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For X1, …, XN a random sample from a distribution F, let the process SδN(t) be defined as where K2N = σNi=1(ci ? c?)2 and R xi, + Δd, is the rank of Xi + Δdi, among X1 + Δd1, …, XN + ΔdN. The purpose of this note is to prove that, under certain regularity conditions on F and on the constants ci and di, SΔN (t) is asymptotically approximately a linear function of Δ, uniformly in t and in Δ, |Δ| ≤ C. The special case of two samples is considered.  相似文献   
The aim of the article is to identify the intraday seasonality in a wind speed time series. Following the traditional approach, the marginal probability law is Weibull and, consequently, we consider seasonal Weibull law. A new estimation and decision procedure to estimate the seasonal Weibull law intraday scale parameter is presented. We will also give statistical decision-making tools to discard or not the trend parameter and to validate the seasonal model.  相似文献   
We examine the behaviour of the sample autocorrelations of a seasonal time series for which the first difference of order s (s ≥ 1) is stationary. The asymptotic distribution of the autocorrelations r'(k) based on uncentered data and of the autocorrelations r(k) based on centered data are derived. In each case, the asymptotic distribution is characterized as a function of the lag k and the parameters of the process. A simulation study was conducted in order to investigate the rate of convergence of the finite sample distributions of r(k) and r'(k) to their asymptotic counterparts and to evaluate the effect of centering or not centering the data on the distribution of autocorrelations.  相似文献   
The present work takes place in the framework of a non-expected utility model under risk: the RDEU theory (Rank Dependent Expected Utility, first initiated by Quiggin under the denomination of Anticipated Utility), where the decision maker's behavior is characterized by two functionsu andf. Our first result gives a condition under which the functionu characterizes the decision maker's attitude towards wealth. Then, defining a decision maker as risk averter (respectively risk seeker) when he always prefers to any random variable its expected value (weak definition of risk aversion), the second result states that a decision maker who has an increasing marginal utility of wealth (a convex functionu) can be risk averse, if his functionf issufficiently below his functionu, hence if he is sufficientlypessimistic. Obviously, he can also be risk seeking with a diminishing marginal utility of wealth. This result is noteworthy because with a stronger definition of risk aversion/risk seeking, based on mean-preserving spreads, Chew, Karni, and Safra have shown that the only way to be risk averse (in their sense) in RDEU theory is to have, simultaneously, a concave functionu and a convex functionf.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to provide a deeper process understanding of team mental model dynamics in a context of strategic change implementation. To do so, we adopt a change recipient sensemaking perspective with the objective to identify salient determinants of team mental model dynamics. We aim to contribute to the managerial and organizational cognition literature by identifying critical micro-foundations that shape team cognition and interpretation processes during strategic change implementation. This adds to the field’s understanding of the under-researched collective dimension of strategic processes in general and strategic change implementation more specifically. Through an explorative case study conducted at a professional service organization, we identified five determinants of team mental model dynamics: coherence between ostensive and performative aspects of organizational routines, equivocality of expectations, dominance of organizational discourse, shifts in organizational identification and cross-understanding between departmental thought worlds. Case findings reveal that implementation processes of strategic change become intricate and difficult if change recipient sensemaking is not effectively acted upon. The five determinants identified require adequate managerial attention in order to avoid slipping into organizational inertia. As a consequence, professional workers are unable to ‘drop their tools’ and fail to integrate the strategic change effort in updated team mental models.  相似文献   
This article charts the future transformations of the Canadian labor force population using a microsimulation projection model. The model takes into account differentials in demographic behavior and labor force participation of individuals according to their ethnocultural and educational characteristics. As a result of a rapid fall in fertility, the Canadian population is expected to age rapidly as baby boomers start to retire from the labor market in large numbers. In response to declining fertility, Canada raised its immigration intake at the end of the 1980s, and immigration is now the main driver of Canadian population growth. At the same time, immigrants to Canada are becoming more culturally diversified. Over the last half century, the main source regions have shifted from Europe to Asia. Results of the microsimulation show that Canada's labor force population will continue to increase, but at a slower rate than in the recent past. By 2031, almost one third of the country's total labor force could be foreign‐born, and almost all its future increase is expected to be among university graduates, while the less‐educated labor force is projected to decline.  相似文献   
The social model of disability has implications for evaluation of disability policy. Public health analyses suggest that a population and environmental approach to enablement is more likely to impact positively on disabled people than person-centred action. The capacity of people living with disabilities to participate in a range of social activities and the attitudes of others to such participation are, along with environments, important factors contributing to disability situations and therefore the restriction of our promotion of personhood. These are areas where metrics could be used to evaluate the impact of disability policy.  相似文献   
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