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In addition to government‐sponsored health insurance schemes (GSHIS), many microfinance institutions (MFIs) and community‐based organizations (CBOs) in India have started microinsurance health insurance schemes. These include health mutuals for the benefit of their members. This article explores these as an alternative health‐financing model in India. A literature search produced 926 relevant publications. After applying advanced search options and removing duplicates, abstracts of 324 papers were read and then 47 papers reviewed, and finally 29 were included in this review. Five key themes emerged: (1) “Health for all” arguments and opportunities in favour of micro health insurance schemes; (2) micro health insurance products; (3) impact of micro health insurance schemes; (4) systematic irregularities and regulatory framework; and (5) innovation. We also look at the emerging market patterns that will define micro health insurance products. Health mutuals can effectively provide mass health protection to the poor and not so poor through efficient business models, bespoke benefit packages and multiple payment plans. They can reduce financial vulnerability and improve health outcomes. While GSHIS can cover a substantial tranche of expected health‐related costs, the balance can be supplemented through innovative financial products that reduce financial risk.  相似文献   
Here, we consider a generalized form of the alternative zero-inflated logarithmic series distribution of Kumar and Riyaz (J. Statist. Comp. Simul., 2015) and study some of its important aspects. The parameters of the distribution are estimated by the method of maximum likelihood and some test procedures are developed for testing the significance of the additional parameter of the model. All these estimation and testing procedures are illustrated with the help of certain real life datasets. A simulation study is also carried out for assessing the performance of the estimators.  相似文献   
This article considers the problem of estimating the parameters of Weibull distribution under progressive Type-I interval censoring scheme with beta-binomial removals. Classical as well as the Bayesian procedures for the estimation of unknown model parameters have been developed. The Bayes estimators are obtained under SELF and GELF using MCMC technique. The performance of the estimators, has been discussed in terms of their MSEs. Further, expression for the expected number of total failures has been obtained. A real dataset of the survival times for patients with plasma cell myeloma is used to illustrate the suitability of the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
In this paper, we investigate a mixture problem with two responses, which are functions of the mixing proportions, and are correlated with known dispersion matrix. We obtain D- and A-optimal designs for estimating the parameters of the response functions, when none or some of the regression coefficients of the two functions are the same. It is shown that when no prior knowledge about the regression coefficients is available, the D-optimal design is independent of the dispersion matrix, while the A-optimal design depends on it, provided the response functions are of different degree. On the other hand, when some of the regression coefficients are known to be the same for both the functions, the D-optimal design depends on the dispersion matrix when the two response functions are not of the same degree.  相似文献   
Here we consider an exponentiated version of the reduced Kies distribution and discuss some of its properties. The parameters of the distribution are estimated by the method of maximum likelihood and illustrated with the help of certain real-life data sets. Asymptotic behavior of the maximum likelihood estimators of the parameters of the distribution is also studied by using certain simulated data sets.  相似文献   
The discovery of Sanal flow choking is a scientific breakthrough and a paradigm shift in the diagnostics of the detonation/hemorrhage in real‐world fluid flow systems. The closed‐form analytical models capable of predicting the boundary‐layer blockage factor for both 2D and 3D cases at the Sanal flow choking for adiabatic and diabatic fluid flow conditions are critically reviewed here. The beauty and novelty of these models stem from the veracity that at the Sanal flow choking condition for diabatic flows all the conservation laws of nature are satisfied at a unique location, which allows for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code verification. At the Sanal flow choking condition both the thermal choking and the wall‐friction‐induced flow choking occur at a single sonic fluid throat location. The blockage factor predicted at the Sanal flow choking condition can be taken as an infallible data for various in silico model verification, validation, and calibration. The 3D blockage factor at the Sanal flow choking is found to be 45.12% lower than the 2D case of a wall‐bounded diabatic fluid flow system with air as the working fluid. The physical insight of Sanal flow choking presented in this review article sheds light on finding solutions, through in silico experiments in base flow and nanoflows, for numerous unresolved problems carried forward over the centuries in physical, chemical, and biological sciences for humankind.  相似文献   
