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Research has consistently shown that the appearance of women’s apparel influences men’s behavior and judgment. However, the effect of women’s shoe heels has received little interest. Female confederates wearing black shoes with 0-, 5-, or 9-cm heels walked on the street. In a first experiment, we examined the number of men in the street who smiled at the female confederate. More smiles were addressed to the confederate with high heels. In a second experiment, the confederates asked men and women to respond to a short survey. It was found that high heels increased males’ but not females’ compliance with the request. In a third experiment, photographs of the same woman’s body profile wearing high heels or not were evaluated by men. Results showed that high heels were associated with greater sexiness, overall physical attractiveness, breast attractiveness, beauty, attractiveness to other men, and willingness to date. All the experiments supported the notion that high heels increase women’s attractiveness to men.  相似文献   
The study on one-dimensional bin packing problem may bring about many important applications such as multiprocessor scheduling, resource allocating, real-world planning and packing. Harmonic algorithms (including H K, RH, etc.) for bin packing have been famous for their linear-time and on-line properties for a long time. This paper profoundly analyzes the average-case performance of harmonic algorithms for pieces of i.i.d. sizes, provides the average-case performance ratio of H K under (0,d] (d 1) uniform distribution and the average-case performance ratio of RH under (0,1] uniform distribution. We also finished the discussion of the worst-case performance ratio of RH. Moreover, we propose a new improved version of RH that obtains better worst- and average-case performance ratios.  相似文献   
A discrete location problem is formulated for the design of a postal service network. The cost objective of this problem includes a nonlinear concave component. A parametric integer programming algorithm is developed to find an approximate solution to the problem. The algorithm reduces the problem into a sequence of p-median problems and deals with the nonlinear cost by a node-replacement scheme. Preliminary computational results are presented.  相似文献   
This paper considers the large-scale mixed job shop scheduling problem with general number of jobs on each route. The problem includes ordinary machines, batch machines (with bounded or unbounded capacity), parallel machines, and machines with breakdowns. The objective is to find a schedule to minimize the makespan. For the problem, we define a virtual problem and a corresponding virtual schedule, based on which our algorithm TVSA is proposed. The performance analysis of the algorithm shows the gap between the obtained solution and the optimal solution is O(1), which indicates the algorithm is asymptotically optimal.  相似文献   
本文以国内汽车行业制造型企业为实证研究对象,首先对于企业动态能力进行了文献研究和量表设计,然后利用竞争模型策略发现,由整合能力、组织学习能力以及重构能力所构建的动态能力一阶多因素相关模型是测度企业动态能力的最佳简约模型,与现有其他动态能力测量模型相比较,该模型具有更高的效度、信度和预测性。  相似文献   
文化润疆是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想在新疆的生动实践,是新时代党的治疆方略的重要组成部分。厘清文化润疆的理论要旨,不仅是推进中国特色社会主义文化强国建设的内在要求,是提升新疆基层文化事业发展的客观需要,更是铸牢新疆各族群众中华民族共同体意识的向往诉求。探赜文化润疆的实践路径,强调文化法治、深化文化浸润、提升文化底蕴、着眼文化认同,将文化润疆融入铸牢新疆各族群众中华民族共同体意识的全过程各领域,切实推进新时代党的治疆方略守正创新。  相似文献   
民营企业作为一种特殊的经济形态,与其他企业相比具有其自身的特点。随着市场经济的逐步成熟与完善,民营企业逐步走向成熟,在国民经济中起着重要作用。但由于自身的缺陷,近年来民营企业问题频出。文章以温州民营企业老板"跑路"为借鉴,从民营企业的特点出发,分析了现阶段民营企业负债经营效益的现状,并提出了发挥负债经营效益和控制财务风险的对策。  相似文献   
古远清 《学术界》2012,(4):126-132,286
分离主义者把原本属于汉语方言的台语膨胀为独立的“民族语言”,有意制造北京话与台语的对立,企图利用语言的分裂为推行台独服务.阿扁执政期间又大刮“去中国化”之风,把“台湾人”称为“华人”,又把“华侨”改为“台侨”,教育部门还强令各级学校在语文教学中要把“闻名中外”改为“闻名台外”,这种“文字台独”是不得人心的.黄春明因主张“讲闽南语和爱台湾不是等号关系”和反对台湾作家必须用台文写作而获刑两年.这个判决之所以不能成立,是因为无论是原告的大字报还是台南地方法院的判决书,使用的均是“中国语文”.  相似文献   
知识产权激励创新,创新促进经济增长。经济要转型升级,自主创新是关键,知识产权是核心。本文基于1997-2009年的省际数据,运用面板数据单位根检验、格兰杰检验、协整检验、固定效应模型对全国、东、中、西部的知识产权创造对经济增长的影响进行了实证分析,表明知识产权创造对区域经济增长具有显著的正效应,但存在地区差异。  相似文献   
20世纪末,文学研究在西方学术体制中被逐渐边缘化,哈罗德.布鲁姆、希利斯.米勒等美国学者也悲观地认为文学已经走向灭亡,而文学理论正是导致文学式微的罪魁祸首。事实上,当代批评理论的问题在于远离普通读者,热衷于艰深抽象的术语概念,对文学进行对象化,忽视文学阅读的情感体验,是对文学本质的忽视。而与此同时,无论是形式主义批评家什克洛夫斯基,日内瓦学派代表人物乔治.布莱还是读者反应理论批评家大卫.布莱希,甚至是萨义德,都强调文学文本的独特性,文学阅读经验的重要性,以及文学批评的主体性。近年来,美国教育界也在文学教育中尝试对阅读体验与情感的重视;尽管困难重重,但至少让我们看到了一种新的方向。  相似文献   
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