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The demographic and economic characteristics of China make it necessary to do family planning work in China in a Chinese way. Special characteristics of China and corresponding strategies are detailed 1) China is rather underproductive and underdeveloped, with a huge population, whose growth must be curtailed while industrial and agricultural production is enhanced. 2) In the next 10 years, a large number of young people will center childbearing age, prompting a government policy favoring late marriage and one child per couple. 3) China is large and heterogeneous, and regional authorities should have some population policymaking functions to take sociocultural differences into account. 4) Male child preference ideology in rural areas has been gently combated with a resulting increase in family planning rate from 65.1% to 74.2% from 1979 to 1983. Family planning authorities have made considerable progress, as demonstrated by figures such as a drop of women's total fertility rate from 5.68 in the 60s to 2.07 in the 70s. The task at hand remains large: the population at the end of 1983 was 1,024,950,000. However, family planning is an element of state policy, the marriage law, and the constitution, and mored an more, societal ideology. Government policy equates family planning with child wellness and societal welfare and attempts supportiveness of couples showing positive birth limiting attitudes. An ample system of family planning programs and resource persons furnishes education, a variety of high quality methods are available, and contraceptive research is some of the best in the world.  相似文献   
This is the first of three articles on Planning for Technological Innovation by Peter Ward (the second and third articles will be published in future issues of the Journal). Appropriate innovation, in products, processes and management, is a means by which industry adapts to a changing environment. Adaptive or dynamic planning at the corporate level serves to foster and direct the necessary effort, as does organic planning in a wider context. The methods described are based on practical experience in industry and consulting work.  相似文献   
河北省县域特色产业集群发展研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
河北省县域特色产业集群经过改革开放之后二十多年的迅速发展,已经基本上形成了一定规模和竞争优势,成为推动河北省县域经济快速、持续发展的重要推动力量。本文从分析河北省县域特色产业集群现状入手,按照其主导技术扩散摸式的不同分为四种发展类型,并总结其在发展过程中表现出来的主要特征,明晰其在发展中存在的问题.并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   
贵州省在“十五”期间坚持以科学发展观为指导,坚持人口与发展综合决策,坚持财政投入足额到位,加强宣传教育和利益导向,使人口和计划生育工作实现了跨越式发展,为促进人口发展做出了积极贡献。  相似文献   
12万例宫内节育器避孕效果调查报告   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国家人口计生委为全面贯彻落实以人为本的科学发展观,在人口和计划生育技术服务工作中提供安全、可靠的避孕方法,维护亿万育龄妇女身心健康,于2005年在11个省(市)城乡进行了宫内节育器避孕效果抽样调查。1调查背景与概况宫内节育器是我国育龄妇女使用的最主要的避孕方法,在2.30亿采用各种避孕措施的已婚育龄妇女中,有1.14亿妇女正在使用宫内节育器,占49.79%。随着避孕方法知情选择的全面推行,使用宫内节育器的人数还会继续增加。准确掌握宫内节育器的避孕有效性和副反应发生情况,提高宫内节育器质量,有根据地推荐使用宫内节育器直接关系到广…  相似文献   
户籍改革使城镇的人口情况发生一定变化 ,必然也给计划生育工作带来影响 ,在计划生育已有矛盾和问题解决的同时 ,又出现了一些新的矛盾和问题。  相似文献   
本研究采用定性与定量相结合的方法对滇西某大型道路建设工地流动人口的艾滋病风险进行调研与分析,该工地流动人口所面临的主要艾滋病风险是高危商业性性行为。深入调研发现,因其特殊的行业特征,工地流动人口中形成了对商业性性行为默许、容忍、合理化的氛围,对于所面临的艾滋病风险存在侥幸心理,各职业人群由于知识、社会经济处境不同,其与艾滋病相关的高危行为有明显差异。基于研究发现,本文对流动人口艾滋病预防干预实践、艾滋病预防研究的社会人文视角及未来研究方向等提出了讨论和建议。  相似文献   
深圳市生育保险制度存在发展缓慢、体系不完善等问题。分析可知 ,生育保险是有利于我国目前的人口政策的 ,完善生育保险制度也是深圳经济社会条件所允许和需要的 ,深圳市生育保险应该尽快扩大覆盖面 ,加大统筹力度 ,加快发展。  相似文献   
关于建立诚信档案的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚信档案是政府、企业和个人在灶会生活和经济生活中形成的各种信用记录,其原始性、真实性和惟一性的特征,要求它在形成、管理和利用过程中必须遵循诚信。因此,从诚信档案的特点、目前的现状探讨了建立诚信档案的必要性和未来设想。  相似文献   
21世纪的工业理念:生态工业   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
可持续发展是人类社会发展的必由之路 ,工业化是中国现代化建设不可逾越的阶段。生态工业以生态学和生态经济学为理论基础 ,是一种新兴的工业可持续发展模式。该文从介绍生态工业基础理论和国内外研究、实践现状入手 ,经全面分析后认为生态工业是中国 2 1世纪的主流工业 ,着重指出了中国在生态工业实践中存在的问题 ,并提出一些建议  相似文献   
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