Surface texturing is an indispensable way of increasing absorption in solar cells. In order to properly characterize the effect of texturing, the angular dependence of the incidence light should be addressed. This is particularly important when the actual application where the incidence angle of the sunlight varies during the day is considered. This study presents the angular dependence of solar cell parameters in the case of periodically textured crystalline silicon (c‐Si) solar cells with microholes. A standard solar cell with pyramid texturing is also studied for comparison. It is shown that the incidence angle for the highest efficiency depends on the surface structure. While a standard pyramid‐textured surface performs best at the zero angle of incidence, it is needed to tilt the sample with microholes textures 15° with respect to the surface normal. This is also confirmed by the simulation study performed for the structures presented in this study.  相似文献   
Thermoresponsive star polymers are synthesized by using poly(NIPAM‐b‐DMA) diblock copolymer and β‐cyclodextrin (β‐CD). The synthesis of thermoresponsive diblock copolymer (TRP) is carried out by reversible addition–fragmentation chain transfer mediated aqueous polymerization using N‐isopropylacrylamide (PNIPAM) and di‐methylacrylamide as monomers. Mercaptopropionic acid is used as in situ chain transfer agent (CTA) to synthesize PNIPAM, i.e., macro‐CTA. The polymeric materials are characterized by Fourier‐transform infrared spectroscopy, gel permeation chromatography, 1H‐NMR, particle size measurement, scanning electron microscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, UV–vis spectroscopy, and X‐ray diffraction analysis. PNIPAM, TRP, and b‐CD grafted thermoresponsive diblock copolymer (β‐CD‐TRP) show lower critical solution temperature at 32.8, 34.3, and 36.8 °C, respectively. TRP and β‐CD‐TRP are also studied for the removal of model contaminant (kaolin). Among all grades, β‐CD‐TRP 4 shows the best performance in the removal of kaolin from aqueous solution at 25 and 50 °C.  相似文献   
This paper addresses the problems of frequentist and Bayesian estimation for the unknown parameters of generalized Lindley distribution based on lower record values. We first derive the exact explicit expressions for the single and product moments of lower record values, and then use these results to compute the means, variances and covariance between two lower record values. We next obtain the maximum likelihood estimators and associated asymptotic confidence intervals. Furthermore, we obtain Bayes estimators under the assumption of gamma priors on both the shape and the scale parameters of the generalized Lindley distribution, and associated the highest posterior density interval estimates. The Bayesian estimation is studied with respect to both symmetric (squared error) and asymmetric (linear-exponential (LINEX)) loss functions. Finally, we compute Bayesian predictive estimates and predictive interval estimates for the future record values. To illustrate the findings, one real data set is analyzed, and Monte Carlo simulations are performed to compare the performances of the proposed methods of estimation and prediction.  相似文献   
The purpose of this paper is to declare an immunization strategy for epidemic spreading based on membership (m) of a node among various communities over a multilayer network. The past few years have seen exponential growth in the understanding and research in modern complex networks field. The mapping of real‐world social interactions to complex networks has opened a new pathway for innovation and research. The real‐world interactions among people take place in various circumstances, and thus, a complex network imitates these interactions using various layers. The events and its information in a real world are incorporated in multiple layers in a network that otherwise are lost due to layer aggregation. The form of interaction captured in a multilayer network can have effects of spreading of a process such as an epidemic. The findings explain the highest membership nodes in one layer, immunizing it and observing the propagation of the epidemic through the layers based on a fraction of overlapped nodes in the network that transmit the disease to various layers. Further, this research paper tried to measure the efficiency of the immunization strategy for epidemic spreading based on membership metric when applied on a multilayer network and henceforth apply them to prevent spreading of the rumor/disease. In this manner, the strategy is more productive to secure the people of the entire system.  相似文献   
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