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Matching estimators and optimal bandwidth choice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Optimal bandwidth choice for matching estimators and their finite sample properties are examined. An approximation to their MSE is derived, as a basis for a plug-in bandwidth selector. In small samples, this approximation is not very accurate, though. Alternatively, conventional cross-validation bandwidth selection is considered and performs rather well in simulation studies: Compared to standard pair-matching, kernel and ridge matching achieve reductions in MSE of about 25 to 40%. Local linear matching and weighting perform poorly. Furthermore, the scope for developing better bandwidth selectors seems to be limited for ridge matching, but non-negligible for kernel and local linear matching.  相似文献   

We propose a new estimator for the spot covariance matrix of a multi-dimensional continuous semimartingale log asset price process, which is subject to noise and nonsynchronous observations. The estimator is constructed based on a local average of block-wise parametric spectral covariance estimates. The latter originate from a local method of moments (LMM), which recently has been introduced by Bibinger et al.. We prove consistency and a point-wise stable central limit theorem for the proposed spot covariance estimator in a very general setup with stochastic volatility, leverage effects, and general noise distributions. Moreover, we extend the LMM estimator to be robust against autocorrelated noise and propose a method to adaptively infer the autocorrelations from the data. Based on simulations we provide empirical guidance on the effective implementation of the estimator and apply it to high-frequency data of a cross-section of Nasdaq blue chip stocks. Employing the estimator to estimate spot covariances, correlations, and volatilities in normal but also unusual periods yields novel insights into intraday covariance and correlation dynamics. We show that intraday (co-)variations (i) follow underlying periodicity patterns, (ii) reveal substantial intraday variability associated with (co-)variation risk, and (iii) can increase strongly and nearly instantaneously if new information arrives. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   
It is shown that the nonparametric two-saniDle test recently proposed by Baumgartner, WeiB, Schindler (1998, Biometrics, 54, 1129-1135) does not control the type I error rate in case of small sample sizes. We investigate the exact permutation test based on their statistic and demonstrate that this test is almost not conservative. Comparing exact tests, the procedure based on the new statistic has a less conservative size and is, according to simulation results, more powerful than the often employed Wilcoxon test. Furthermore, the new test is also powerful with regard to less restrictive settings than the location-shift model. For example, the test can detect location-scale alternatives. Therefore, we use the test to create a powerful modification of the nonparametric location-scale test according to Lepage (1971, Biometrika, 58, 213-217). Selected critical values for the proposed tests are given.  相似文献   
An ordered heterogeneity (OH) test is a test for a trend that combines a non-directional heterogeneity test with the rank-order information specified under the alternative. We propose two modifications of the OH test procedure: (1) to use the mean ranks of the groups rather than the sample means to determine the observed ordering of the groups, and (2) to use the maximum correlation out of the 2k???1 – 1 possibilities under the alternative rather than the single ordering (1, 2, … , k), where k is the number of independent groups. A simulation study indicates that these two changes increase the power of the ordered heterogeneity test when, as common in practice, the underlying distribution may deviate from a normal distribution and the trend pattern is a priori unknown. In contrast to the original OH test, the modified OH test can detect all possible patterns under the alternative with a relatively high power.  相似文献   
Employers faced with rising health care costs are exploring various means to control them. One way is prospective utilization review, although this may pose significant legal risks. Another is the capitation form of payment in which an employer contracts with a health care provider either directly or through an employer-sponsored HMO. The authors discuss these alternatives and the implications for employers.  相似文献   
Multilevel analysis has become more common during the last ten years. A reason might be that this method allows us to analyse micro- and macro relationships in one step. Loosely, one can characterize it as a combination of variance analysis and regression analysis. Nevertheless, questions occur frequently concerning its practical application, the statistical requirements, the differences to OLS-Regression, and so on. Answering these questions, this paper has two particular aims. The first aim is to show the practical use and to give an idea of the possibilities of this method. The second aim is to discuss statistical requirements and frequently asked questions. For this purpose the application of a two level regression is illustrated by using data from ISSP and analysing the perception of vertical conflicts in an international view. This paper starts with a practical application. The random intercept model is discussed, where the intercepts vary among macro units and therefore regression lines run at different levels. Afterwards a random slope model is shown. Here, the regression coefficients also vary among countries. Among these practical applications other topics are discussed, e. g. model fit, minimum sample size, explained variance, estimation-methods, and standardisation of coefficients. Finally there is given a brief overview of this method and different software programs.  相似文献   
For the non-parametric two-sample location problem, adaptive tests based on a selector statistic are compared with a maximum and a sum test, respectively. When the class of all continuous distributions is not restricted, the sum test is not a robust test, i.e. it does not have a relatively high power across the different possible distributions. However, according to our simulation results, the adaptive tests as well as the maximum test are robust. For a small sample size, the maximum test is preferable, whereas for a large sample size the comparison between the adaptive tests and the maximum test does not show a clear winner. Consequently, one may argue in favour of the maximum test since it is a useful test for all sample sizes. Furthermore, it does not need a selector and the specification of which test is to be performed for which values of the selector. When the family of possible distributions is restricted, the maximin efficiency robust test may be a further robust alternative. However, for the family of t distributions this test is not as powerful as the corresponding maximum test.  相似文献   
We ask for conditions influencing membership in social organizations as strongholds of social capital. Beside individual characteristics, contextual factors such as political, social, or economic settings are also taken into consideration to explain individual decisions to participate in social organizations. The influences of individual and contextual level factors are tested simultaneously in several multi-level analyses. The results show that membership in social associations on the one hand is affected by individual characteristics such as marked trust in others, high level of education, church attendance, strong ties with the neighbourhood, age and sex, and on the other hand by contextual factors such as a catholic social context and institutional settings. In particular, Swiss direct democracy offering larger possibilities of participation facilitates membership in social organizations.  相似文献   
We find the asymptotic distribution of the multi‐dimensional multi‐scale and kernel estimators for high‐frequency financial data with microstructure. Sampling times are allowed to be asynchronous and endogenous. In the process, we show that the classes of multi‐scale and kernel estimators for smoothing noise perturbation are asymptotically equivalent in the sense of having the same asymptotic distribution for corresponding kernel and weight functions. The theory leads to multi‐dimensional stable central limit theorems and feasible versions. Hence, they allow to draw statistical inference for a broad class of multivariate models, which paves the way to tests and confidence intervals in risk measurement for arbitrary portfolios composed of high‐frequently observed assets. As an application, we enhance the approach to construct a test for investigating hypotheses that correlated assets are independent conditional on a common factor.  相似文献   
This article develops estimators for unconditional quantile treatment effects when the treatment selection is endogenous. We use an instrumental variable (IV) to solve for the endogeneity of the binary treatment variable. Identification is based on a monotonicity assumption in the treatment choice equation and is achieved without any functional form restriction. We propose a weighting estimator that is extremely simple to implement. This estimator is root n consistent, asymptotically normally distributed, and its variance attains the semiparametric efficiency bound. We also show that including covariates in the estimation is not only necessary for consistency when the IV is itself confounded but also for efficiency when the instrument is valid unconditionally. An application of the suggested methods to the effects of fertility on the family income distribution illustrates their usefulness. Supplementary materials for this article are available online.  相似文献   
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