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地处川东南的隆昌县,“八五”计划末期,就把发展个体私营经济作为产业结构调整和加快县域经济发展的重要战略来抓,经过市场经济的洗礼,使个体私营经济从补充、配角、辅助地位发展成为国民经济的重要组成部分和县域经济不可替代的支柱力量。2000年,全县有个体工商户7409户,从业人员8882人,注册资金3532万元;私营经济企业412户,从业人员6160人,注册资本(金)24834万元。全县个体私营经济对县的GDP的贡献已达47%。2001年,全县有个体工商户8746户,从业人员10441人,注册资金5204万元;私营经济企业437户,从业人员7430户,注册资本(金)31777万元。…  相似文献   

关于我国城市所有制结构调整的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
曹以朋 《城市》2003,(2):37-39
一、改革开放以来不同阶段我国城市所有制结构调整情况从对非公有制经济的政策演变来看,大体可将1978年至今划分为4个阶段。第一阶段:从1978年党的十一届三中全会到1984年党的十二届三中全会,这一时期开始允许个体经济的存在与发展。第二阶段:从1984年到1987年党的“十三大”,主要是在政策上开始允许私营经济的存在与发展。党的“十三大”报告进一步指出:“目前全民所有制以外的其他经济成分,不是发展得太多了,而是还很不够。对于城乡合作经济、个体经济和私营经济,都要继续鼓励它们发展。”第三阶段:从1988年七届人大一次会议到1997年党的…  相似文献   

近年来,随着吴江市“三资(制)”经济工作战略的深入贯彻与实施,各地普遍加大了启动民资的工作力度,私营经济出现了蓬勃发展的好势头,成为推动吴江市快速增长的一支重要力量。  相似文献   

20年一个体私营经济的发展在中国的经济改革中形成了一道独特的风景,从公有制的有益补充到社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分,我们在认识上的每一个进步,都会带来生产力解放,带来个体私营经济的长足发展,这一点在农民农业家张春量的创业历程中清晰可见。  相似文献   

本文分析了当前我国的个体、私营经济和“三资”企业等非公有制经济企业家群体的基本构成和自身素质状况,系统论述了他们的经济利益、政治利益、文化生活、个人消费和社会心理状况,并从改革和发展的角度,探讨了我国非公有制经济企业家群体的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

随着我国经济全面高速的发展,房地产业从南至北掀起了一股前所未有的发展热潮,进而作为一项新兴产业,成为国家经济的一个重要组成部分,并且正在发挥着国民经济支柱的作用。 一、我国房地产市场的建立和发展 我国的房地产业是随着我国改革开放的步伐逐步发育起来的,它的发展历程大致  相似文献   

无论是发达国家,还是发展中国家,家族企业都占据着重要地位,并且都在顽强地生存和发展着。有研究表明,由家庭所有或经营的企业在全世界企业中占65%到80%之间。据统计资料显示,我国以家族企业为主导的私营经济对GDP的贡献率从1989年的0.57%上升到1998年的7.37%;私营经济就业贡献率从1989年的0.07%上升到1998年的100.8%,私营经济吸收的劳动力超过了当年全社会新增就业人数,其中还有从其他部门转移到了私营经济中的劳动力。家族企业的发展有效地促进了国民经济的发展,缓解了日益严重的就业压力。因此,研究家族企业具有非常重大的现实意义。19…  相似文献   

周立群  夏良科 《城市》2008,(4):13-17
一、环渤海的崛起与“外资北流” 中国渐进式的改革开放经历了一个从南到北.从沿海到内地逐步推进的过程。20世纪80年代.改革开放政策从南方沿海城市开始试点.市场导向的外向型经济极大地推动了该地区的发展.珠三角和长三角地区相继成为推动中国经济跨越式发展的引擎。  相似文献   

一、加强非公有制经济组织团建的战略意义改革开放以来 ,我国非公有制经济迅速发展 ,已成为国民经济发展的重要力量。据统计 ,1999年全国登记注册的非公有制企业超过3300万户 ,占全国企业总数的80 %以上 ,其中 ,规模以上的私营企业、港澳台商投资企业、外商投资企业的工业产值达22198亿元 ,占全国工业总产值的30.6 % ,可谓“三分天下有其一” ,已是中国经济棋盘上举足轻重的大“车”。随着非公有制经济崛起 ,非公有制经济组织的社会功能也日渐增强 ,正成为社会结构中新近崛起的重要组成部分 ,对社会和青年产生了日益广泛…  相似文献   

