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The research domain Industry Studies and Public Policy (IS&PP) seeks to further our understanding of industrial practices and managerial challenges by explicitly considering contextual details in the design and interpretation of research studies. These details can be vital considerations when shaping public policies. This article reviews a sample of IS&PP publications and analyzes the content of 180 selected papers—85 papers published in the Production and Operations Management (POM) journal and 95 papers published in related journals between 1992 and 2014. Our analysis of the sample dataset and examination of exemplar papers provide four findings. First, studies in different industries emphasize different themes of operational decisions. This difference in emphasis reveals potential research opportunities, especially for conducting inter‐industry studies. Second, our analysis reveals a shift in focus over time. Earlier studies contain a mix of benchmarks and inter‐industry comparisons, while later studies tend to be context‐specific, intra‐industry studies. Third, we report on empirics → analytics → empirics cycles that reveal gaps for building novel theories. Finally, we observe that the relationship between POM decisions and public policy is bi‐directional. This highlights the need to jointly examine operational decisions with policy considerations, especially in information goods, healthcare, sustainable operations and high‐tech manufacturing industries.  相似文献   
Acquisitions are important strategic initiatives that can create and destroy value in equal measure. Despite the popularity of such endeavors, many companies struggle to realize the benefits they expect. Some companies have succeeded in creating value by “discovering diamonds amid coal”—that is, by buying underappreciated companies and implementing policies that exploit their potential. The experiences of Nestlé‐Alcon, Philip Morris‐Miller Beer, and Mittal Steel highlight the subtleties of this strategy, as well the facilitating conditions needed for it to work.  相似文献   
Patients’ skills, knowledge, and motivation to actively engage in their health care are assessed with the patient activation measure (PAM). The literature on the role of PAM, when patient counseling is coupled with a technology enabled continuity of care intervention, is scant. We model the patient–health care provider feedback loop and learning through error corrections to explore the relations between continuity of care, PAM and patient readmissions. We test this model using data from a randomized, controlled field experiment. Our data show a direct effect of technology‐enabled continuity of care, together with its interaction with PAM, reduces readmissions over the base case without technology enabled continuity of care. Using exploratory analysis, we further show how a machine learning algorithm can be used to predict PAM, that can potentially furnish health care providers with useful information during the process of supporting their patients.  相似文献   
Game‐changing business strategies grab headlines, but also often fail to live up to stakeholders' expectations. In pursuit of these ambitious approaches, companies may lose sight of the benefit of carefully planned, frequent small gains that, over time, result in exceptional performance. As implemented at Illinois Tool Works, an American Fortune 500 firm, this small‐wins strategy is grounded in decentralization, operational excellence based on simplicity, customer‐focused innovation, and acquisitions. The firm's experiences offer other companies wishing to follow suit a four‐point agenda for getting the most from continual small gains.  相似文献   
Given the limited nature of global media with its emphasis on‘infotainment’ driven by commerce, it has very littlerole in community development. We see the alarming and growingimpact of the global media on the socio-cultural life of differentcommunities in India. The rampaging growth of centralized distributionsystems has not only undermined local expressions but is alsoloudly proclaiming its sole legitimacy and relevance. Wheredoes that leave the diverse forms of local media that aboundin our cultural landscape? Abhivyakti Media for Development,a Nashik-based Indian development communication organization,believes that local media forms have a vital role in shapingcommunity life and its development. Abhivyakti has initiateda programme in the Maharashtra state of India that seeks toidentify those who are already using some media forms in orderto support them to participate in a loose informal network.This network mobilizes their creative energies to focus on thelocal and, in doing so, brings a host of diverse realities intopublic awareness and generates alternative nodal centres todistribute these voices and images. The programme is alreadyshaping different possibilities and allowing them to emergeas viable alternatives for community empowerment.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the extant literature on global strategy. We argue that the literature has developed along three major directions, namely: (1) the literature identifying the emergence of a global village; (2) the literature identifying the advantages to a firm following a global strategy; and (3) the literature addressing the management challenges and the implementation issues faced by an international firm. We find that the literature has arrived at a number of important conclusions, namely: (1) the global environment places conflicting demands on participating firms; (2) there is no one strategy called global strategy, firms adopt different strategies to compete in the global arena; (3) the benefits accruing from a global strategy are contingent on the industry environment; (4) it is imperative to have multidimensional capabilities in the global arena; (5) matrix structures are becoming increasingly vital in implementing global strategies; and, finally, (6) the actual benefits of adopting matrix structures are contingent on the adoption of appropriate management processes. We identify the trends in the literature and suggest some directions for further research on the topic.  相似文献   
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