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今年是俄罗斯的"中国年"。2007年6月1日-3日,由中国现代外国哲学学会俄罗斯专业委员会与苏州大学共同举办的"中国与俄罗斯:当代哲学的问题与反思——全国第十一届俄罗斯哲学研讨会"在苏州大学举行。俄罗斯科学院院士兼《哲学问题》主编列克托尔斯基、通讯院士兼哲学所副所长斯米尔洛夫教授、中国哲学专家布洛夫等俄方学者专程参加会议并发表了学术演讲。中国社会科学院贾泽林、中国人民大学安启念、南京大学张一兵、复旦大学吴晓明等30多人参加会议。研究前苏联哲学和当代俄罗斯哲学具有重大的学术价值和现实意义。前苏联哲学曾经是培育中国马克思主义理论家的主要思想源泉。苏东剧变、中国改革开放,在新的历史地平线上,中国化的马克思主义理论创新必须要"返本而开新",即全面地反思和梳理前苏联哲学的遗产,同时也要密切关注由原来"主流意识形态"消解后的"哲学转向"。会议集中讨论了三个问题:如何进一步深度反思前苏联哲学遗产,包括对列宁哲学、普列汉诺夫哲学、斯大林哲学及一大批前苏联时期学者的哲学遗产;如何评价当代俄罗斯对主流意识形态"真空"的"填补",如对东正教哲学思想的研究、对理性的研究、对西方哲学的研究等;如何进一步理性地反思全球化与本土化思想对话的关系,特别是俄罗斯本土文化与西方文明的关系。本专题推出几篇会议论文,以飨读者。  相似文献   
尼亚斯人(约有47万)是与之同名尼亚斯岛及其邻近岛屿,如赫纳科、塞瑙、劳纳及巴都等岛的主要居民。尼亚斯岛多山。岛上山势不高,丘陵起伏,到处被次生的热带森林覆盖。岛内河流不多,能通航的更少。空气潮湿,属热带气候。岛上动物相当丰富,大动物有野猪、鹿、猿和熊。尼亚斯人称本岛为“塔诺尼哈”(意为  相似文献   
移民潮对于大多数中国人来说并不陌生,兴起于80年代中的东瀛热、以及后来的美国热、澳大利亚热至今仍牵动着众多中国人的心。相形之下,移民加拿大这股潮流就显得纤弱多了。其实,要获取加拿大“绿卡”并非象移民欧洲国家那样可望而不可及,众多中国人只是无奈于对加拿大移民法律规范不甚了解或其他一些原因。那么,以下的介绍,将使感兴趣的人们对加拿大移民法律规范有一个初步的了解。  相似文献   
爱情的攻守规则□罗西我有一个经验,在做追逐跑游戏时,追一个人往往脚下生风,目标在即,跑起来更有动力,水平发挥得也较好,甚至会超水平发挥。而被一个人追时,总有点气馁,甚至失去信心,慢慢脚就软了下来,自然很快就被人捉到。朋友说,这是一种男人的普遍爱情感觉...  相似文献   
智慧人生罗西一只特别的抽屉曾有一位成功人士,在他办公室里有一只特别的抽屉,里面放着许多他感到难以回复的信。因为一旦回了信,肯定会引发两人激烈的争论,而问题是,这些争论对他及对方均没有好处。不过,他总是不时去翻捡这些信件,而且发现大多数的信件,已经在各...  相似文献   
学者们都强调定性研究需要更加严谨,这无意中支持了公式化和标准化方法的运用,不利于从丰富的数据中创建理论。为了深化上述讨论,本研究强调严谨性与丰富性相结合,有利于有效理论化的公共行政定性研究的重要性。基于对发表在六种公共行政权威期刊上的31篇定性研究的文献回顾,本研究证明有效的理论化与研究设计、分析方法和理论贡献的清晰度有关。通过对四类研究的深入剖析发现,"归纳理论化"和"溯因理论化"这两个过程证实了在数据的严谨性和丰富性的平衡之间存在着多元化。我们由此推导出一套原则,使研究人员能够在数据、分析和理论贡献之间实现令人信服的"概念性飞跃"。我们还强调,有必要通过比较定性研究报告与多样性检验基本要素之间的细微差别,以整合有关理论创建的多元化方法。  相似文献   
正"你真是个没意思的人……"有人这么说你吗?有趣真的很重要。大道理大家都懂,有趣却不一定人人都能做到。专家会输给算命的或气功大师,就在于前者没意思。有人找心理医生咨询:怎样才能成为一个有趣的人?医生说,多去看看剧院那个小丑的表演吧。这个人沮丧地说:"我就是那个小丑。"我们常常把有趣的一面用于赚钱,而把无趣的一面用于生活。你一正经,特别是假正经,或太认真、太呆板、太保  相似文献   
The April 1993 CPS differs from the March 1993 CPS in a number of respects. The April 1993 CPS supplement surveys only workers, whereas the March CPS examines the noncash benefits received by all Americans. The April CPS asks workers about health coverage in the week in which the questions were fielded, whereas the March CPS asks about coverage in the preceding year. In April 1993, there were 112.5 million civilian American workers between the ages of 18 and 64 with jobs. Eighty-two million (73 percent) of them worked for an employer that sponsored a health insurance plan, and 65 million (58 percent of all workers) participated in their employer's health plan. About one-third of workers at firms with fewer than 10 employees had employers who offer health benefits; about one-quarter of all of the workers in these firms participated in their employer's plan. Conversely, 94 percent of workers at firms with more than 1,000 employees had an employer who sponsored health benefits, and over 77 percent of these workers participated in their employer's plan. There are 16.5 million American workers whose employers sponsored health benefits but who did not participate in these benefits. Over one-half of these workers (8.5 million) chose not to be covered. Another 36 percent of these workers (5.9 million) did not participate because they were ineligible or denied coverage. Over 66 percent of the ineligible workers did not participate because they were part-time, contract, or temporary workers. Another 26 percent had not yet completed a probationary period. Among the reasons that those who chose not to participate in their employer's coverage, the vast majority (75 percent) stated they were covered by another health care plan. Twenty-nine percent stated that they chose not to purchase coverage because it was too costly or that they did not need or want the coverage. In 1993, there were 16.7 million workers with no health insurance coverage. The vast majority of these workers (95 percent) were employed by private employers. Sixty-six percent of the workers with no health insurance coverage were self-employed or worked for firms with fewer than 100 employees.  相似文献   
The article reviews the migration experiences of Turkish women who were either involved in external migration or were exposed to migration by being left behind upon the emigration of their husbands. It includes notes on statements made by some returning women and women whose husbands returned home.
The statements were encountered during a comprehensive field survey conducted in Turkey. Since the literature on women and external migration is, in general, blinded by a view of migrant women as "traditional" regardless of their ethnic, regional, religious and other background variables, it is expected that their exposure to the "modern" western culture will automatically pave the way to their emancipation.
The diary entries of statements made by migrant women portrayed in this article question such an axiomatic proposition by pointing to the significance of background variables and certain features of household structures.  相似文献   
朋友华办了个广告公司,效益不错。可近日来,他愁眉不展,原因是几个雇工说走就走。起初只是一个人要走,哪知此人振臂一呼,便跟了一屁股人与他溜了。这其实也是很多私人企业老板的一大梦魇。  相似文献   
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