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This article examines recent changes and those currently being introduced in the formal care of older people in the United Kingdom. These are part of a general trend in all welfare states towards welfare pluralism but, in addition, the United Kingdom represents something of a special case because of the radical ideological engine that has driven the restructuring of the role of the state. The first part of the article outlines the main changes--the promotion of the private sector, the residualization of the public social services, and the new managerial role of the state in the care of older people. The second part considers the implications of these changes for older people and their informal helpers (or caregivers). The conclusion refers to both the particular changes taking place in the United Kingdom and, in general terms, to welfare pluralism as a policy goal.  相似文献   
For many older adults having access to affordable health care is a major concern. The present study's goal was to examine what factors were related to individuals' knowledge of late-life health insurance. A total of 131 women and 116 men (all aged 55-71) answered questions about private, Medicare, Medigap, and long-term care insurances. In addition, they answered demographic, personality, and health status questions. Results revealed that different factors are related to men's and women's knowledge of late-life health insurance options implying genderspecific educational interventions would be more effective than current educational interventions.  相似文献   
哈贝马斯与卢曼在 1971年的理论之争是德国学生运动的最后一次理论争论 ,它对整个一代人和德国社会科学界有重大影响。1.争论的出发点哈贝马斯和卢曼在 1971年时都知道 ,必须突破社会学理论和方法的长期停滞状态和不充分性。他们同时也知道这种突破面临一个困难 ,就是必须分析一个比过去更加复杂和更加无法一目了然的社会。哈贝马斯认为“批判理论”已经提供了分析这种社会的理论和方法 ,霍克海姆和阿多尔诺的《启蒙辩证法》(1974)就是“现代社会辩证发展理论”。他未能采纳在北美 (特别由帕森斯 )得到发展的系统论。卢曼 (NiclasL uhmann1…  相似文献   
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