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This article questions the conventional wisdom which claims forced migration is irreversible following massive ethnic cleansing campaigns, by investigating durable returns to pre‐conflict home communities in Bosnia‐Herzegovina. We formulate a set of novel hypotheses on the demographic determinants of return as well as on the role of social capital, nationalist ideology, integration, and war victimization. We use a 2013 Bosnian representative sample with 1,007 respondents to test our hypotheses. The findings support the expectation that gender and age have a major impact on return. Net of other factors, women and those experiencing wartime victimization are less likely to return. Older Bosnians with positive memories of pre‐conflict interethnic relations are more likely to return than younger persons or those with negative memories. Finally, ethnic Bosniacs are more likely to return than ethnic Croats or Serbs. More nationalistic internally displaced persons (IDPs) are less likely to return.  相似文献   
Through the analysis of in-depth interviews with 36 officers involved in nationality acquisition procedures and representatives of associations working to support candidates, I analyse the application of current Belgian nationality law. I show how significant variation, mainly between different territorial offices, exists in the application of the law and how such variation contradicts the fundamental democratic norm of the equality of (aspirant) citizens. This is despite legislation with a high level of codification of the requirements, as well as a procedure that involves magistrates and allows full judicial review, conditions that should leave very little space for discretion. I argue that such variation in the Belgian case arises mainly from the decentralized organization of the procedure and the lack of measures to assure shared interpretations of the law at the national level.  相似文献   
The Foreign Citizens' Council of the Province of Bologna is a consultative, elected body that the Province has implemented to give representation to the non‐EU population, given the absence of local voting rights for these migrants in Italy. This work analyses the models of political representation implicit in the electoral rules of the council and in the organization of the main competing lists in the election, and, through the analysis of electoral data and 32 in‐depth interviews with the candidates, the effect the different models had. While the vote seems to have been mostly intra‐national, cross‐national lists were the most successful. The different levels of turnout among the electorate suggest that the vote was based on mobilization rather than on trust in the political system, and that the analyses that link associational density with electoral participation pose some theoretical and methodological problems in this field.

Policy Implications

  • Migrants' participation policy is always based on implicit political models of participation that should always be made explicit and examined before implementation.
  • There is always a plurality of political preferences for different models of participation in the migrant population, that should be explored and accommodated.
  • The number of associations in existence should not be used as an indicator of a strong civil society as largely as it is presently.
The paper analyzes the privatization process with the participation of foreign investments in countries in transition. Privatization is a necessity in transition countries as a prerequisite of the move to a market economy. Foreign investments are of great importance for the economies of the transition countries, not only to inject necessary capital but also to provide access to new technologies, new markets, and organizational and marketing expertise. For the successful initiation and implementation of these processes, some basic requirements are to be met; namely, to assure more adequate protection of property rights and upgrade legislation related to privatization and foreign investments.  相似文献   
For Serbia diminishing of current account deficit is a prerequisite for the regular repayment of external debt. It is necessary to attract a bigger amount of foreign direct investment when the process of privatization is finished. Motivation for investing in Serbia has to be intensified by the creation of attractive and stimulating environments. Until now, FDI was mostly directed to purchase of Serbian companies. Economic and institutional factors should be directed to create a framework, which is important for FDI inflow. Every measure contributing to reduce dollarization and strengthen the local currency is a step in the right direction. The success in attracting foreign investments will depend primarily on objective factors, such as the size of national markets, the availability of appropriate inputs, infrastructure and manpower skills.  相似文献   
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