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Poor outcomes for young people in and leaving care have been well documented and research has indicated that the expectations of professionals working with children and young people looked after is a significant influence, particularly in relation to education. An evaluation of an independent children's residential school in Scotland provided a rare opportunity to analyse and compare the views of different kinds of staff about desirable outcomes and how successful outcomes could be achieved. Care workers, teachers and specialist support staff shared some views, but also held contrasting expectations, which appeared to be linked to differing emphases in their models for working with young people. This paper offers tentative explanations for such differences and concludes with suggestions on how to help align service staffs' expectations of young people leaving their care.  相似文献   
A randomized controlled trial evaluated the effectiveness of a 4-wk extended theory of planned behavior (TPB) intervention to promote regular physical activity and healthy eating among older adults diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease (N = 183). Participants completed TPB measures of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioral control, and intention, as well as planning and behavior, at preintervention and 1 wk and 6 wk postintervention for each behavior. No significant time-by-condition effects emerged for healthy eating. For physical activity, significant time-by-condition effects were found for behavior, intention, planning, perceived behavioral control, and subjective norm. In particular, compared with control participants, the intervention group showed short-term improvements in physical activity and planning, with further analyses indicating that the effect of the intervention on behavior was mediated by planning. The results indicate that TPB-based interventions including planning strategies may encourage physical activity among older people with diabetes and cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   
This article considers the application of phenomenography, as arguably the only research design (so far) to have been developed substantially within higher education research by higher education researchers. It considers its origins, meaning and application, and the issues and critiques that it has raised. It concludes that, while phenomenography has both acknowledged limitations and undoubted achievements, it still appears to have much to offer to higher education research, and its usage might be extended to other fields.  相似文献   
Cet article permet de connaître le fonctionnement des conseils d'administration interdépendants des 250 premières entreprises et réseaux associés du Canada et d'Australie dans les années 1990. Ces conseils reflètent les relations sociales d'une classe hégémonique et représentent des instruments d'accumulation du capital le long d'un axe financier et industriel intégre (capital financier). Au Canada, ces deux aspects du pouvoir corporatif sont extrêmement centralisés au sein d'une élite essentiellement nationale. Le réseau australien est plus lâche, mais comporte un noyau visible, bien que le secteur financier y occupe une place moins importante et que les intérêts étrangers, quoique non dominants, soient plus présents sur le plan structurel. Au Canada, la classe capitaliste possède toutes les caractéristiques propres au capital financier tandis qu'en Australie les mécanismes d'intégration de la classe capitaliste, dans le cadre de l'interdépendance des entreprises, sont moins évidents. Dans cet article, on démontre que des systèmes differents d'intégration des classes sont ancrés historiquement dans les deux pays, et les auteurs s'interrogent sur le rôle du capital financier national dans le contexte contemporain de la mondialisation du capital. This paper examines the top 250 corporations and associated networks of interlocking directorates in Canada and Australia in the 1990s. Interlocks are interpreted both as social relations of class hegemony and as vehicles in the accumulation of capital along an integrated financial-industrial axis (finance capital). In Canada both these sides of corporate power are highly centralized within a predominantly national corporate elite. The Australian network is much sparser but still has a discernible core, although its financial sector has less presence at the core, and foreign interests while not dominant are somewhat more structurally prominent. The Canadian capitalist class exhibits all the characteristics suggested by finance capital; the mechanisms of capitalist class integration through corporate interlocking in Australia are weaker. We argue that different systems of class integration are historically embedded in the two countries, and speculate about the role of nationally organized finance capital in the contemporary globalization of capital.  相似文献   
This paper presents a brief review of literature relating to children in families with a disabled member, including the 'young carers' and disability studies literature, and relevant works from the social psychology and sociology of childhood. Key themes identified in the literature are then illustrated by findings from two exploratory research studies that sought to explore the experiences and service needs of children in families with a disabled member, within two Scottish areas. The authors suggest that, although young people affected by disability in the family, including young carers, face significant problems, particularly in socially disadvantaged areas, there are other issues that need to be addressed. Alternative conceptual frameworks are proposed, which challenge the dominance of the young carers research paradigm.  相似文献   
This paper shows how students in an introductory statistics course discover mathematical expressions for the normal and exponential density functions. Techniques of exploratory data analysis (EDA) are applied to large data sets, the key idea being a straight-line fit to an appropriate reexpression of the histogram.  相似文献   
We consider lattice paths which cross the diagonal exactly r times, and by a simple method determine the number of such paths when the endpoint is given. Then as a byproduct we easily obtain Feller's (1968, p.84) result for crossings when the length is given.  相似文献   
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