楚娟娟 《城市》2009,(5):39-42
改革开放以来.中国经济迅猛发展.私营经济在国民经济中所占比重越来越大.对国民经济发展作出了巨大贡献。20世纪八九十年代.私营经济作为中国东南沿海省市经济发展的源动力.带动了中国经济的飞速发展.其中东南沿海的上海、浙江、江苏和广东是私营经济最为活跃的地方。  相似文献   

Will life expectancy in the United States rise or fall in this century? The implications of either scenario are far reaching. We contend that the rise of childhood obesity in the United States in the past three decades has been so dramatic that it will soon lead to higher than expected death rates at middle ages and a possible decline in life expectancy by midcentury. The most detrimental health and longevity effects will not be seen for decades--a phenomenon that cannot be detected by current methods used to forecast life expectancy or estimate the number of deaths currently attributable to obesity. This scenario contrasts sharply with the views of mathematical demographers who generate forecasts by relying on the assumption that the U.S. pattern of longevity will follow that of other longer lived nations and on the extrapolation of historical trends in life expectancy into the future.  相似文献   

Will life expectancy in the United States rise or fall in this century? The implications of either scenario are far reaching. We contend that the rise of childhood obesity in the United States in the past three decades has been so dramatic that it will soon lead to higher than expected death rates at middle ages and a possible decline in life expectancy by midcentury. The most detrimental health and longevity effects will not be seen for decades--a phenomenon that cannot be detected by current methods used to forecast life expectancy or estimate the number of deaths currently attributable to obesity. This scenario contrasts sharply with the views of mathematical demographers who generate forecasts by relying on the assumption that the U.S. pattern of longevity will follow that of other longer lived nations and on the extrapolation of historical trends in life expectancy into the future.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a livestock ethics curriculum developed for high school students in agricultural education classes. The curriculum was developed in response to numerous unethical occurrences at major livestock shows in recent years. These have included drug violations, physical alteration of animals, and excessive involvement of professional livestock handlers. The curriculum was taught to 305 students enrolled in eight Indiana high school agriculture programs. Data were collected using a pretest and posttest. Eighty-six percent of participants improved their score from the pretest to the posttest. Participants increased their awareness and knowledge of the overall principles involved in making ethical choices when faced with decisions in youth livestock programs. Students improved their understanding of the consequences associated with making unethical choices when faced with decisions in the youth livestock program. Participants were more likely to make an ethical choice when faced with a scenario featuring an ethical dilemma. Participants who had previously been enrolled in 4-H, Future Farmers of America, or an animal project had higher scores than those who had not been previously enrolled, but the amount of change from pre- to posttest was similar for those with and without such prior exposure. Future research should examine whether mastery of this kind of ethics curriculum will lead to better ethical choices in real-life situations.  相似文献   

王章武 《职业时空》2007,3(1):48-49
《高等数学》是学生从中学升上大学以后最先碰到的“重头”课。大学中高等数学的学习方法注重理解和知识的整体性,以有的放矢的解决问题。由于受“应试教育”的影响,部分学生习惯了传统的以传授知识为主的“满堂灌”的教学方法,学习上依赖性强,缺乏自学能力,学习主动性不够。面对这种状况,当务之急是要顺应由“应试教育”向“素质教育”转轨的潮流,搞好高等数学课的素质教育,实施新的教学模式,深化数学教学改革,并采取灵活的教学评估方式。  相似文献   

This paper surveys a wide range of Soviet opinion poll data, mostly collected between the middle of 1990 and the middle of 1991, to investigate attitudes to the transition to the market economy. The majority of the population welcomed the transition to a market economy as the only means of freeing themselves from an oppressive system, and were willing to pay a high price for their liberation, but they were not willing to exchange one form of exploitation for another.  相似文献   

With the frequent exchange of social affairs, education, technology, culture with international communities under the national policy "one belt, one road", more and more translations are expected in indifferent areas, and it has been noted that lots of translations are somewhat related to different cultures and backgrounds, no matter historical or religious. This paper intends to explore and conduct a study on the cultural differences to the translation and also come up with a series of resolutions and advices to avoid the ambiguity and misunderstanding regarding translation.  相似文献   

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