group, length of stay, household composition, socio-economic indicators (education, home ownership and employment status) and self-rated health in 2001. Return migration was most common among immigrants from Spanish descent and from the neighbouring countries and higher among men than among women. Return migration was highly selective in terms of older age, lower length of stay in Belgium, not living with a partner or children, being high-educated, unemployed and in good health. Key issues for future research include examining the reasons for return migration, identifying the country of destination and accounting for household characteristics.  相似文献   


Belgium is a country with a long and diverse history of migration. Given the diverse context of immigration to Belgium, reasons for return migration will most likely vary as well. With this study, we want to quantify the return migration of Belgium’s immigrants and assess whether socio-economic, sociodemographic and health factors are related to return migration. Individually linked census and register data comprising the total Belgian first-generation immigrant population aged 25+?were used. Age-standardized emigration rates (ASER) by migrant origin and gender were calculated for the period 2001–2011. Additionally, relative return migration differences were calculated by country of origin and gender, adjusted for age group, length of stay, household composition, socio-economic indicators (education, home ownership and employment status) and self-rated health in 2001. Return migration was most common among immigrants from Spanish descent and from the neighbouring countries and higher among men than among women. Return migration was highly selective in terms of older age, lower length of stay in Belgium, not living with a partner or children, being high-educated, unemployed and in good health. Key issues for future research include examining the reasons for return migration, identifying the country of destination and accounting for household characteristics.


Explanations for the consistentfemale mortality advantage have ranged from thebiological, through the behavioural to thesocial, but we are still far from asatisfactory explanation. The current mortalityadvantage, which women enjoy in almost allsocieties and age groups, is not a historicaluniversal. Indeed, it may even be a uniquedevelopment of the 20th century. Even ifthis is the case, however, this does not makeit a necessary corollary of low mortality.Human mortality reflects the pattern of socialrelationships, standards of living, livingarrangements, and patterns of power andinequality in the society, and althoughmortality levels are similar for men and forwomen, they nonetheless display importantdifferences. These differences, in their turn,reflect the pattern of relationships betweenmen and women in the society. The presentanalysis looks at mortality levels anddifferences between men and women in Belgium.We focus on aggregate effects at themunicipality level (the smallest level oflocal government), and show that mortality isnegatively associated with high standards ofliving; familial solidarity; immigrantconcentration and a stable, locally born,population. It is positively associated with ahigh tendency to cohabitation. Male mortalityis more sensitive to social conditions than isfemale mortality so that as conditions improvethe female mortality advantage declines. Wealso show that net of these conditions thereremains a mortality disadvantage inWallonia, and this can only partly be explainedin terms of social differences between the twomajor regions of the country.  相似文献   

Our study focuses on the fertility of first-generation female and male Turkish migrants in Germany. To evaluate whether timing effects such as fertility disruption or an interrelation of marriage, migration and childbirth occur, we examine first and second births in the years before and after immigration to Germany. The Turkish sample of the Generations and Gender Survey which was conducted in 2006 offers the unique opportunity to examine Turkish immigrants as a single immigrant category. We question the common understanding that Turkish immigrants who arrived to Germany after 1973 mainly arrived for family reunification resulting in high birth intensities immediately after immigration. To distinguish different circumstances under which male and female immigrants have arrived to Germany, we include the combined marriage and migration history of the couple. We find that first birth probabilities are elevated during the years immediately following migration. But this effect is not universal among migrants with different marriage and migration histories. It appears that the arrival effect of high birth intensities is particularly high among female immigrants and is evident only among marriage migrants, that is Turks who married a partner who already lived in Germany at the time of the wedding. By contrast, among those who immigrated for family reunification, we do not find such an arrival effect.  相似文献   

