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This article aims to investigate parental influence on high-risk behavior by young people. Although research on the topic of perception of risk demonstrates that it is socially constructed, the role of the family in this construction has rarely been studied. Using a French national survey of more than 1,200 young drivers between the ages of 18 and 25, and their parents, we attempt to understand the transmission of risk within families. Our econometric study shows that parents influence both the practices and representations of their children. When parental norms and values are transmitted, they are by no means accepted in a wholly passive way. Indeed, the parental model is in competition with other models that originate from both inside the family (brothers and sisters) and outside it (instructors). Furthermore, parental influence decreases over time as young people become more experienced drivers and construct their own identity with regard to risk. 相似文献
从节水-减排目标出发,利用1985-2005年相关统计数据,分析了近20年来山东省工业生产水资源消耗和COD(chemical oxygen demand)排放的绿色距离及生态贡献的动态变化,得出了在总体上向好的方向发展的结论.利用2005年截面数据,对37个工业部门进行了节水减排的分类研究,并将37个工业部门划分为3种类型,即低耗水-低污染工业、高耗水-低污染工业和高耗水-高污染工业.然后,对上述3类工业2001-2005年的水资源消耗和COD排放进行了统计分析,结果发现,占工业生产总值34%的高耗水-高污染工业,消耗了77.1%-79.2%的水资源,排放了84.4%-88.7%的COD,是引起水耗总量上升和水污染加重的首要因素;而占生产总值33%的低耗水-低污染工业,消耗了不到8%的水资源,COD的排放量也不超过3.5%,是典型的能源节约型和环境友好型工业行业. 相似文献
同质新闻:同义语篇研究的新视野 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
邹敏 《中南林业科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2008,2(4):101-104
语篇分析是目前语言学界研究的热点,但同义语篇的研究因始终鲜有人涉及,主要原因在于语料的缺乏.日益突出的新闻同质化现象,为该问题的解决创造了一个有利条件.大量存在的同质新闻是同义语篇研究的语料宝库.将同义语篇研究的视野拓展到同质新闻上,具有理论和实践意义. 相似文献
G地区P油层由于闭合高度低,油水分异差,存在大量的油水同层,且该区油水同层与油层的物性、电性相近,使得传统的利用电阻率和孔隙度计算含水饱和度的方法失效;加上工区开发过程中采取多层合试,单层试油且产液性质为油水同出的层位较少,可供选择进行油水同层饱和度建模的样本较少,使得该区油水同层饱和度的准确计算成为储量提交的难点。针对这一问题,提出以少量的密闭取芯井为基础样本,首先应用相渗资料建立起产水率与含水饱和度关系,然后外推到常规取芯井获得含水饱和度的补充样本,进而通过优选孔隙度、电阻率比值等建模参数,构建了适用于研究区油水同层的饱和度计算新模型,通过统计,其平均相对误差仅为3.59%,满足了储量计算的精度要求。 相似文献
刘敏 《井冈山大学学报(社会科学版)》2008,29(2):117-118
民营企业进入加速发展期后,由于社会资本薄弱、缺乏权力制衡和职业经理阶层等因素的阻碍,要由原来家族式管理向现代企业制度化的管理转变,应从以下几个方面加强管理:强化社会责任;改善治理结构;完善制度建设;培育经理人以及创建适宜的企业文化。 相似文献
Meredith L. Gunlicks‐Stoessel Sally I. Powers 《Journal of research on adolescence》2008,18(4):621-642
Research on adolescent emotion has generally focused on expressions of emotion; however, there are reasons to believe that adolescents' experiences of emotion may be related to adolescent development in unique and important ways. This study examined the relation of adolescents' emotional experiences of conflict with their mothers to their internalizing and externalizing symptoms at three time points, each a year apart. After participating in videotaped conflict negotiation tasks with their mothers, adolescents (N=80) watched the videotape of their interactions and used a joystick to make continuous ratings of how negative, positive, or neutral they felt during the discussions. Hierarchical Linear Modeling was used to assess relations among their continuous emotion ratings and their internalizing and externalizing symptoms 1 year before the interaction task, at the time of the interaction task, and 1 year later. Adolescents' externalizing symptoms at the time of the conflict task were associated with negative emotion that decreased across the conflict discussion. Relations between emotional experience and internalizing symptoms a year later were moderated by adolescent gender, revealing that a tolerance for increasing negative emotion predicts fewer future internalizing symptoms for girls. The importance of adolescents' ability to tolerate negative emotion during normal developmental conflicts is discussed. 相似文献
Nicole Bimmel Marinus H. Van IJzendoorn Marian J. Bakermans‐Kranenburg Femmie Juffer Eco J. C. De Geus 《Journal of research on adolescence》2008,18(2):201-214
The present longitudinal study examined resting heart rate and heart rate variability and reactivity to a stressful gambling task in adopted adolescents with aggressive, delinquent, or internalizing behavior problems and adopted adolescents without behavior problems (total N=151). Early‐onset delinquent adolescents showed heart rate hyporeactivity to the stress‐eliciting gambling task compared to late‐onset delinquent adolescents and adolescents without behavior problems. Heart rate, heart rate variability, and reactivity to stress were not related to environmental factors such as early‐childhood parental sensitivity, parental socioeconomic status, or adoptee's health status at arrival. We conclude that the distinction between delinquency and aggression and between childhood‐onset and adolescence‐onset delinquency is important for the study of stress reactivity in adolescents. 相似文献