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农民问题是中国革命和社会发展的根本问题,作为中国共产党创始人之一和早期领导人,陈独秀早在大革命时期就开始对农民问题进行了探索与思考,从而形成了较为系统的农民思想。他的农民思想虽然包括一些错误的观点,对农民运动起了阻碍作用,对国民革命的失败产生了影响,但是也包含有许多先见性的思想,如分析了农民的阶级性、对革命的态度,提出了农民政策,为当时农民问题的解决作出了一定的理论贡献。  相似文献   
The apparent conspicuous consumption of luxury vehicles by Chinese international students attending a public Michigan University provides an opportunity to examine the convergence of different ideas about automobility. Upwardly mobile Chinese families send their children to Michigan, a state with a tradition of auto-production, for educational opportunities not available in China. The resulting ‘car talk’ of local residents about Chinese students and their cars speaks to broader anxieties about Michigan’s shifting relationship to the global economy. However, the paper focuses on the meanings of auto-owning created by Chinese students who make decisions about the purchase and use of their autos within a social world oriented primarily to other Chinese students and societal ideas about auto-owning circulating among friends, family and society in China. For Chinese students, car owning encompasses meanings of status, safety and sociability that are created within the context of study abroad.  相似文献   
在这次先进性教育活动过程的成效中,反映出党对辩证唯物主义原理的具体运用,深入分析先进性教育活动中的哲学思想,有助于我们把握党的先进性和党员先进性的内涵利意义,有助于在实践中深入贯彻“三个代表”重要思想,弘扬与时俱进的精神,始终站在时代前列,永葆头产党的先进性。  相似文献   
众所周知,英语是目前国际上应用最广的语言,搞好大学英语教学对加快我们国家的发展步伐有着十分重大的意义。尽管这些年来涌现了不少新的教学方法和理论,大学英语教育的“一言堂”、“事倍功半”、“哑巴英语”的状况有所改善,但还是存在不少问题。本文着重讨论的是,在大学英语教学中要注意避免哪些问题以及如何解决这些问题。  相似文献   
悉昙字母是古代印度的一种文字。考察悉昙字母音节结构、拼合原理并跟汉字反切法相比较,可以看出反切产生不受梵文拼音原理影响。  相似文献   
思想观念是客观事物作用于人脑在人脑中的反映,具有能动性,引导人的思维,指导人的行为,对人的行为产生直接影响。城乡经济的差异是由许多因素导致的综合结果。对比城乡居民的生存观、发展观、价值观,从城乡居民的生活环境、自身素质、改革影响程度三个层面剖析了城乡居民思想观念产生差异的原因,提出应从统筹城乡教育、平衡城乡基础设施建设、加强宣传教育、树立示范基地形象、建立城乡经济合作组织五个方面的措施来推进城乡居民思想观念的互动与融合。  相似文献   
《马贩子的女儿》中梅宝的欲望解析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《马贩子的女儿》中梅宝是一个经济上受压迫,心理上长期受压抑的未婚女子,在家道中落时,面临着被扫地出门的境地,准备以投水自杀来结束自己的痛苦,后被医生佛格森所救。劳伦斯在描写梅宝所处的经济困境同时,着力探索了她的心理发展和心理状况,揭示她长期受压抑的精神状态。本文采用拉康的欲望理论来对梅宝心理进行分析,说明受到压抑的欲望是她的悲剧的根源。  相似文献   
信息技术教学中素质教育的培养   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
21世纪是信息时代,信息技术教育是现代科学技术的基础与核心,是信息社会的主要技术。作为工具,计算机在教学方法、考试方法及教学评估等方面促进教育技术的现代化;作为课程,计算机在各级各类学校设置成为必需。由于计算机教育贴近现实,有着其它课程无可比拟的可操作性、实用性、实效性,作为素质教育的一环,在素质教育中占据了重要地位。因此说信息技术课是培养学生面向未来,提高起科学文化素质的重要途径。  相似文献   
文章从对马修·阿诺德创作《多佛海滩》的时代背景进行脉络梳理着手,深入剖析了当时英国社会发展的整体状况、阿诺德情感波折的个人阅历及其对于诗歌创作和评判的独特理念,由此进一步分析理解《多佛海滩》中作者对“信仰之海”潮退及“人类苦难”哀叹的深刻寓意和丰富内涵,并指出《多佛海滩》为阿诺德后来的道德重建和“文化批评”确定了逻辑起点。  相似文献   
As the population of Chinese immigrants has been growing rapidly in the United States, it has been understudied on the parenting behaviours as well as the roles parental stress and social support playing in parenting in this group. This study investigated whether parental stress was associated with parenting and whether this relationship was mediated by social support in a sample of 255 Chinese immigrant parents from the Survey of Asian American Families in New York City. Regression analyses with a rich array of control variables found that a higher level of parental stress and the presence of one or more stressors such as unemployment, low income, and low education were positively associated with the use of harsh discipline and parent–child conflicts and negatively associated with positive parenting practices. Social support functioned as a significant mediator in the relationships between parental stress and positive parenting practices but not in the relationships of parental stress with parent–child conflict or the use of harsh discipline.  相似文献   
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