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本文就几种不同的线宽计算了准一维GaAs量子线中施主杂质的光致电离截面,同时也研究了磁场对光谱的影响。  相似文献   
本文介绍了离子电子法在配平半反应时,利用离子、电子及溶液的介质,来调节反应式两边的电荷数,使之相等.  相似文献   
当前我国医学教育中物理实验教学存在弱点:对物理教育不重视,实验条件差,仪器、设备陈旧,实验选项过时,实验课时少.针对存在的问题及现状,在现有的条件之内,我们提出了物理实验课的改进措施:认真做好实验准备,发挥教师的主导作用,督查学生亲自动手,利用现有仪器设备,不断改善实验条件,重视教学情况的反馈信息.  相似文献   
This paper studies general sufficient conditions for the geometric ergodicity and the existence of moments for a class of nonlinear autoregressive models with nonlinear ARCH errors. Applications of these conditions to various well-known nonlinear time series models yield specific sufficient conditions, many of which are new or generalizations of existing conditions.  相似文献   
Testing for homogeneity in finite mixture models has been investigated by many researchers. The asymptotic null distribution of the likelihood ratio test (LRT) is very complex and difficult to use in practice. We propose a modified LRT for homogeneity in finite mixture models with a general parametric kernel distribution family. The modified LRT has a χ-type of null limiting distribution and is asymptotically most powerful under local alternatives. Simulations show that it performs better than competing tests. They also reveal that the limiting distribution with some adjustment can satisfactorily approximate the quantiles of the test statistic, even for moderate sample sizes.  相似文献   
收入分布函数的研究对于收入不平等的探讨意义重大,但是国内该领域的研究尚待进一步的拓展。笔者在文献回顾的基础上梳理了国外的相关研究,把常用的分布函数分成两参数分布和多参数分布函数两类,介绍了各类函数拟合居民实际收入分布的效果及其与基尼系数的关系;同时,本文剖析了各类函数之间的内在联系;进一步,基于分布函数的角度,笔者研究了收入流动性与收入不平等之间的联系,分析了平均数和中位数比值与基尼系数之间的数学关系以及如何利用该比值来估计分布函数的参数。利用这些研究结果,文章探讨了2010年我国城镇居民的收入结构和贫困问题并提出了一些前瞻性的研究建议。  相似文献   
In many conventional scientific investigations with high or ultra-high dimensional feature spaces, the relevant features, though sparse, are large in number compared with classical statistical problems, and the magnitude of their effects tapers off. It is reasonable to model the number of relevant features as a diverging sequence when sample size increases. In this paper, we investigate the properties of the extended Bayes information criterion (EBIC) (Chen and Chen, 2008) for feature selection in linear regression models with diverging number of relevant features in high or ultra-high dimensional feature spaces. The selection consistency of the EBIC in this situation is established. The application of EBIC to feature selection is considered in a SCAD cum EBIC procedure. Simulation studies are conducted to demonstrate the performance of the SCAD cum EBIC procedure in finite sample cases.  相似文献   

This study analyzes more than 400 SFX broken-link reports sent by users of an academic library. It raises technical issues regarding OpenURL linking in the handling of special journal volume and issue numbers, journal supplemental issues, embargo release dates, book reviews, DOIs, and other areas. It reports on full-text resources with the most broken links, causes of broken links, and the library's responses to users. It also explores how journal publishers, database vendors, and OpenURL vendors can improve the quality of their products and how librarians can better serve users.  相似文献   
We consider asymmetric kernel estimates based on grouped data. We propose an iterated scheme for constructing such an estimator and apply an iterated smoothed bootstrap approach for bandwidth selection. We compare our approach with competing methods in estimating actuarial loss models using both simulations and data studies. The simulation results show that with this new method, the estimated density from grouped data matches the true density more closely than with competing approaches.  相似文献   
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