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师德师风建设是高校教师思想政治工作的核心内容。当前高校教师思想政治工作还面临一些现实困境:工作重心转移, 方法手段单一且落后,教师人格养成的后现代嬗变,市场本位导向下的思想政治工作主体地位嬗变。创新思想政治工作,就必 须进行观念创新,以高校青年教师为主要对象,以师德师风建设为主要内容,充分占领网络制高点,注重实效,以机制构建和路 径创新为核心,增强高校教师思想政治工作实效。  相似文献   
本研究使用自编残疾人心理健康服务需求问卷,对864个残疾人进行施测,旨在调查和了解我国残疾人心理健康服务需求的现状,为残疾人心理健康服务体系的建设提供依据。结果表明:超过1/3的残疾人对自身的心理健康水平评价较低,68.4%的残疾人认为心理健康很重要,90.2%的残疾人认为接受心理健康服务很重要,说明残疾人对心理健康服务的认识和接纳程度较高,需求意愿强烈。在具体的服务目标方面,24.5%的残疾人期望通过心理健康服务能够使家庭生活幸福,21.2%的人希望获得良好的社会适应,19.7%的人希望达到人际和谐。服务内容方面,44.7%的人选择了对家庭婚姻问题的心理咨询,39.7%的人选择了提供心理保健知识。在心理服务形式方面,39.9%的人选择求助兼职或专业的心理咨询人员,28.8%的受访者选择了从朋友家人那里寻求支持,而剩余31.4%的受访者选择了什么也不做或自己解决。在具体的形式方面,41.4%的人选择了求助心理热线,38.2%的人选择了专业心理咨询。在选择机构方面,以社区服务站和社区的主页心理服务机构为主,分别占25.5%和25.3%。调查还表明现实生活中残疾人心理健康服务的开展力度较弱。  相似文献   
仁学思想是儒家道德哲学体系中的核心思想。司马迁通过历史研究,认识到了"仁"在治国安邦中的作用,于是对先秦仁学,特别是孔、孟仁学进行了批判性的继承和改造,孔子的仁学思想更是成为了他撰写《史记》、品评历代帝王的重要指导思想。本文将从《史记》入手,论述司马迁对先秦仁学的扬弃,并分析其伟大的历史意义和对当今构建和谐社会的借鉴价值。  相似文献   
Rapid changes in China over the past two decades have led to significant problems associated with population migration and changing social attitudes, including a growing sex industry and concurrent increases in STIs and HIV. This article reports results of an exploratory study of microbicide acceptability and readiness and current HIV prevention efforts among female sex workers in two rural and one urban town in Hainan and Guangxi Provinces in southern China. The study focused on these women's knowledge and cultural understandings of options for protecting themselves from exposure to STIs and HIV, and the potential viability and acceptability of woman-initiated prevention methods. We report on ethnographic elicitation interviews conducted with women working within informal sex-work establishments (hotels, massage and beauty parlors, roadside restaurants, boarding houses). We discuss implications of these findings for further promotion of woman-initiated prevention methods such as microbicides and female condoms among female sex workers in China.  相似文献   
韩占兵  周炯 《城市》2007,(12):53-56
一、引言 城市公用事业是城市为市民提供基础设施和公共服务的重要内容,包括城市供水、供电、供热、供气、公共交通、排水、污水处理、道路桥梁、市政设施、市容卫生、垃圾处理和城市绿化等方面.城市公用事业是城市经济社会发展的载体,直接关系到社会的公共利益和可持续发展.  相似文献   
一、工程概况 天津市经济技术开发区西区中心庄路-京津塘高速公路拱桥是开发区西区基础设施一期工程的重要单体项目之一,位于开发区中心庄路与京津塘高速公路相交处,系分离式立交桥,立交桥沿中心庄路上跨京津塘高速公路,主桥采用双铰型上承式拱桥结构,主桥主拱净跨径62米,矢高8.8米,拱上建筑总跨径70米,桥面单幅宽度18米,一跨跨越京津塘高速公路,斜交角度为65度,引桥采用钢筋混凝土π形梁,立交跨径布置为19×20 70 19×20米,桥梁总长度为830米,桥梁总面积为30880平方米.  相似文献   
战后德国科研机构的主导模式是以著名的马普协会、霍尔姆茨协会、弗琅霍夫协会和莱布尼兹科学研究联合会等为代表的非营利科研机构模式。由于这一模式具有治理结构完善、组织运营高效、科研业绩卓越的优点,因而多年来一直受到国际社会的高度评价,成为越来越多国家重塑科技体制的参考样本。系统考察弗琅霍夫协会的内部组织结构、资源分配方式与成果评估体系,对深化我国科技体制改革应有重要的借鉴和启示意义。  相似文献   
增强高校大学生理想信念教育的实效性是学校思想政治教育的一项重要工作.通过对西南科技大学学生的调查发现,当前我国高校大学生的理想信念主流是好的,但部分学生也不同程度存在政治信仰迷茫、价值取向扭曲、社会责任感缺乏、团结协作观念较差等问题,这与高校理想信念教育的效果不理想关系极大.  相似文献   
The smooth integration of counting and absolute deviation (SICA) penalty has been demonstrated theoretically and practically to be effective in nonconvex penalization for variable selection and parameter estimation. However, solving the nonconvex optimization problem associated with SICA penalty in high-dimensional setting remains to be enriched, mainly due to the singularity at the origin and the nonconvexity of the SICA penalty function. In this paper, we develop a fast primal dual active set (PDAS) with continuation algorithm for solving the nonconvex SICA-penalized least squares in high dimensions. Upon introducing the dual variable, the PDAS algorithm iteratively identify and update the active set in the optimization using both the primal and dual information, and then solve a low-dimensional least square problem on the active set. When combined with a continuation strategy and a high-dimensional Bayesian information criterion (BIC) selector on the tuning parameters, the proposed algorithm is very efficient and accurate. Extensive simulation studies and analysis of a high-dimensional microarray gene expression data are presented to illustrate the performance of the proposed method.  相似文献   
This research uses nationally representative data to study how economic resources and inequalities are associated with life satisfaction of Chinese residents. We construct economic resource and inequality measures from expenditure rather than from income, after confirming that expenditure inequality is a better measure in the Chinese context. We find that economic inequalities in general are negatively associated with life satisfaction, and that this association is larger for inequalities in the lower half of the distribution than those in the upper half of the distribution. We further explore the mechanisms under which inequality can be associated with life satisfaction, and find that aspiration is potentially one important channel.  相似文献   
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