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Sascha Kraus Fabian Eggers Rainer Harms Gerald E. Hills Claes Hultman 《Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft》2011,81(6):27-58
Entrepreneurial Marketing (EM) is a research field that grows dynamically and that seems to be heterogeneous. Heterogeneity of a research field exacerbates the orientation in and the advancement of the field. Therefore, this article strives to inventarize the EM-literature and thereby to identify key discussion lines of EM research.Based on a comprehensive literature analysis, we first outline the history of EM research, and identify core authors and core journal Based on a citation analysis of 199 EM papers with a total of 6,222 references and an ensuing expert evaluation, we identify four key discussion lines: (1) theoretical foundations, (2) entrepreneurship-marketing interface, (3) new venture- and SME-marketing, and (4) EM in the sense of innovative, proactive and risk-oriented marketing. These four discussion lines and the respective literature constitute a framework for the advancement of EM research. 相似文献
Social work has historically privileged one-to-one supervision in field education. However, in recent decades, the relentless pressure on organisations to innovate for efficiency gain has created an impetus to explore alternative placement formats. This article reports on how students and supervisors experienced their placement relationships in the context of one such alternative—a team-based rotation placement model where students routinely engaged in group and peer supervision as well as one-to-one supervision with various supervisors. A total of 128 Masters of Social Work students and 92 student supervisors participated in rotation placements across five hospitals over a three-year period; 2011–2013. The study adopted a mixed methods approach using online surveys and post-placement interviews each year. The findings suggest that, although both supervisors and students viewed the one-to-one supervisory relationship as pivotal, they experienced this relationship differently. Supervisors were more likely to highlight the interpersonal connection within the supervisory relationship as the primary vehicle for practice learning. Students were more likely to view their supervisory relationships as the conduit to the practice experiences that aligned with their placement goals. Ultimately, the study highlights the centrality of role and positioning when exploring perceptions and experiences of teaching and learning relationships on placement. 相似文献
PD Dr. phil. et dipl. zool. Hans-Joachim Mosler Robert Tobias 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2000,52(2):264-290
Computer simulations allow a more optimal organization of collective action. For this purpose, the present study followed an actor-centered approach, in which the actor’s decision to participate in collective action is modeled on the basis of an expansion of the Theory of Planned Behavior. The variables used in the model of the individual’s decision to participate in a collective action are attitude, return, subjective social norm, and perceived behavior control with regard to participation. With these four variables, various social scientific theories are integrated (Elaboration Likelihood Model, Theory of Planned Behavior, Rational Choice Theory). These theories allow a conceptualization of interactions among individuals, and the effect of the active people, who seek to recruit others to participate in a collective action, can be studied. Simulations of a population of 10,000 individuals reveal the influence of the following factors on the effectiveness of collective action campaigns: different forms of recruitment by activators, the amount of contributions to the collective good of the participants, the size of the collective good, and the resources available to activators (training in persuasion methods, possibility to reward participants). Finally, simulation results are summarized in the form of recommendations for implementation when organizing collective action. 相似文献
PD Dr. Alexander Keßler Univ. Prof. Dr. Christian Korunka a.o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Hermann Frank a.o. Univ. Prof. Dr. Manfred Lueger 《Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft》2009,79(12):1413-1435
This study analyzes the growth potential of one-person startups on the basis of the framework model proposed by Gilbert, McDougall and Audretsch (2006) by postulating five key groups of enterprise growth predictors: entrepreneur characteristics, resources, strategy, industry, and organizational structures and systems. The framework model was adapted to suit the specific circumstances of one-person startups. The model was tested using a longitudinal data set comprising 188 Austrian one-person startups which were observed over a period of eight years. At the end of the observation period, the businesses included in the study had an average of 1.33 employees. The gender of the founder, capital requirements at the time of establishment, and growth strategy proved to be the most important predictors of growth. In addition, human capital resources also tended to have a positive impact. In summary, it is possible to draw empirically reliable conclusions about growth potential on the basis of the “seriousness” of an one-person startup project. 相似文献
PD Dr. Harald G. Wallbott 《Journal of Nonverbal Behavior》1992,16(1):5-20
Whether recognition of emotion from facial expression is affected by distortions of pictorial quality has rarely been tested, with the exception of the influence of picture size on emotion recognition. On the other hand, this question is important for (low-cost) tele-communication and tele-conferencing. Here an attempt is made to study whether emotion recognition from facial expression is impaired when video stimuli are distorted both with respect to spatial (pixel) resolution and with respect to temporal resolution (refreshment rate).N=56 stimuli, in which professional actors encoded 14 different emotions, were presented to groups of judges (N=10 in each condition) in six different distortion conditions. Furthermore, judges were confronted with a control condition, presenting the non-distorted stimuli. Channel of information (close-up of the face versus full body recording) was in addition manipulated. Results indicate (besides main effects for type of emotion encoded and for channel) that emotion recognition is impaired by reductions of both spatial resolution and temporal resolution, but that even very low spatial and temporal resolutions result in recognition rates which are still considerably above chance expectation. Results are discussed with respect to the importance of facial expression and body movement in communicating emotions, and with respect to applied aspects concerning tele-communication. 相似文献
PD Dr. Christian Lüdemann 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2006,58(2):285-306
Ziel ist die Erkl?rung von Kriminalit?tsfurcht auf verschiedenen Dimensionen (affektiv, kognitiv, konativ). Es werden drei
theoretische Modelle zur Erkl?rung von Kriminalit?tsfurcht empirisch überprüft (Viktimisierungsmodell, Disorder-Modell, Modell
sozialer Integration). Auf der Grundlage einer postalischen Bev?lkerungsumfrage (N = 3.612) in 49 Hamburger Stadtteilen werden
Mehrebenenmodelle getestet. Dabei zeigt sich, dass die Kriminalit?tsfurcht zwischen den Stadtteilen signifikant variiert.
In der Mehrebenenanalyse best?tigen sich Effekte von Individualvariablen (perzipierte physical und social incivilities, pers?nliche
und indirekte Viktimisierungen, Vertrauen zu Nachbarn, perzipierte Polizeistreifen, Alter, Geschlecht) und Kontextvariablen
(problematische Sozialstruktur, Bev?lkerungsdichte) auf die verschiedenen Dimensionen der Kriminalit?tsfurcht. 相似文献
PD Dr. Markus Klein Dr. Ulrich Rosar 《KZfSS K?lner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie》2007,59(1):81-104
During the election campaign to the German Federal Election 2005 the incumbent chancellor Gerhard Schröder and his challenger Angela Merkel met one another on the occasion of a televised debate, the so-called “TV-duel”. This debate was viewed by roughly one third of the German electorate. It is analyzed, whether the perception of the TV-duel winner has had an influence on the voting decision. In the empirical analyses special regard is given to the stability of the winner perception until election day and the influence of subjective expectations towards the debate performance of the candidates. The data analyzed were collected by means of a new interviewing technology via the television screen of the respondents. It is shown, that the winner perception was largely stable and only marginally influenced by the media coverage following the debate. Subjective expectations towards the debate performance of the candidates turn out to be of no importance for the voting decision. The effect of the winner perception on voting behaviour was mediated by changing candidate orientations. 相似文献