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史湘云的形象意义,并非如学界有人认为的是庄子哲学的形象注释,或"纯是晋人风味"。湘云的形象是在明清"独抒性灵"、以"绝假纯真"的"童心"为文的文化思潮的推动与启悟中生成,她的美是一种憨态可掬、稚气十足的童稚美,自然天真却又幼稚简单。这个形象的生成有其特殊的历史文化基础,在明清的其它一些小说中,也能窥见类似的身影。 相似文献
云南大理苍山野生植物资源研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
董晓东 《湛江师范学院学报》1997,(2)
据调查苍山的维管植物204科827属2523种.按照经济用途可将它们分为八类,即①药用植物1400种;②纤维植物350种;③淀粉及糖类植物150种;④油脂植物162种;⑤鞣料植物134种;③芳香油植物178种;⑦蜜源植物212种;⑧观赏植物1050种.此外,还提出了苍山野生植物资源开发利用及保护的对策. 相似文献
Xiaodong?GuEmail author Guoliang?Chen Yinlong?Xu 《Journal of Combinatorial Optimization》2005,9(1):19-34
The two-dimensional strip packing problem is a generalization of the classic one-dimensional bin packing problem. It has many important applications such as costume clipping, material cutting, real-world planning, packing, scheduling etc. Average-case performance analysis of approximation algorithms attracts a lot of attention because it plays a crucial role in selecting an appropriate algorithm for a given application. While approximation algorithms for two-dimensional packing are frequently presented, the results of their average-case performance analyses have seldom been reported due to intractability. In this paper, we analyze the average-case performance of Next Fit Decreasing Height (NFDH) algorithm, one of the first strip packing algorithms proposed by Coffman, Jr. in 1980. We prove that the expected height of packing with NFDH algorithm, when the heights and widths of the rectangle items are independent and both obey (0, 1] uniform distribution, is about n/3, where n is the number of rectangle items. We also validate the theoretical result with experiments.This work is supported by National 973 Fundamental Research Project of China on NP Complete Problems and High Performance Software (No. G1998030403). 相似文献
This paper explores how technologies can transform the obstacles of geographical and cultural distance into new opportunities for learning and personal growth. In particular, it focuses on the potential benefits of reflection in the context of cross-cultural exchange and how technology can bring those benefits to the classroom. Several instances of research explore the uses of technology for promoting cross-cultural contact as a way to expose students and teachers to fresh models of educational values and practices. A consistent result is that, when people experience a new culture or community or even a new classroom, they report an increase in reflection, both about their identities as new members of the community and about their personal goals and responsibility in relation to the values of the new community. Reflection appears as a deeply social act. Several examples highlight two social functions of reflection in the context of cross-cultural interaction. One important function is to help people decide which aspects of culture to appropriate and how to adapt those aspects to their own interests. Another important function of reflection is to help people become more receptive to the presence of different values and practices. The paper concludes with a set of provisional design principles for encouraging learning through cross-cultural reflection. 相似文献
胡晓东 《贵州民族学院学报》2010,(5):84-86
汉语"古无舌上音"是我国清代音韵学家钱大昕提出来的著名论断。这里以笔者的母语贵州省黔东南苗族侗族自治州麻江县下司镇白午自然寨的苗语词汇为语料与汉语进行比较研究,认为清代学者钱大昕提出的汉语"古无舌上音"的论断在黔东南苗语中也可以得到证明。 相似文献
通过对江苏省8家公立医院117名医师及38名医院管理者进行问卷调查和管理者深度访谈,了解现有政策制度下医师及医院管理者对多点执业的认知和意愿,分析其认知情况及意愿影响因素。结果显示,大多数医师及医院管理者对多点执业持观望态度,多点执业推行受阻的主要原因是医疗责任界定和风险承担机制不明确,打破固定用工关系影响了主要执业机构医疗和管理秩序等。现有政策下,应完善法律法规及配套制度,探索切实可行的多点执业模式。 相似文献
Web2.0技术构成了当代中国价值共识问题的重要现实背景.选取"5·28招远麦当劳案件"为代表性个案,通过新浪微博用户的互动讨论贴分析微博场中价值话语的建构方式及影响因素.研究发现:早期基于开放互动的群体性价值反思受制度与符号的双重制约,前者通过话题榜时间限制、话题管理权制度与关键词处理方式等制度设计将相关热门话题推至微博场的边缘空间,后者通过"键盘侠"这一身份标签抑制了微博用户的积极性,二者合力导致自下而上、由内而外的价值共识缺乏稳定的时空基础与符号资本支持. 相似文献
李晓东 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》2005,18(3):119-122
分析了吉林省开展旅游的基础条件和旅游业发展现状,研究影响旅游业发展的因素,为吉林省旅游业的发展提出建设性意见. 相似文献