柳敏 《东方论坛》2016,(4):37-42
近代青岛作为典型的移民城市,成为不同文化交相汇聚之处,海外移民植入西方的物质文明、管理制度及其生活方式,政治精英移民主导了城市规划与制度文化建设,旅青学者引入了高雅文化,乡村移民传承了乡风礼俗。在异质文化的植入过程中,控制、适应、交融、渗透逐渐成为移民应对文化困境的主要方式,并形成青岛兼容并蓄、多元开放的城市文化。但海外移民、政治与文化精英的流动性较强,一定程度影响了青岛精英文化的扎根与制度文化的延续;而大量乡村移民和经济精英成为青岛常住居民,给青岛带来务实与朴实的城市品格。  相似文献   

A small but growing body of studies have documented the alarming mortality situation of adult descendants of migrants in a number of European countries. Nearly all of them have focused on all-cause mortality to reveal these important health inequalities. This paper takes advantage of the Swedish population registers to study all-cause and cause-specific mortality among men and women aged 15–44 in Sweden from 1997 to 2016 to a level of granularity unparalleled elsewhere. It adopts a multi-generation, multi-origin and multi-cause-of-death approach. Using extended, competing-risks survival models, it aims to show (1) how the all-cause mortality of immigrants arriving as adults (the G1), immigrants arriving as children (the G1.5) and children of immigrants born in Sweden to at least one immigrant parent (the G2) differs versus ancestral Swedes and (2) what causes-of-deaths drive these differentials. For all-cause mortality, most G1 (not Finns or Sub-Saharan Africans) have a mortality advantage. This contrasts with a near systematic reversal in the mortality of the G1.5 and G2 (notably among men), which is driven by excess accident and injury, suicide, substance use and other external cause mortality. Given that external causes-of-death are preventable and avoidable, the findings raise questions about integration processes, the levels of inequality immigrant populations are exposed to in Sweden and ultimately, whether the legacy of immigration has been positive. Strengths of the study include the use of quality data and advanced methods, the granularity of the estimates, and the provision of evidence that highlights the precarious mortality situation of the seldom-studied G1.5.Supplementary InformationThe online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10680-022-09637-0.  相似文献   

当前,学界对于人口迁移是否属于适应气候变化的策略有正反两方面的观点。赞成者认为,迁移可以改善移民的生产生活条件和迁出地的生态环境;迁移是移民的生计策略;迁移带来的收入有利于迁出地的社区和家庭适应气候变化。反对者认为,气候变化引起的迁移是应对气候变化的失败,需要采取控制措施;迁移的结果通常是不理想的;强制性违背了受影响人口的意愿;迁移并不是在任何时候都适用的策略。通过对我国气候移民实践的分析发现:气候变化影响人口迁移动因,具有多元性,包括个体与家庭、政府干预和外部环境因素;迁移形式具有多样性,包括自发性、激励性和强制性等;在适应气候变化措施中,迁移与工程、技术性措施同等重要;迁移效果是非线性的,取决于移民政策与规划的制定、资源的整合与互济、工程的实施与管理、政府的移民理念等。为了更好地适应气候变化,需要将气候移民纳入适应气候变化战略规划、强化气候变化风险管理、为人口迁移与安置创造条件,逐步规范和完善迁移与安置政策与行动。  相似文献   

Competing views exist concerning the impact of geographical mobility on childbearing patterns. Early research shows that internal migrants largely exhibit fertility levels dominant in their childhood environment, while later studies find migrants’ fertility to resemble more closely that of natives at destination. Some authors attribute the latter to adaptation, others claim the selection of migrants by fertility preferences. Moreover, short-term fertility-lowering-effects of residential relocation have also been proposed and challenged in the literature. This paper contributes to the existing discussion by providing an analysis of the effect of internal migration on fertility of post-war Estonian female cohorts. We use retrospective event-history data and apply intensity regression for both single and simultaneous equations. Our analysis shows that first, the risk of birth for native residents decreases with increasing settlement size and the decrease is larger for higher-order parities. Second, it shows that migrants, whatever their origin, exhibit fertility levels similar to those of non-migrants at destination. We also observe elevated fertility levels after residential relocations arising from union formation. Our further analysis supports the adaptation hypothesis. We find no evidence on (strong) selectivity of migrants by fertility preferences.  相似文献   

