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学术自由是否是一个法律概念、一项法定权利,历来是一个问题.在美国法上,学术自由作为大学和教师管理核心学术事务的权利,是一项由最高法院创制的宪法未列举权利.美国早期的学术自由依附于契约权利,体现了一种大学内部政策,即大学管理者在规章制度范围内通过签订契约而赋予教师的自由权.在“学术自由第一案”——Sweezy案——中,最高法院援引宪法第一修正案规定的言论自由权,将学术自由提升为一项值得宪法保护的价值,并指出其基本内涵是自主决定“谁来教、教什么、怎么教、谁被教”;在Keyishian判决中,法院迸一步明确学术自由是“第一修正案的特殊关注”,将其纳入了宪法权利话语体系之中.至Grutter判决,最高法院肯定了在高等教育领域,学术自由是一项独立的、未列举的宪法权利,并可先于其他宪法权利受到保护.相应地,对大学学术性事务的决定,法院必须在宪法规定的范围内给予尊重;尊重的程度,取决于决定是由什么样的主体做出的、需多大程度的学术技能、意识形态中立与否以及是否危害到了别的权利.  相似文献   
在创意经济时代,艺术与技术的结合、文化与产业的结合,以及传媒业引领作用的日益凸显,使整个经济发展方式发生了重要变化,有力地推动了经济和文化的发展。以创意为灵魂的文化产业、以设计为导向的制造业,不仅改变了文化的传播方式和生产方式,也大大提高了工业产品的附加值。传媒业虽然在文化产业中起着引领作用,但也必须依靠不断的创新,才能开辟新的市场空间。  相似文献   
龙舟不仅是一种体育活动,还是一种集音乐、戏剧、饮食、造船工艺于一身的"跨界"文化,体现出广府文化的与众不同. 一、龙舟与音乐、文学紧密结合 龙舟是一种体育活动,培养我们团结协作、奋勇向前精神;同时,广府文化还有一个与北方区分的特质,就是大量融入了音乐元素.  相似文献   
在"中国近现代史纲要"专题教学中,将集体智慧与个人专长相结合,既可以使教学内容充实而丰富,又适当减轻了教师的备课压力,为其进行教学科研结合创造了条件。实行一般讲授和重点讲授相结合,对重点内容深度挖掘,相关热点及时跟进,既能吸引学生对课程的关注,同时也能引领学生的思考。将专题教学和其他教学方式相结合,可以提高学生的学习兴趣与主动性,增强教学效果。  相似文献   
We propose a novel alternative to case-control sampling for the estimation of individual-level risk in spatial epidemiology. Our approach uses weighted estimating equations to estimate regression parameters in the intensity function of an inhomogeneous spatial point process, when information on risk-factors is available at the individual level for cases, but only at a spatially aggregated level for the population at risk. We develop data-driven methods to select the weights used in the estimating equations and show through simulation that the choice of weights can have a major impact on efficiency of estimation. We develop a formal test to detect non-Poisson behavior in the underlying point process and assess the performance of the test using simulations of Poisson and Poisson cluster point processes. We apply our methods to data on the spatial distribution of childhood meningococcal disease cases in Merseyside, U.K. between 1981 and 2007.  相似文献   
选用罗曼褐壳蛋鸡152只.随机分成4组,基础饲报中添加0.5%、10%和1.5%磷脂为试验组,试验期30d。试验结果表明:各组间平均蛋重天显著性差异(P>0.05);添加1.5%磷脂的试验Ⅲ组在产蛋数、产蛋率方面均极显著高于对照组和其他试验组(P<0.01):试验Ⅲ组的料蛋比显著低于其他组,但蛋破损率较高。  相似文献   
分析认识青少年人生观、价值观扭曲的现实,是做好青少年思想道德教育工作的必要前提。运用了全国未成年犯调查资料,对未成年犯和中学生的价值观进行了比较。结果显示:不良的媒介偏好、偶像崇拜、闲暇意愿以及不正确的成功取向、交友倾向等方面的比例均是未成年犯明显高于中学生。研究认为应积极应对大众传媒不良信息对青少年的深层渗透,重视同伴教育在青少年价值观形成中的作用和道德实践。  相似文献   
Disasters often cause exogenous flow damage (i.e., the [hypothetical] difference in economic scale with and without a disaster in a certain period) to production (“supply constraint”). However, input-output (IO) analysis (IOA) cannot usually consider it, because the Leontief quantity model (LQM) assumes that production is endogenous; the Ghosh quantity model (GQM) is considered implausible; and the Leontief price model (LPM) and the Ghosh price model (GPM) assume that quantity is fixed. This study proposes to consider a supply constraint in the LPM, introducing the price elasticity of demand. This study uses the loss of social surplus (SS) as a damage estimation because production (sales) is less informative as a damage index than profit (margin); that is, production can be any amount if without considering profit, and it does not tell exactly how much profit is lost for each supplier (upstream sector) and buyer (downstream sector). As a model application, this study examines Japan's largest five earthquakes from 1995 to 2017 and the Great East Japan Earthquake (GEJE) in March 2011. The worst earthquake at the peak tends to increase price by 10–20% and decrease SS by 20–30%, when compared with the initial month's prices/production. The worst damage tends to last eight months at most, accumulating 0.5-month-production damage (i.e., the sum of [hypothetical] differences in SS with and without an earthquake [for eight months] is 50% of the initial month production). Meanwhile, the GEJE in the five prefectures had cumulatively, a 25-month-production damage until the temporal recovery at the 37th month.  相似文献   
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