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介绍贿赂罪是一种危害较为严重的犯罪,现行刑法典规定:“向国家工作人员行贿、或者介绍贿赂的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。”但从新闻媒介披露的有关经济犯罪的情况来看,当前,行贿和受贿犯罪现象比较严重,且行贿、受贿数额触目惊心,司法机关对这种犯罪打击得比较得力。相反,介绍贿赂犯罪及对其的惩治却很少见诸报端,事实上也确实存在着对介绍贿赂罪打击不力的问题。这就值得人们思考,即介绍贿赂罪与行贿罪和受贿罪在法律规定上虽然不是绝对的对合关系,但介绍贿赂行为与行贿、受贿行为确实关系密切,且介绍贿赂  相似文献   
前言研究和保护西藏塑像涉及许多复杂的问题,部分原因是由于这些作品的制作并非完全出于美学的目的,作品在严肃的西藏宗教活动中发挥着各种功能。对于密宗塑像来说,多种功能甚至是共同的。密宗塑像是用来传授秘密教义的,密咒本续文献中有载。就是这些塑像向学者和保护者们提出了最复杂的问题和伦理的窘境。在西方现存的收藏品中,这些塑像难以被忽视。不管怎样,有一些明确的步骤使保护专家可以从事对西藏佛教塑像的研究,并且保证伦理的选择被充分地考虑了。西藏宗教活动中偶像塑像的作用1.佛教塑像佛教涉及怜悯的发展和对无的认识及…  相似文献   
该书的姊妹篇《谁的正义?哪种理性?》于1988年出版,把探索的触角伸展到正义和理性概念上。作者本人对这两部书都曾著文介绍,前书介绍已由白锡堃先生译出,见《国外社会科学》1985年第5期。这里译出的是他对后一本书的介绍。  相似文献   
我的心脏突然犯了病,于是去看我的一个医生朋友。他给我作了一番认真仔细的检查之后,给我开了一种药:“服用这种药后,可能会出现头疼。不过,你不必大惊小怪。”果然,我的头疼得要命。医生十分得意。“我事先提醒过你。”他微笑着对我说,“我曾多次发现过这种症状。”说着他给我开了一种止痛药。吃过之后,头疼消失了,可胃却开始疼起来。“太好啦!止痛药用过了量,就会使消化系统紊乱。好吧,我给你开一种对症的  相似文献   
在政治家与记者之间,站着一个至关重要的角色——发言人。本文是美国国务院前发言人詹姆斯·鲁宾的经验之谈。  相似文献   
顾海良从马克思主义的问题和传统这两个层面,分析了罗莎·卢森堡思想研究的当代意义在问题层面上,通过分析两个世纪之交历史发展的相似处和不同点,指出研究罗莎·卢森堡所处时代的特点及其思想,对我们理解马克思主义历史命运问题的启示;在传统层面上,提出恩格斯逝世以后马克思主义的理论分野产生三个支流,其中以德国社会民主党罗莎·卢森堡理论为渊源的西方马克思主义,其代表人物卢卡奇、柯尔施、葛兰西均受罗莎·卢森堡的影响。简·托伯罗维斯基研究了罗莎·卢森堡对金融危机的治疗办法,强调其与发展中国家具有更大的相关性。彼特·胡第斯指出,罗莎·卢森堡的后资本主义社会观念,讨论了当今时代的重要问题——获取政权后对革命民主的需要。夏莹分析了拉克劳与墨菲对“卢森堡困境”的批判,指出这一困境并不存在,其所反映出的正是卢森堡试图通过对特殊性(偶然性)的强调,来建构一种马克思哲学意义上的普遍性,因而她与拉克劳的领导权理论恰恰具有本质上的家族相似性。  相似文献   
蒙古文学研究的基础和前提是蒙古文学史料。随着国内外蒙古文学研究的不断拓展和深入,蒙古文学史料搜集整理已逐步发展成为蒙古文学史料学。蒙古文学史料学包括蒙古文学的田野调查、史料整理、考订、选录、笺释、校注、校勘、辑评等诸多研究内涵。中国蒙古文学研究取得巨大成就,得益于蒙古文学史料学的长足发展。我们应当总结以往蒙古文学史料学研究的经验,使蒙古文学史料学更加系统化、科学化和理论化。  相似文献   
An estimated 200,000-500,000 men, women, and children work in prostitution in the Philippines in a variety of venues, including brothels, nightclubs, pubs, massage parlors, and other legitimate entertainment establishments. Few, however, are voluntary prostitutes. Many people who work as prostitutes have been recruited from the provinces, kept in conditions similar to slavery, and forced to earn money from prostitution to pay for their transportation, board, and lodging. Many prostitutes work in urban centers and tourist resorts in the countryside. During the 1970s, then President Ferdinand Marcos promoted tourism as a major industry, effectively marketing attractive Filipinas to tourists. Sex tourism has flourished in the country ever since. Thousands of prostitutes are also located in Olongapo and Angeles, 2 cities north of Manila, from where they serve the sexual desires of US military personnel. The presence of US military personnel in the Philippines has always been associated with prostitution. The country's social hygiene centers, prostitutes in Manila and Davao, and AIDS education are briefly discussed.  相似文献   
This article reviews conventional theories about different aspects of labor migration: its origins, stability over time, and patterns of migrant settlement. For each of these aspects, the authors provide alternative explanatory hypotheses derived from the notions of increasing articulation of the international system and the social embeddedness of its various subprocesses, including labor flows. A typology of sources and outcomes of contemporary immigration is presented as a heuristic device to organize the diversity of such movements as described in the empirical literature.  相似文献   
This paper examines the effects of introducing a variable dependency ratio in Dasgupta's (1969) model. We consider a case in which the probability of dying as well as the rate of participation in the labor force change with age. It is shown that the inclusion of those realistic demographic features slows down the optimal rate of population growth and increases the rate of consumption. In spite of the reduction in the rate of population growth, this rate can still be positive. The sensitivity of the solutions to changes in the demographic parameters of the model is examined.  相似文献   
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