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There is increasing interest in the study of globalization on whether the emergence and consolidation of global value chains (GVCs) have exacerbated inequalities within and across nations and/or how GVCs may be leveraged to mitigate them. Although power asymmetries have been identified as a central factor shaping (un)successful GVC participation, dominant discourses still disregard the links between power and inequality or use these concepts interchangeably. In this article, we provide an analytical approach to GVC-related inequalities (within, along and through value chains) and examine how they may co-evolve with different types of power (bargaining, demonstrative, institutional and constitutive). We apply this approach to the case study of the hake value chain in South Africa to illustrate how existing inequalities are manifested, challenged, mitigated or exacerbated—and draw an agenda for future research.  相似文献   
The adaptive cluster sampling (ACS) is a suitable sampling design for rare and clustered populations. In environmental and ecological applications, biological populations are generally animals or plants with highly patchy spatial distribution. However, ACS would be a less efficient design when the study population is not rare with low aggregation since the final sample size could be easily out of control. In this paper, a new variant of ACS is proposed in order to improve the performance (in term of precision and cost) of ACS versus simple random sampling (SRS). The idea is to detect the optimal sample size by means of a data-driven stopping rule in order to determine when to stop the adaptive procedure. By introducing a stopping rule the theoretical basis of ACS are not respected and the behaviour of the ordinary estimators used in ACS is explored by using Monte Carlo simulations. Results show that the proposed variant of ACS allows to control the effective sample size and to prevent from excessive efficiency loss typical of ACS when the population is less clustered than anticipated. The proposed strategy may be recommended especially when no prior information about the population structure is available as it does not require a prior knowledge of the degree of rarity and clustering of the population of interest.  相似文献   
We propose a Bayesian method to select groups of correlated explanatory variables in a linear regression framework. We do this by introducing in the prior distribution assigned to the regression coefficients a random matrix $G$ that encodes the group structure. The groups can thus be inferred by sampling from the posterior distribution of $G$ . We then give a graph-theoretic interpretation of this random matrix $G$ as the adjacency matrix of cliques. We discuss the extension of the groups from cliques to more general random graphs, so that the proposed approach can be viewed as a method to find networks of correlated covariates that are associated with the response.  相似文献   
Using longitudinal data from the German Socio-Economic Panel, we estimate the variation of subjective well-being experienced by Germans over the last two decades testing the role of some of the major correlates of people’s well-being. Our results suggest that the variation of Germans’ well-being between 1996 and 2007 is well predicted by changes over time of income, demographics and social capital. The increase in social capital predicts the largest positive change in subjective well-being. Income growth, also predicts a substantial change in subjective well-being, but it is compensated for about three fourths by the joint negative predictions due to income comparison and income adaptation. Finally, we find that aging of the population predicts the largest negative change in subjective well-being. This result appears to hinge on the large loss of satisfaction experienced by individuals in old age.  相似文献   
We use a Bayesian multivariate time series model for the analysis of the dynamics of carbon monoxide atmospheric concentrations. The data are observed at four sites. It is assumed that the logarithm of the observed process can be represented as the sum of unobservable components: a trend, a daily periodicity, a stationary autoregressive signal and an erratic term. Bayesian analysis is performed via Gibbs sampling. In particular, we consider the problem of joint temporal prediction when data are observed at a few sites and it is not possible to fit a complex space–time model. A retrospective analysis of the trend component is also given, which is important in that it explains the evolution of the variability in the observed process.  相似文献   
This paper investigates the foreign funding mix of globally active banks. Using BIS international banking statistics for a panel of 12 advanced economies, we detect a structural break in international bank funding at the onset of the great financial crisis. In their postbreak business model, banks rely less on cross‐border liabilities and, instead, tap funds from outside their jurisdictions by making more active use of their subsidiaries and branches, as well as interoffice accounts within the same banking group. (JEL C32, F65, G21)  相似文献   
We test for the existence of housing bubbles associated with a failure of the transversality condition that requires the present value of payments occurring infinitely far in the future to be zero. The most prominent such bubble is the classic rational bubble. We study housing markets in the United Kingdom and Singapore, where residential property ownership takes the form of either leaseholds or freeholds. Leaseholds are finite‐maturity, pre‐paid, and tradeable ownership contracts with maturities often exceeding 700 years. Freeholds are infinite‐maturity ownership contracts. The price difference between leaseholds with extremely‐long maturities and freeholds reflects the present value of a claim to the freehold after leasehold expiry, and is thus a direct empirical measure of the transversality condition. We estimate this price difference, and find no evidence of failures of the transversality condition in housing markets in the U.K. and Singapore, even during periods when a sizable bubble was regularly thought to be present.  相似文献   
In problems related to evaluations of products or services (e.g. in customer satisfaction analysis) the main difficulties concern the synthesis of the information, which is necessary for the presence of several evaluators and many response variables (aspects under evaluation). In this article, the problem of determining and comparing the satisfaction of different groups of customers, in the presence of multivariate response variables and using the results of pairwise comparisons is addressed. Within the framework of group ranking methods and multi criteria decision making theory, a new approach, based on nonparametric techniques, for evaluating group satisfaction in a multivariate framework is proposed and the concept of Multivariate Relative Satisfaction is defined. An application to the evaluation of public transport services, like the railway service and the urban bus service, by students of the University of Ferrara (Italy) is also discussed.  相似文献   
Research in the field of management and organizational sciences has yielded a deeper understanding of many emerging business issues. However, the relevance of the contributions has been increasingly criticized, in both the academic and public spheres. We propose the intervention research approach – originally developed by the research group at Ecole des Mines de Paris – as a design science approach able to address both the relevance gap issue and the growing complexity of management practice. It is argued that increasing our understanding of management requires research that is more insightful, influential and immediately applicable. This in turn requires closer collaboration between management and researchers during the inquiry process, which is not always easy to achieve. An illustrative case study of an intervention research project focusing on creativity, conducted in Italy in collaboration with a fashion company, demonstrates how intervention research can be rigorous and relevant to practitioners, and how it can advance theoretical knowledge in management science.  相似文献   
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