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This paper analyses the effect of a pilot program to assist single parent claimants to lessen their dependence on social security benefits. A sample of about 5000 persons was randomly assigned to one control and two treatment groups. Those in the treatment groups were asked to attend an initial interview to help them plan for the future and were then referred to other forms of assistance that might help them to realise their plans. Using different estimators and several indicators of outcomes, the evidence for the program having a positive effect on outcomes is very weak. The reason for this result is explored by an analysis of the relationships between the plans participants formulated, the barriers they faced and whether they left benefits. It is found that while the program encouraged claimants to plan for moving into paid work, the assistance offered did not reduce the barriers they faced.  相似文献   
Out of strategic considerations, companies offer their employees coaching as an internal method of personnel development. A wide range of organizational forms can be taken into consideration for those internal coaching offers. As coach and client belong to the same organization, specific areas of conflict can arise in the coaching process. Those will be briefly described. Thereafter it will be discussed how the anticipated conflicts arising during the phase of contract formation can be dealt with. Furthermore it is shown how organizational implementation of internal coaching offers can mitigate the assumed conflicts.  相似文献   
The law occupies a prominent place in the everyday lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) individuals, and the continuing regulation and policing of sexuality and gender weighs heavily on many people who identify as LGBT. Despite remarkable progress in the area of LGBT civil rights, LGBT individuals in the United States still lack formal equality and are denied many of the protections that are afforded other historically disadvantaged groups. These legal disabilities represent an ongoing source of minority stress and can produce a correspondingly high degree of legal consciousness within the LGBT community.  相似文献   
For testing normality we investigate the power of several tests, first of all, the well-known test of Jarque & Bera (1980) and furthermore the tests of Kuiper (1960) and Shapiro & Wilk (1965) as well as tests of Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Cramér-von Mises type. The tests on normality are based, first, on independent random variables (model I) and, second, on the residuals in the classical linear regression (model II). We investigate the exact critical values of the Jarque–Bera test and the Kolmogorov–Smirnov and Cramér-von Mises tests, in the latter case for the original and standardized observations where the unknown parameters μ and σ have to be estimated. The power comparison is carried out via Monte Carlo simulation assuming the model of contaminated normal distributions with varying parameters μ and σ and different proportions of contamination. It turns out that for the Jarque–Bera test the approximation of critical values by the chi-square distribution does not work very well. The test is superior in power to its competitors for symmetric distributions with medium up to long tails and for slightly skewed distributions with long tails. The power of the Jarque–Bera test is poor for distributions with short tails, especially if the shape is bimodal – sometimes the test is even biased. In this case a modification of the Cramér-von Mises test or the Shapiro–Wilk test may be recommended.  相似文献   
We conduct a standardized survey on risk preferences in 53 countries worldwide and estimate cumulative prospect theory parameters from the data. The parameter estimates show that significant differences on the cross-country level are to some extent robust and related to economic and cultural differences. In particular, a closer look on probability weighting underlines gender differences, economic effects, and cultural impact on probability weighting. The data set is a useful starting point for future research that investigates the impact of risk preferences on the market level.  相似文献   
This article gives a preference-based characterization of subjective expected utility for the general equilibrium model with a finite number of states. The characterization follows Savage (1954) as closely as possible but has to abandon his axiom (P6), atomlessness of events, since this requires an infinite state space. To introduce continuity we replace (P6) with a continuity assumption on the set of consequences and assume the preferences are smooth. Then we apply Savage's sure-thing principle and his state-independence axiom to get an additively separable utility representation. Finally, to separate subjective probabilities from basic tastes, we apply a new axiom, which states that for each pair of states the marginal rate of substitution is constant along the certainty line.  相似文献   
Introduction  Producing and marketing motion pictures is notoriously risky, with only three out of ten movies breaking even and one becoming profitable at the box office. Extending knowledge on the factors that influence a movie’s box-office and on the interrelations between these factors can be seen as major contribution to aid in lowering the number of failures in the motion picture industry. The major aim of this study is to distinguish direct and indirect effects between potential success drivers and motion picture success by understanding the interrelationships among different determinants of movie success. Methods  Hypotheses are developed with regard to the relationships among a number of factors that have been shown to impact motion-picture box office as well as movie profitability. Applying path analysis, which allows a simultaneous testing of factor interrelations, the hypotheses are subsequently tested against a sample of 331 movies. Results and conclusion  The factors considered in the analysis explain a remarkable amount of a movie’s success. The findings improve the movie industry’s understanding of motion picture success because for the first time interrelationships between the various factors are considered, which enables the separation of direct and indirect (i.e., mediated) effects. By understanding different kinds of effects on movie success, studios are enabled to allocate budgets more effectively. In addition, the findings offer explanations for previous contrary findings of several factors’ influences on success.   相似文献   
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