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Public investment project (PIP) plays an important role in the China economy. In order to improve the project management performance of public projects, the government is searching for a scientific system to build a construction management supervision mode. This paper introduces the policy background and connotation of Agent Construction System (ACS). As a public investment construction management model, ACS, is gradually being incorporated into the legal framework, it is necessary to improve the construction agent supervision mechanism. This article analyzes the supervision mechanism of construction agent quality management under the principle of two-stage agent mode and establishes an agent quality self-control system and a government co-supervision system. These systems take the contract management as the core and the project quality objective as the guidance. These systems also consist of a two-dimensional framework of vertical self-control and horizontal supervision, which form a quality supervision mechanism. Based on Rough Set theory, the article proposes the idea of building an agent quality self-control and government co-supervision model, and illustrates it with a flow chart for building the model, which paves the way of quantitative research for the future.  相似文献   
进行国有企业产权制度改革,是当前国有企业发展演变的必然趋势.产权制度改革的一个必要前提是产权明晰,这在国有企业的土地资产问题上显得尤为突出.因此,强化土地资产管理是国企改革和发展的基础.当中,国家与企业经营者如何合理的分割国有土地资产在经营使用中的增值收益将是实际操作中的主要环节内容.本文就此进行分析探讨,以期进一步加强与完善国有土地资产管理.  相似文献   
This study explores the use of Weibo in a protest against a nuclear fuel processing plant in China. This study argues that social media play an important role in the development of protests in non-democratic societies through the mechanism of preference revelation, which blurs the boundary between offline protests and the individualized expression of preferences on social media. Of Weibo tweets which were posted prior to the occurrence of the offline protest, 11,788 protest-related were examined with the aid of a supervised machine learning technique. The results showed that the revelation of personal preferences in the form of individualized expressions of opposition were more common than mobilization and coordination, and such preferences were legitimized by the personal frames of risk and the distrust in government. The use of Weibo to mobilize potential opponents to the project, primarily by calling for the expression of opposition, was less frequent than the use of Weibo to express personal frames. Furthermore, the prevalence of Weibo usage changed dramatically. In the first few days of the protest, the revelation of personal preferences and personal frames of risk were prominent, whereas personal frames of distrust in government were common in the days leading to the street protest.  相似文献   
该文给出了用加强截面系数法加强架空输水管道的设计方法及其计算过程,并用实例说明了用此种方法加强管道的有效性和合理性。  相似文献   
Wei  Li  Jie  Huang  Kaijun  Wang  Xilong  Mao  Feiyan  Chen 《Transition Studies Review》2010,17(2):280-296
Based on the problems of Global Education Assistance to Africa (GEAA), and combined with China’s rationale and practice of Education Assistance to Africa, this paper proposes a vision and assumption to improve the GEAA, that is, using the assistance rationale of ‘Africa-based’, ‘equal-relationship’, and ‘mutual-benefits’, through ‘multi-stakeholders cooperation’, ‘multi-modes operation’, and ‘multi-goals achievement’ to build one ‘harmonious world’.  相似文献   
This paper extends the work of Gehrlein and Fishburn (1976) and Gehrlein (1982) by providing a general theorem relating to the analytical representation of the probability of an event in a given space of profiles. It applies to any event characterized by a set of linear inequalities regardless of whether the coefficients defining the inequalities are integer or fractional coefficients. An algorithm for the probability calculation is also suggested. This suggested methodology is used to provide a complete characterization of the vulnerability properties of the four scoring rules studied in Lepelley and Mbih (1994) to manipulation by coalitions in a 3-alternative n-agent society. Received: 21 October 1997/Accepted 19 November 1998  相似文献   
美国历史上的黑白混血儿问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黑白混血儿问题是美国黑、白种族关系史上一个很有意思的话题。在以混血为特征的美国社会,黑白混血儿不完全同于纯血黑人、也完全不同于其他混血儿的独特历史命运以及冒充白人的现象,既是对美国白人自认为血统纯正的讽刺,又揭示了建立在肤色基础上的种族歧视制度的脆弱性和荒谬性。  相似文献   
In this paper we consider a fundamental problem in the area of viral marketing, called Target Set Selection problem. We study the problem when the underlying graph is a block-cactus graph, a chordal graph or a Hamming graph. We show that if G is a block-cactus graph, then the Target Set Selection problem can be solved in linear time, which generalizes Chen’s result (Discrete Math. 23:1400–1415, 2009) for trees, and the time complexity is much better than the algorithm in Ben-Zwi et al. (Discrete Optim., 2010) (for bounded treewidth graphs) when restricted to block-cactus graphs. We show that if the underlying graph G is a chordal graph with thresholds θ(v)≤2 for each vertex v in G, then the problem can be solved in linear time. For a Hamming graph G having thresholds θ(v)=2 for each vertex v of G, we precisely determine an optimal target set S for (G,θ). These results partially answer an open problem raised by Dreyer and Roberts (Discrete Appl. Math. 157:1615–1627, 2009).  相似文献   
Impact of product proliferation on the reverse supply chain   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Product variety is one of the most important advantages in highly competitive markets. However, excessive product proliferation's reducing the profit margin has caused increased focus on developing a management method for maximal profit. In a closed-loop supply chain, product proliferation affects the reverse supply chain as well as the forward supply chain. Although increasing the number of product types can better satisfy diverse customer needs, complexity in the product recycling, remanufacturing, and resale processes may erode a firm's overall profits. In this study, we develop a mathematical model for analyzing a capacitated reverse supply chain consisting of a single manufacturer and multiple retailers. We reveal closed-form solutions for the optimal batch size and maximal profit, and discuss managerial insights into how the number of products and other factors can affect both batch size and profit. Finally, we investigate the relationship between product proliferation and the choice of logistics strategy.  相似文献   
Many researchers have explored how people share and construct similar mental models in teams. They have claimed that successful team performance depends on a shared mental model of team members about task, team, equipment and situation. Most of the literature has illustrated simplified relationships between a team's mental model and their performance without a valid instrument addressing the confined and relevant constructs of a shared mental model. This paper describes the instrument development steps and the conceptual framework for factors associated with shared mental models. After development and refinement, the instrument was finalized for use to measure team-related knowledge. The final instrument consists of 42 items that are linked to the five emergent factors of shared mental models including general task and team knowledge, general task and communication skills, attitude toward teammates and task, team dynamics and interactions, and team resources and working environment.  相似文献   
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