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在清末政治近代化过程中,袁世凯积极投身其中,与张之洞、周馥联衔上奏立宪,支持五大臣出洋考察政治,参与官制改革,推动资政院设立,在直隶搞地方自治。其活动客观上推动了清末政治近代化,在中国近代产生了重要影响。  相似文献   
高等农业院校无形资产对农业经济产业化和学校的生存发展起着越来越重要的作用。针对目前无形资产没有受到重视和管理不善,导致无形资产大量流失等问题,本文分析了问题产生的原因,提出了如何加强无形资产的管理,充分发挥其应有的价值的对策。  相似文献   
张珊珍 《晚晴》2020,(4):44-45
习近平总书记指出:追求男女平等的事业是伟大的。纵观历史,没有妇女解放和进步,就没有人类解放和进步。70年前的1950年5月1日,首都北京20万群众参加了中华人民共和国成立之后第一个国际劳动节的庆典。那一天红旗猎猎、鼓声喧天,新中国的第一部法律——《中华人民共和国婚姻法》在节日的气氛中宣布正式实施。  相似文献   
白珍 《民族学刊》2016,7(6):50-54,109-110
The Qiang are one of the most ancient ethnic groups in China, and their rich cul-ture is an important part of Chinese culture. Bei-chuan Qiang Autonomous County, in Sichuan province, is a unique Qiang Autonomous County in China, which has an exceptional foundation for transmitting Qiang ethnic culture through school education. However, the county’s transmission of Qiang ethnic culture through school education still faces some problems, such as lack of educational investment, poor teacher resources, lack of ethnic cultural inheritors, and students’ lack of ethnic self-confidence. In view of series dilemmas faced by Beichuan Qiang Autonomous County in trans-mitting Qiang ethnic culture through school educa-tion, this article proposes the following suggestions based on our investigations:1 . Increase the investment in school educa-tion In view of the lack of educational investment, we suggest the following measure be adopted: 1 ) increase educational investment from various levels of the government, especially increasing special in-vestment in transmitting Qiang ethnic culture through school education;2 ) raise funds from the public;3 ) have the schools engage in their own fundraising, and 5 ) make efforts to get foreign aid. 2 . Strengthen the investment in improving teacher resources In view of the problem of poor teacher re-sources, we suggest the following measures: 1 ) strengthen policy support from the national level, and solve the problem of poor teacher resources through training teachers in universities for nation-alities. 2 ) invite Qiang cultural inheritors to be teachers; 3 ) strengthen the technical training of the school teachers, and improve the teachers’ skills;4) add more teacher positions, and improve the treatment of teachers;5 ) encourage teachers to devote their life to the education and inheritance of Qiang culture. 3 . To promote the motivation for studying eth-nic culture In view of the students’ lack of motivation for studying ethnic culture, and the lack of people who go on to inherit the ethnic cultural heritage, we suggest the following: 1 ) Beichuan Autonomous County should help the young Qiang people to be locally employed through developing ethnic econo-mies, and to inherit ethnic culture via developing tourism with ethnic characteristics. 2) Family edu-cation should be closely connected with school edu-cation;3 ) to include an exam on Qiang ethic cul-ture in school entrance examinations in order to re-flect the importance of ethnic culture study;4 ) to add some ethnic culture courses in schools for na-tionalities. 4 . To strengthen the ethnic pride and confi-dence of Qiang students In view of the issue of Qiang students’ lack of ethnic confidence and pride, we suggest the follow-ing:1 ) open Qiang language courses in schools in Qiang areas; 2 ) enlarge the usage range of the Qiang language; 3 ) help students to understand the charm of Qiang culture, and let them feel eth-nic pride. 5 . To standardize and promote a common Qiang language In view of the issue that Qiang have no written language, their spoken language is too complicat-ed, and there are too many dialects, we suggest that the National Languages and Scripts Work Committee should work with Qiang scholars and ex-perts to create a basic dialect of the Qiang-a com-mon Qiang language, which should be promoted in school education, just like mandarin Chinese in school education.  相似文献   
科学学研究的开端自1966年底至1967年初在里沃夫市举行第一次科学学座谈会以来,苏联从事科学学研究的学者日益增加.莫斯科、列宁格勒、基辅、新西伯利亚、明斯克、顿河罗斯托夫等三十几个城市都增  相似文献   
一鸦片战爭爆发和上海备战自从一八四○年六月英国政府发动对中国的侵略战爭以后,随着战爭形势的发展,上海成为保卫长江門戶的重要軍事陣地了。英国侵略軍在广州和厦門都曾遇到中国軍队的坚决抗击,为了寻找可以进攻的空隙,英軍于七月攻陷了防御比較疏忽的定海,并且北上大沽口,要挾清政府进行談判。这时,在福建参加抗英战爭的陈化成将軍奉命調任为江南提督,筹划上海和吳淞口的海防工作。当时清朝道光皇帝听信投降派的話,将抗战派林则徐、邓廷楨革职,并派琦善赴广东議和。琦善在“川鼻草約”中擅自允許割让香港和賠款六百万元。但为抗战派所揭发,道光皇帝没有批准,乃派奕山将軍到广东对英作战。英軍利用琦善撤除战备和奕山的兵力尚未集中的机会,一八四一年二月二  相似文献   
在"科学技术是第一生产力"的科学论断日显其价值的今天,研究失业和就业问题,一定要充分注意科学技术这一至关重要的因素,摆好二者的关系,这对于促进科技和经济、社会的协调发展,探索适应我国国情的劳动力充分就业的有效途径,无疑将起到积极的作用.  相似文献   
近年来.许多城市的中心城区都把发展"楼宇经济"作为一种新的发展举措,积极推进.通过对杭州市下城区楼宇经济指数的测算,发现2009年该区楼宇经济总体发展良好,规模和发展指数相对较高,但也存在一些问题.为了促进城市中心城区楼宇经济的发展,特建议通过建立城区楼宇指数体系及其测评,更好地提升楼宇经济的创新水平和发展环境等综合素质.  相似文献   
高校图书馆在和谐校园建设中有着不可替代的作用,图书馆人员既是服务者又是教育者的双重角色,决定了其服务服务师生与身教育人功能。图书馆环境建设与和谐校园创建有着重要关系,图书馆为读者创建一个舒适、宽松、和谐的学习和研究环境,充分发挥环境育人的作用。图书馆发挥自身信息资源优势,服务地方经济建设,为构建和谐社会做出应有的贡献。  相似文献   
本研究依据村民作为社会行为主体的主动性和独立性,将村民参与村委会选举的心理倾向归纳为四种模式,即动员式心理模式、依附式心理模式、自觉式心理模式和热衷式心理模式,并根据调查结果统计和分析每一种心理倾向的特征,在此基础上对村民行为的理性做了一定的剖析,结论认为村民心理倾向均是一定理性层次的体现。  相似文献   
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