知识型移民作为一种稀缺资源,具有高层次性、高创造性、高流动性等特征。我国国内知识型移民的主要动因表现为经济理性选择,移民者基本依赖才识实现社会融入,但我国在政策制度方面对知识型移民存在制约因素。我国应从创新移民政策、健全区域协作制度、优化移民生活环境、制定人才引进与培养规划和完善社会支持网络等方面促进知识型移民的社会融入。  相似文献   

In this study, we assess the accuracy of fertility estimates that stem from the retrospective information that can be derived from an existing cross-sectional population. Swedish population registers contain information on the childbearing of all people ever registered as living in Sweden, and thus allow us to avoid problems of selectivity by the virtue of survival or nonemigration when estimating the fertility measures for previous calendar periods. We calculate two types of fertility rates for each year in 1961–1999: (i) rates that are based on the population that was living in Sweden at the end of 1999, and (ii) rates that also include information on people who had died or emigrated before the turn of the twentieth century. We find that the omission of information on individuals who had emigrated or died, as the situation would be in any demographic survey, most often have negligible effects on fertility measures. However, first-birth rates of immigrants gradually become more biased as we move back in time from 1999 so that they increasingly tend to over-estimate the true fertility of that population.  相似文献   

十七世纪以来,来自阂粤赣地区的客家移民在成都平原东部为中心的川西地区形成了民居聚落群。作为外来文化的客家民居在新的地域环境下的生存状态反映了客家移民融入不同地域文化的过程。川西客家民居通过自身的演变与发展,与川西地域文化融为一体。为适应川西地域环境,川西客家民居在建筑材料、规模、形态上发生了改变;同时川西客家民居也保持着客家文化顽强的延承性,在住宅的构建技术、空间、对外关系上保辑着对原乡客家民居传统的承袭。  相似文献   

世界主要发达国家人口结构演化表现出人口年龄结构向老龄化加速迈进,但人口教育结构仍然保持年轻化和知识化,人口产业结构日趋服务化和高端化,人口迁移更青睐年轻技术移民等特征。中国可借鉴发达国家应对人口结构变化提升竞争力的经验,适时调整产业结构,促进人口结构持续优化;加快引进技术移民,保持人口年轻化、高素质化;健全人力资本投资体系,实现人口素质稳步提升;积极应对人口老龄化,促进人口长期均衡发展。  相似文献   

新型城镇化的核心是农业转移人口市民化,而流入地政府的财政负担是市民化进程中面临的一大障碍。流入地政府需要增加额外的财政支出以实现公共服务均等化,这必然会对现有的财政收支结构造成一定影响,由此带来较大的财政成本,造成一定的财政负担。但随着相关配套制度及设施的逐步完善,市民化的积极意义会日益凸显,对流入地政府的财政负担也会逐渐减轻,最终有利于流入地经济社会的发展。因此,流入地政府应以积极包容的态度做好相关财政准备,加快农业转移人口市民化进程,形成“中央与地方共同分担,地方为主”的格局。  相似文献   

越来越多的“外籍新娘”嫁入中国,“外籍新娘”出现在许多媒体和新闻报道中。学术界使用的“外籍新娘”、“跨国流动人口”、“外籍流动人口”等概念都不能准确描述因婚姻流入中国的外籍女性流而不动的情形。研究者将这类现象视为跨国婚姻或女性的跨国流动,但不能准确分析已经在中国长期定居的跨国婚姻女性人群的移民事实。笔者认为在跨国移民理论框架下认识中国的“外籍新娘”,她们已经具备了“国际移民”定义的基本特征。这些女性像所有移徙到世界任何国家的移民一样,是“跨国移民”。因相关移民法律政策缺失,这些来自亚洲国家的女性婚姻移民一直难以取得合法身份而滞留中国,成为事实上的“非正规移民”,对中国当前的移民政策提出新挑战。  相似文献   

