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A two-agent scheduling problem on parallel machines is considered. Our objective is to minimize the makespan for agent A, subject to an upper bound on the makespan for agent B. When the number of machines, denoted by \(m\), is chosen arbitrarily, we provide an \(O(n)\) algorithm with performance ratio \(2-\frac{1}{m}\), i.e., the makespan for agent A given by the algorithm is no more than \(2-\frac{1}{m}\) times the optimal value, while the makespan for agent B is no more than \(2-\frac{1}{m}\) times the threshold value. This ratio is proved to be tight. Moreover, when \(m=2\), we present an \(O(nlogn)\) algorithm with performance ratio \(\frac{1+\sqrt{17}}{4}\approx 1.28\) which is smaller than \(\frac{3}{2}\). The ratio is weakly tight.  相似文献   
A \(k\)-connected (resp. \(k\)-edge connected) dominating set \(D\) of a connected graph \(G\) is a subset of \(V(G)\) such that \(G[D]\) is \(k\)-connected (resp. \(k\)-edge connected) and each \(v\in V(G)\backslash D\) has at least one neighbor in \(D\). The \(k\) -connected domination number (resp. \(k\) -edge connected domination number) of a graph \(G\) is the minimum size of a \(k\)-connected (resp. \(k\)-edge connected) dominating set of \(G\), and denoted by \(\gamma _k(G)\) (resp. \(\gamma '_k(G)\)). In this paper, we investigate the relation of independence number and 2-connected (resp. 2-edge-connected) domination number, and prove that for a graph \(G\), if it is \(2\)-edge connected, then \(\gamma '_2(G)\le 4\alpha (G)-1\), and it is \(2\)-connected, then \(\gamma _2(G)\le 6\alpha (G)-3\), where \(\alpha (G)\) is the independent number of \(G\).  相似文献   
More and more wireless networks and devices now operate on multiple channels, which poses the question: How to use multiple channels to speed up communication? In this paper, we answer this question for the case of wireless ad-hoc networks where information dissemination is a primitive operation. Specifically, we propose a randomized distributed algorithm for information dissemination that is very near the optimal. The general information dissemination problem is to deliver \(k\) information packets, stored initially in \(k\) different nodes (the packet holders), to all the nodes in the network, and the objective is to minimize the time needed. With an eye toward the reality, we assume a model where the packet holders are determined by an adversary, and neither the number \(k\) nor the identities of packet holders are known to the nodes in advance. Not knowing the value of \(k\) sets this problem apart from broadcasting and all-to-all communication (gossiping). We study the information dissemination problem in single-hop networks with bounded-size messages. We present a randomized algorithm which can disseminate all packets in \(O(k(\frac{1}{\mathcal {F}}+\frac{1}{\mathcal {P}})+\log ^2n)\) rounds with high probability, where \(\mathcal {F}\) is the number of available channels and \(\mathcal {P}\) is the bound on the number of packets a message can carry. Compared with the lower bound \(\varOmega (k(\frac{1}{\mathcal {F}}+\frac{1}{\mathcal {P}}))\), the given algorithm is very close to the asymptotical optimal except for an additive factor. Our result provides the first solid evidence that multiple channels can indeed substantially speed up information dissemination, which also breaks the \(\varOmega (k)\) lower bound that holds for single-channel networks (even if \(\mathcal {P}\) is infinity).  相似文献   
A tree in an edge-colored graph is said to be rainbow if no two edges on the tree share the same color. An edge-coloring of \(G\) is called a 3-rainbow coloring if for any three vertices in \(G\), there exists a rainbow tree connecting them. The 3-rainbow index \(rx_3(G)\) of \(G\) is defined as the minimum number of colors that are needed in a 3-rainbow coloring of \(G\). This concept, introduced by Chartrand et al., can be viewed as a generalization of the rainbow connection. In this paper, we study the 3-rainbow index by using connected 3-way dominating sets and 3-dominating sets. We show that for every connected graph \(G\) on \(n\) vertices with minimum degree at least \(\delta \, (3\le \delta \le 5)\), \(rx_{3}(G)\le \frac{3n}{\delta +1}+4\), and the bound is tight up to an additive constant; whereas for every connected graph \(G\) on \(n\) vertices with minimum degree at least \(\delta \, (\delta \ge 3)\), we get that \(rx_{3}(G)\le \frac{\ln (\delta +1)}{\delta +1}(1+o_{\delta }(1))n+5\). In addition, we obtain some tight upper bounds of the 3-rainbow index for some special graph classes, including threshold graphs, chain graphs and interval graphs.  相似文献   
