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In terms of the risk of making a Type I error in evaluating a null hypothesis of equality, requiring two independent confirmatory trials with two‐sided p‐values less than 0.05 is equivalent to requiring one confirmatory trial with two‐sided p‐value less than 0.001 25. Furthermore, the use of a single confirmatory trial is gaining acceptability, with discussion in both ICH E9 and a CPMP Points to Consider document. Given the growing acceptance of this approach, this note provides a formula for the sample size savings that are obtained with the single clinical trial approach depending on the levels of Type I and Type II errors chosen. For two replicate trials each powered at 90%, which corresponds to a single larger trial powered at 81%, an approximate 19% reduction in total sample size is achieved with the single trial approach. Alternatively, a single trial with the same sample size as the total sample size from two smaller trials will have much greater power. For example, in the case where two trials are each powered at 90% for two‐sided α=0.05 yielding an overall power of 81%, a single trial using two‐sided α=0.001 25 would have 91% power. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
This paper is concerned with the parameter estimation in linear regression model. To overcome the multicollinearity problem, a new class of estimator, namely principal component two-parameter (PCTP) estimator is proposed. The superiority of the new estimator over the principal component regression (PCR) estimator, the r ? k class estimator, the r ? d class estimator and the two-parameter estimator proposed by Yang and Chang (Commun Stat Theory Methods 39:923?C934 2010) are discussed with respect to the mean squared error matrix (MSEM) criterion. Furthermore, we give a numerical example and a simulation study to illustrate some of the theoretical results.  相似文献   
在普通高校经管类专业实验课程考核的大背景推动下,在高等教育实验实践教学的改革中,创业教育逐步兴起,并成为培养大学生创新创业能力的一种教育趋势和模式。应通过规范创业教育评估原则,制定学校、学生、创业项目三者相关联的评估指标体系,确保项目可持续发展,全面提高大学生的创业素质。  相似文献   
本文按照“《四库全书》相关目录类”、“《四库全书总目》版本标注类”及“《四库全书总目》续补类”三类,各选取具有代表性的“四库”相关目录,分别在对各类目录著作的发展进行简要勾勒之后,对这三类目录各自的发展趋势与特点、发展动因以及他们与四库学暨整个学术潮流发展的关系进行剖析.同时,由于学界对于“《四库全书总目》续补类目录”的界定存在分歧,故而这一节中,还在名称界定方面进行重点辨析,提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   
人力资源配置方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用多目标灰色局势决策的原理配置企业人力资源,为人力资源配置提供了一个新方法,与其他方法相比,决策过程更加科学、合理,同时提高了决策精度,使复杂的决策问题变得简洁。  相似文献   
了解大学生生命价值观的现状是对大学生进行有效生命教育的首要前提。与国外及港台地区相关研究进行比较的同时,对国内大陆地区近年来关于大学生生命价值观的实证研究进行述评,可以了解我国大学生生命价值观的研究现状,发现这一领域的研究问题和未来研究方向,为大学生生命教育提供依据。  相似文献   
面向21世纪人才培养的教育观与措施浅谈   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了面向 2 1世纪人才培养的教育观念 ,并阐述了素质教育的途径和措施  相似文献   
现代社会,“公民文化”成了全球发展话语的一部分,然而,它却起源于欧洲哲学传统。许多思想家用哲学、政治学话语来讨论这个概念的演化及其社会作用.在学理层面上,一些为“公民文化”思想所吸引的政治家们不约而同地成为复兴公民美德传统的代言人,这是建立在个人没有能力处理复杂事务的信念之上.以至对道德一致性的关注在社会思想中成为一个反复出现的主题.实践证明,非制度性的“公民文化”的缺失将导致现实中公民的政治感情淡漠,即公民缺乏对政治体系及其权威的归属感、眷恋感和公民生活中的功利主义、机会主义盛行,以及无法认同政党或国家的目标,甚至可能导致群体行为的无理性。而某种“公民文化”能否被贴上文明的标签,不在于其秩序的优良与否,恰恰在于其德性或美德的建构成败上.“公民文化”的美德作为一种非制度性的观念,其对推进和保障民主政治这部机器的正常运转起着非常重要的润滑作用、探讨或建构“公民文化”不仅有利于社会的稳定,而且有利于深化公民对国家的热爱和尊敬。  相似文献   
Mixed-Weibull distribution has been used to model a wide range of failure data sets, and in many practical situations the number of components in a mixture model is unknown. Thus, the parameter estimation of a mixed-Weibull distribution is considered and the important issue of how to determine the number of components is discussed. Two approaches are proposed to solve this problem. One is the method of moments and the other is a regularization type of fuzzy clustering algorithm. Finally, numerical examples and two real data sets are given to illustrate the features of the proposed approaches.  相似文献   
The median is a commonly used parameter to characterize biomarker data. In particular, with two vastly different underlying distributions, comparing medians provides different information than comparing means; however, very few tests for medians are available. We propose a series of two‐sample median‐specific tests using empirical likelihood methodology and investigate their properties. We present the technical details of incorporating the relevant constraints into the empirical likelihood function for in‐depth median testing. An extensive Monte Carlo study shows that the proposed tests have excellent operating characteristics even under unfavourable occasions such as non‐exchangeability under the null hypothesis. We apply the proposed methods to analyze biomarker data from Western blot analysis to compare normal cells with bronchial epithelial cells from a case–control study. The Canadian Journal of Statistics 39: 671–689; 2011. © 2011 Statistical Society of Canada  相似文献   
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