开发性移民方针的提出与移民经济的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
移民经济是在 2 0世纪 80年代中期 ,中国提出“开发性移民方针” ,并开始在三峡库区移民实践中逐渐形成、发展起来的一种经济现象或经济模式。移民经济是以“开发性移民方针”为指导的经济 ,是与社会主义市场经济相吻合的经济。三峡库区移民迁建的实践证明 ,移民经济有利于市场对移民资源进行重新配置和优化 ,有利于库区经济结构调整 ,是确保移民能够“搬得出 ,稳得住 ,逐渐能致富”的好形式 ,为最终解决三峡库区百万大移民这一世界性难题奠定了基础。展望移民经济的发展 ,可以预见 ,移民经济将逐渐成熟和规范 ,成为移民迁建的基本经济模式  相似文献   

In this paper, we use geo-coded, individual-level register data on four European countries to compute comparative measures of segregation that are independent of existing geographical sub-divisions. The focus is on non-European migrants, for whom aggregates of egocentric neighbourhoods (with different population counts) are used to assess small-scale, medium-scale, and large-scale segregation patterns. At the smallest scale level, corresponding to neighbourhoods with 200 persons, patterns of over- and under-representation are strikingly similar. At larger-scale levels, Belgium stands out as having relatively strong over- and under-representation. More than 55% of the Belgian population lives in large-scale neighbourhoods with moderate under- or over-representation of non-European migrants. In the other countries, the corresponding figures are between 30 and 40%. Possible explanations for the variation across countries are differences in housing policies and refugee placement policies. Sweden has the largest and Denmark the smallest non-European migrant population, in relative terms. Thus, in both migrant-dense and native-born-dense areas, Swedish neighbourhoods have a higher concentration and Denmark a lower concentration of non-European migrants than the other countries. For large-scale, migrant-dense neighbourhoods, however, levels of concentration are similar in Belgium, the Netherlands, and Sweden. Thus, to the extent that such concentrations contribute to spatial inequalities, these countries are facing similar policy challenges.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the question whether regional mortality differences within developed countries reflect differences in characteristics of medical care service. It adds two new elements to previous studies on this subject: it concentrates on selected ‘avoidable’ causes of death, and it makes parallel analyses for ten EC countries. The results show that levels of medical care supply contribute little to the explanation of regional differences in mortality from the selected conditions. It is concluded that if regional mortality differences are related to health care, factors other than the level of supply are probably involved.  相似文献   

In Germany, internal migration streams have shaped the population structure quite notably during the past two decades. As selective migration can have a substantial impact on the geographical distribution of health, this paper examines whether internal migrants in Germany are selected regarding their health status. To capture health selection, one measure—i.e. self-rated contentment with health—and two established risk factors for poor health—i.e. smoking and BMI—were included. Applying event history analysis, the health status of migrants was compared to non-migrants, controlling for other individual characteristics. The analyses were based on the German Socio-Economic Panel, a retrospective data set representative of the German population. Results for self-rated health and smoking were inconclusive. While self-rated health was only related to migration in men, smoking was only linked to migration in women. However, there was a clear association between BMI and migration, i.e. the propensity to migrate decreased significantly with increasing weight. The results suggest that BMI is an important indicator of increased susceptibility to ill health, which prevent people from migration. Leaving behind a population who has a greater susceptibility to chronic conditions, selective migration is likely to reinforce the consequences of population ageing and healthcare demand, in particular in regions characterized by outmigration.  相似文献   

After Poland’s accession to the European Union in 2004, Polish migration within Europe has increased considerably. Still, little is known about this large and growing group of immigrants. Using unique panel data from the Dutch population registers, we first apply sequence analysis to explore and describe the variety of family life courses among young adult (aged 20–30 at migration) Polish migrants in the Netherlands. Each individual family life career is followed for a 5-year period on a monthly time base. Optimal matching analysis is applied to compute (dis)similarities between individuals, in order to cluster into predominant life paths. Second, a series of logistic regression analyses were carried out to determine the main factors of importance on the different family life paths. Findings showed a strong impact of the partner’s origin on the type of union and likelihood of return migration. Unemployment was found to be another important trigger of return migration. With regard to gender differences, we found that men are more likely to remain single and to leave the Netherlands at some point, while women more often cohabit and tend to stay.  相似文献   

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