In the distributed network service systems such as streaming-media systems and resource-sharing systems with multiple service nodes, admission control (AC) technology is an essential way to enhance performance. Model-based optimization approaches are good ways to be applied to analyze and solve the optimal AC policy. However, due to “the curse of dimensionality”, computing such policy for practical systems is a rather difficult task. In this paper, we consider a general model of the distributed network service systems, and address the problem of designing an optimal AC policy. An analytical model is presented for the system with fixed parameters based on semi-Markov decision process (SMDP). We design an event-driven AC policy, and the stationary randomized policy is taken as the policy structure. To solve the SMDP, both the state aggregation approach and the reinforcement-learning (RL) method with online policy optimization algorithm are applied. Then, we extend the problem by considering the system with time-varying parameters, where the arrival rates of requests at each service node may change over time. In view of this situation, an AC policy switching mechanism is presented. This mechanism allows the system to decide whether to adjust its AC policy according to the policy switching rule. And in order to maximize the gain of system, that is, to obtain the optimal AC policy switching rule, another RL-based algorithm is applied. To assess the effectiveness of SMDP-based AC policy and policy switching mechanism for the system, numerical experiments are presented. We compare the performance of optimal policies obtained by the solutions of proposed methods with other classical AC policies. The simulation results illustrate that higher performance and computational efficiency could be achieved by using the SMDP model and RL-based algorithms proposed in this paper.  相似文献   
This paper studies approximation algorithm for the maximum weight budgeted connected set cover (MWBCSC) problem. Given an element set \(X\), a collection of sets \({\mathcal {S}}\subseteq 2^X\), a weight function \(w\) on \(X\), a cost function \(c\) on \({\mathcal {S}}\), a connected graph \(G_{\mathcal {S}}\) (called communication graph) on vertex set \({\mathcal {S}}\), and a budget \(L\), the MWBCSC problem is to select a subcollection \({\mathcal {S'}}\subseteq {\mathcal {S}}\) such that the cost \(c({\mathcal {S'}})=\sum _{S\in {\mathcal {S'}}}c(S)\le L\), the subgraph of \(G_{\mathcal {S}}\) induced by \({\mathcal {S'}}\) is connected, and the total weight of elements covered by \({\mathcal {S'}}\) (that is \(\sum _{x\in \bigcup _{S\in {\mathcal {S'}}}S}w(x)\)) is maximized. We present a polynomial time algorithm for this problem with a natural communication graph that has performance ratio \(O((\delta +1)\log n)\), where \(\delta \) is the maximum degree of graph \(G_{\mathcal {S}}\) and \(n\) is the number of sets in \({\mathcal {S}}\). In particular, if every set has cost at most \(L/2\), the performance ratio can be improved to \(O(\log n)\).  相似文献   
We study an integrated production–distribution scheduling problem where jobs are released by customers to a manufacturer over time. The jobs are released online, that is, at any time the information of the number, release and processing times of future jobs is unknown, and the processing time of a job becomes known when the job is released. The manufacturer processes the jobs on a single machine. During the processing of jobs preemption is not allowed. Completed jobs are delivered in batches to customers via sufficient capacitated vehicles. For the objective of minimizing the sum of the total delivery time and the total distribution cost, we present a 3-competitive algorithm for the single-customer case and then extend the result to the multi-customer case. A lower bound of two on the competitive ratio of the problem is also given.  相似文献   
We consider the online scheduling of equal length jobs on unbounded parallel batch processing machines to minimize makespan with limited restart. In the problem \(m\) identical unbounded parallel batch processing machines are available to process the equal length jobs arriving over time. The processing batches are allowed limited restart. Here, “restart” means that a running task may be interrupted, losing all the work done on it, and the jobs in the interrupted task are then released and become independently unscheduled jobs, called restarted jobs. “Limited restart” means that only a running batch that contains no restarted jobs can be restarted. For this problem, we present a best possible online algorithm.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the MINimum-length-\(k\)-Disjoint-Paths (MIN-\(k\)-DP) problem: in a sensor network, given two nodes \(s\) and \(t\), a positive integer \(k\), finding \(k\) (node) disjoint paths connecting \(s\) and \(t\) with minimum total length. An efficient distributed algorithm named Optimally-Finding-Disjoint-Paths (OFDP) is proposed for this problem. OFDP guarantees correctness and optimality, i.e., (1) it will find \(k\) disjoint paths if there exist \(k\) disjoint paths in the network or the maximum number of disjoint paths otherwise; (2) the disjoint paths it outputs do have minimum total length. To the best of our knowledge, OFDP is the first distributed algorithm that can solve the MIN-\(k\)-DP problem with correctness and optimality guarantee. Compared with the existing centralized algorithms which also guarantee correctness and optimality, OFDP is shown to be much more efficient by simulation results.  相似文献   
In this paper a fast greedy sequential heuristic for the vertex colouring problem is presented. The suggested algorithm builds the same colouring of the graph as the well-known greedy sequential heuristic in which on every step the current vertex is coloured in the minimum possible colour. Our main contributions include introduction of a special matrix of forbidden colours and application of efficient bitwise operations on bit representations of the adjacency and forbidden colours matrices. Computational experiments show that in comparison with the classical greedy heuristic the average speedup of the developed approach is 2.6 times on DIMACS instances.  相似文献   
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