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一、问题的提出 在一切能为人类所利用的自然资源中,土地是最基本且最宝贵的资源,是世代相传的人类不能出让的生存条件和再生产条件. 相似文献
经济不发达带来的生态环境问题、资源与条件约束下的大面积贫困、教育与交通落后带来的交换能力不足、城镇化的落后,都是西部地区发展目前所面临的问题,这些问题影响着西部地区经济与社会的快速发展. 相似文献
传统不是器物遗迹,也不是一成不变的精神规定,传统是在现代文化运行中生成的事实和意义的复合,是由不同时代的变异体组成的连续体。传统在中国现当代文艺和文艺学中并不存在截然的断裂。所谓话语霸权在当代中国也只具有十分有限的意义。中国当代文艺中也有在全球化背景下化全球的典范。传统的生成类似于基因的生成,但基因制约性在当代条件下的受到限制,为我们敲响了警钟。应对全球化冲击,我们的文艺学应具有无为和有为相统一的智慧和策略。 相似文献
The study investigates European American and Taiwanese grandmothers’ folk theories of childrearing and self‐esteem, building on an earlier comparison of mothers from the same families. Adopting methods that privilege local meanings, we bring grandmothers’ voices into the conversation about childrearing, thereby contributing to a deeper understanding of intergenerational nuances in folk theories. In each cultural case, 16 grandmothers of 3‐year‐olds participated in in‐depth interviews that were customized according to local communicative norms. Although self‐esteem emerged as a central organizing concept in the folk theories of European American mothers, grandmothers spoke in two voices, either echoing their daughters or invoking a counter‐discourse of wariness towards self‐esteem. By contrast, Taiwanese mothers and grandmothers resembled one another—but differed from their American counterparts—in treating self‐esteem as peripheral in childrearing. Results contribute to the growing consensus that self‐esteem is a culture‐specific childrearing goal and suggest that the European American tendency to valorize self‐esteem varies by generation. 相似文献
选取贾宝玉和哈姆雷特这两个中西文艺史上著名的悲剧形象,从其家族使命、矛盾性格、被毁爱情、最终结局等四个方面进行分析比较,寻找异同,从而揭示出悲剧美在文艺美学中的应用与魅力。 相似文献
1999年底,随着石油行业的重组改制和分开分立,中国石油天然气股份有限公司辽河油田分公司应运而生.辽河油田分公司是按照上市公司新体制独立运行的股份公司地区分公司,是股份公司第二大油田,全国第三大油田,是全国最大的稠油、高凝油生产基地.公司地跨辽宁、内蒙两省区13个市(地)、34个县(旗),是以石油、天然气勘探开发、油气销售为主营业务的国有特大型企业.公司现有职工29500人,下设采油、科研、集输、销售等20个厂、院和公司. 相似文献
“技术决定论“与“社会建构论“:互斥还是互补? 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
一般认为,“技术决定论”与“社会建构论”是观点冲突、意见对立和互不相容的两种主张。本文在对两种理论的基本观点进行概括归纳基础上,通过对两种理论的论题、独立性、历史关系等几方面加以分析,认为“技术决定论”与“社会建构论”分别揭示了技术与社会关系的不同方面,具有相互补充、相辅相成的辩证关系。 相似文献
青少年是未来社会的主人,今天青少年成长中打下的烙印,将直接影响到未来社会的和谐。生存权是未成年人权利中最基础的权利,生存权如果不能保障,其他的权利都是空话。成长中因生存的艰难,过早地感受人间的冷暖,直接影响其心理的成长,而这心理的积淀又无不影响着未来社会的安全、风气和人情。国家为未成年人生存权“买单”,不但对保护青少年成长中的身心健康有着极其重要的意义,也将直接促进社会长久的和谐。 相似文献
The benchmark dose (BMD) is an exposure level that would induce a small risk increase (BMR level) above the background. The BMD approach to deriving a reference dose for risk assessment of noncancer effects is advantageous in that the estimate of BMD is not restricted to experimental doses and utilizes most available dose-response information. To quantify statistical uncertainty of a BMD estimate, we often calculate and report its lower confidence limit (i.e., BMDL), and may even consider it as a more conservative alternative to BMD itself. Computation of BMDL may involve normal confidence limits to BMD in conjunction with the delta method. Therefore, factors, such as small sample size and nonlinearity in model parameters, can affect the performance of the delta method BMDL, and alternative methods are useful. In this article, we propose a bootstrap method to estimate BMDL utilizing a scheme that consists of a resampling of residuals after model fitting and a one-step formula for parameter estimation. We illustrate the method with clustered binary data from developmental toxicity experiments. Our analysis shows that with moderately elevated dose-response data, the distribution of BMD estimator tends to be left-skewed and bootstrap BMDL s are smaller than the delta method BMDL s on average, hence quantifying risk more conservatively. Statistically, the bootstrap BMDL quantifies the uncertainty of the true BMD more honestly than the delta method BMDL as its coverage probability is closer to the nominal level than that of delta method BMDL. We find that BMD and BMDL estimates are generally insensitive to model choices provided that the models fit the data comparably well near the region of BMD. Our analysis also suggests that, in the presence of a significant and moderately strong dose-response relationship, the developmental toxicity experiments under the standard protocol support dose-response assessment at 5% BMR for BMD and 95% confidence level for BMDL. 相似文献