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Cocaine use is highly prevalent and a major public health problem. While some studies have reported frequent comorbidity problems among cocaine users, few studies have included evaluation of gambling problems. This study aimed to estimate the prevalence of gambling problems and compare those who were at-risk gamblers with non-problem gamblers in terms of mental health problems, substance use problems, and some risk factors (i.e. family antecedents, erroneous perceptions and coping strategies) among individuals who smoke or inject cocaine. A total of 424 smoked or injected cocaine users recruited through community-based programs in Montreal (Quebec) completed the questionnaire, including the Canadian Pathological Gambling Index, the Composite International Diagnostic Interview, the CAGE, and the Severity Dependence Scale. Of the sample, 18.4 % were considered at-risk gamblers, of whom 7.8 % had problems gambling and 10.6 % were moderate-risk gamblers. The at-risk group was more likely to have experienced a recent phobic disorder and alcohol problems than the non-problem group. A multivariate analysis showed that, compared to those who were non-problem gamblers, the at-risk ones were more likely to have lost a large sum of money when they first started gambling, believed that their luck would turn, and gambled in reaction to painful life events. These results indicate the need to include routines for screening to identify gambling problem among cocaine users.  相似文献   
It is well documented that attitudes toward gambling are a good predictor of problem gambling during adolescence. However, so far, little is known about what factors are associated with adolescents' gambling attitudes. This study used cross-sectional data (N = 2055, response rate 70.4%) from a representative sample of 17-year-olds in Norway to investigate the relationship between demographic, personality, motivational and social variables and gambling attitudes. Overall, adolescents' attitudes toward gambling were slightly negative. A multivariate analysis revealed that more favourable attitudes toward gambling were most strongly associated with family/peer approval of gambling. In addition, significant associations were found for gender (males more favourable); Sensation Seeking (positive association); Agreeableness (negative association); and family/peer gambling history (positive association for lifetime gambling, negative association for problematic gambling). Although a variety of individual-level and social factors are associated with more favourable attitudes toward gambling, it appears that family and peer approval of gambling are most important.  相似文献   
Although the effectiveness of treatments for pathological gamblers is gaining support, only 10% of pathological gamblers seek treatment. Providing treatment via the Internet may lower the thresholds for treatment seeking. A new telephone and Internet based treatment programme for pathological gamblers is presented in this article, along with a pre-post evaluation of the programme. The participants (N = 112) were problem gamblers who were either self-referred or referred by their general practitioner. Data from post-treatment and 3-month follow-up are evaluated. The results suggest that using Internet and telephone-assisted treatment interventions can significantly reduce symptoms of pathological gambling (measured by the South Oaks Gambling Screen – Revised). The intervention was also associated with improvement on cognitive distortions, measured by the Gamblers Belief Questionnaire, and general psychological distress and psychopathology as measured by the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised. Although Internet-based treatment programmes have been suggested to have advantages compared to traditional face-to-face therapy, research in this area is scarce. This pilot study contributes to the growing literature in this area, and provides tentative support for the effectiveness of Internet based treatment interventions for pathological gamblers.  相似文献   
Nutritional deficiency can have dramatic effects on the physical and psychological status of older adults. Although food supplements can enhance nutritional status, several authors suggest that more ecological means could also have beneficial impacts. Therefore, a natural experiment was conducted to study the impact of changed mealtime experiences for people with Alzheimer-type dementia. Two special care units (in separate facilities) in France were included in this study: one implemented shared mealtimes between residents and caregivers and the other served as a comparison group. Weight was measured and staff observations were collected. Positive outcomes were observed for the experimental group. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to examine senior women's involvement experience in Quebec, Canada. Study results are based on a qualitative methodology, and shed light on family history and continuity in the involvement trajectory, diversity in terms of group type and involvement practices, and gender differences in involvement. The meaning that older women attribute to their involvement is also addressed, including attitudes toward feminism. The discussion highlights the extent to which older women's involvement has been marked by their life trajectories, above and beyond their age. In sum, their involvement in the private and public spheres is quite impressive.  相似文献   
附带民事诉讼中精神损害赔偿问题研究   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
在单纯的民事诉讼中,公民或法人的精神受到损害可以要求赔偿损失,这已不成为问题,但我国现行刑事诉讼法将附带民事诉讼的赔偿范围仅仅局限于物质损失,而没有提及精神损失。本文作者指出,在附带民事诉讼中确立精神损害赔偿不仅是司法实践的需要,而且是协调不同部门法冲突的需要;不仅符合刑事附带民事诉讼制度的本意,而且有利于保护被害人的合法权益。当然附带民事诉讼中的精神损害赔偿必须具备相应的条件,还要受到一定范围的限制,同时要遵循精神损害赔偿的原则。  相似文献   
教育研究的理论成果转化的路径阻隔主要为 :一是政府意欲采用的带有宏观指导意义、推动整体性教育体制改革的研究成果 ,由于中间层次的障碍过多而难以被准确执行 ;二是有些教育基层组织和教师个人意欲采用的教育研究成果 ,却与当时的教育政策或教育体制存在矛盾 ,其实践合理性缺乏来自教育政策方面的支持。其形成主要原因为 :一是现行的教育评估体系中缺乏要求教育必须创新的内容 ;二是基层教育部门主动创新的成本较高、风险较大 ;三是教育指导思想中过强的政治意识 ,使教育自主性的逻辑运动和创新活动受到抑制 ;四是现行教育系统吸收教育研究成果的能力受到一定的限制  相似文献   
市场上的饮料等瓶装商品,生产过程中因工艺要求导致瓶身表面残留了较多的水分。这些水分如果不能有效去除,会随着产品带进包装纸箱内,导致包装纸箱受潮、发软甚至发霉,引发相关质量问题。目前相关行业中主要采用吹风的方法对瓶身进行除水,但实际应用的效果不佳,主要存在除水效率低、运行成本高、稳定性差等问题。作者对这些问题进行分析,]研制出一种高效旋转接触式瓶身除水机,具有除水效率高、运行成本低、稳定性好等优点。  相似文献   
Becker and Roux (1981) invebiiyated a bivariate gamma extension based on a piausible physica! model. This paper introduces a useful reparameterisation of this bivariate gamma extension. Based on he suggested reparameterisation, a procedure that may be utilised to test for bivariate independence is discussed for a special case of the gamma extension  相似文献   
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