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由邵氏兄弟(香港)有限公司投资拍摄、集中展现《水浒传》中“宋江杀惜”情节的影片《阎惜姣》一方面通过对阎婆惜追求真爱及其孝女形象的彰显重新塑造了这一特殊的女性人物;另一方面,影片又出色地发挥了戏曲唱段对于片中人物性格刻画的重要作用,从而既折射出上世纪六十年代的香港电影对于《水浒传》人物精神内涵的特殊理解与诠释,亦体现出戏曲元素对于古典名著改编的重要意义。  相似文献   
江户时期,荷兰成为唯一与日本交往的西方国家,进而荷兰成为西方文化传进日本的通道,其中以医学最为瞩目.西方医学在日本的传播使得日本"兰学"兴起,并为日本的近代化奠定了科学基础.这一时期,医学主要通过荷兰商馆医生口述、江户参府、日本翻译西方书籍、开办西医学塾等方式传播.  相似文献   
中国武侠片中的神怪元素与电影高新技术的结合,催生了魔幻武侠电影,通过对武侠电影类型元素的继承而与武侠文化建立起关联。中国式魔幻武侠电影孕育的土壤是中国悠远的神话传统与"剑仙文化",从20世纪20年代神怪/武侠片热潮到当下中国魔幻武侠大片都在其中汲取资源,与域外魔幻片强调恒久的"善恶对立"主题相异,国产魔幻片也在本土慈悲世界观的宽恕包容和世俗化情爱母题中不断耕耘。?更多还原  相似文献   
国家自学考试作为国家重要的教育制度安排,是国家发现、选拔、激励和培养人才的重要工作,涉及到相关群体的人身安全和社会公平等事项。国家自学考试活动的安全管理水平直接影响到人民群众的切身利益和国家的形象。对自学考试过程中不同阶段与不同场景下突发偶发安全事件的特点进行分析,按照安全性、预防为主、公平性和经济高效的原则,通过情境分析、逻辑分析和经验提炼等方法,对国家自学考试突发偶发安全事件应急管理模式进行分析和选择,针对阶段和场景的不同特点提出相应建议,为完善我国自学考试安全管理提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   
演化博弈论在中国法治政府研究中具有很好的适用性,可以据此构建“复制动态”的中国法治政府的演化博弈模型,证明“内生演化”的法治能够从根本上解决政府“权力悖论”。中国法治政府建设需要围绕约束规范公权力的主题,确立互动平衡精神和采取渐进主义策略,以改进转型中国的法治秩序。  相似文献   
Using networks as prior knowledge to guide model selection is a way to reach structured sparsity. In particular, the fused lasso that was originally designed to penalize differences of coefficients corresponding to successive features has been generalized to handle features whose effects are structured according to a given network. As any prior information, the network provided in the penalty may contain misleading edges that connect coefficients whose difference is not zero, and the extent to which the performance of the method depend on the suitability of the graph has never been clearly assessed. In this work we investigate the theoretical and empirical properties of the adaptive generalized fused lasso in the context of generalized linear models. In the fixed \(p\) setting, we show that, asymptotically, adding misleading edges in the graph does not prevent the adaptive generalized fused lasso from enjoying asymptotic oracle properties, while forgetting suitable edges can be more problematic. These theoretical results are complemented by an extensive simulation study that assesses the robustness of the adaptive generalized fused lasso against misspecification of the network as well as its applicability when theoretical coefficients are not exactly equal. Our contribution is also to evaluate the applicability of the generalized fused lasso for the joint modeling of multiple sparse regression functions. Illustrations are provided on two real data examples.  相似文献   
从文学制度的角度,论文认为1978年文学评奖制度的建立,是中国文学制度现代化的一种建设性的探索。新中国成立前,国家力量难以建立起现代性的文学制度;新中国成立后三十年来,对文学进行调控和管理的制度性力量又较为单一,主要集中在批评斗争方面。而1978年文学评奖制度的建立,是文学制度走向规范化和制度化的重要的一步,也是与前"新时期"文学活动真正断裂的开始。虽然由于"文学场"的结构有了质的变化,这种文学评奖面临众多批评,但其意义深远。  相似文献   
朝贡的组织与管理是明朝朝贡制度完善的具体体现,从中央到地方,都有专门的机构和人员负责朝贡事务,不仅设置完备的机构,在朝贡的组织过程中也有条不紊,有章可循.对朝鲜的特例,使明朝与朝鲜的朝贡关系比其他朝贡国更为密切,给两国之间的政治、经济、文化发展带来了深刻的影响.  相似文献   
The article discusses the nature of the tangled interaction between the ex-Soviet Central Asian republics and the outside great powers – Russia, the United States and China. Although the so-called Great Game model is often used to explain the geopolitical rivalry in the region, the current pattern of relations between various international actors is much more complex than a traditional tug-of-war between the old colonial empires. While Russia's strategic role in Central Asia appears to be on the rise, the capacity of the West to influence political developments in the region has diminished. However, the overall situation in Central Asia remains volatile and its geopolitical landscape is far from being settled.  相似文献   
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