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数字营销的第一阶段:2000-2004 2000年之所以可以成为数字营销历史的起点,主要有如下几点原因: 首先,关注数字互动营销的学术研究在2000年前后开始大量增加.《直效营销杂志》(Journal of Direct Marketing)在1998年更名为《互动营销杂志》(Journal of Interactive Marketing)并开始发行.  相似文献   
数字营销未来要解决的问题 本篇我们来谈谈数字营销未来可能要面对的问题和风险,下面分三个方面来探讨: 一、碎片化问题 虽然能够从近15年的研究分析中找出周期性的研究主题,但我们也注意到,顶级期刊中关于DSMM的研究主题碎片化程度很高,许多有趣的研究之间可以说毫无相关性.高质量的专业期刊中,要么是宽泛的概念研究,要么是很窄的深度模型研究,缺乏全视野的研究.一般期刊中的研究则倾向于提供片面的理论或模型的片段.我们其实缺乏对前人提出的理论进行深刻或全面的认识,也缺乏支持或反驳先前概念的研究.  相似文献   
和杰 《中国扶贫》2017,(16):13-15
当前贫困问题依然是我们国家经济社会发展中最突出的短板,2016年我国农村贫困人口还有4335万人,主要分布在832个国家扶贫开发工作重点县、集中连片特困地区县(以下统称贫困县)和12.8万个建档立卡贫困村,多数西部省份的贫困发生率在10%以上. 习近平总书记说,40多年以来,他花费精力最多的就是扶贫,更多次强调,要把深度贫困地区作为区域攻坚重点,确保在既定时间节点完成脱贫攻坚任务.在2015年11月中央扶贫开发工作会议上,习近平总书记明确指出,扶贫资金是贫困群众的"救命钱",一分一厘都不能乱花,更容不得动手脚、玩猫腻!要加强扶贫资金阳光化管理,加强审计监管,集中整治和查处扶贫领域的职务犯罪,对挤占挪用、层层截留、虚报冒领、挥霍浪费扶贫资金的行为,要从严惩处!这说明,一方面是加强扶贫资金阳光化的管理,需要社会各界的持续监督;另一个方面是加强审计监督,各级审计机关要以强烈的政治责任感和高度的历史使命感,忠诚履职、尽责担当.当下,我们的工作正是沿着这两条线不断向前推动.  相似文献   
艺杰 《劳动世界》2017,(10):44-45
心理规律一:罗森塔尔效应 美国著名的心理学家罗森塔尔曾做过这样一个试验: 他把一群小白鼠随机地分成两组:A组和B组,并且告诉A组的饲养员说,这一组的老鼠非常聪明;同时又告诉B组的饲养员说他这一组的老鼠智力一般.几个月后,教授对这两组的老鼠进行穿越迷宫的测试,发现A组的老鼠竟然真的比B组的老鼠聪明,它们能够先走出迷宫并找到食物.  相似文献   
英国自1861年《敦朗条约》侵吞哲孟雄南部富庶之地、取得干涉其内政的权利后,为了开发茶园、修筑道路的需要逐步从廓尔喀等地向哲孟雄移民,一些亲英派人物如颇当喇嘛、康仲伦珠等也开始接受廓尔喀移民,这引起了僧侣集团及菩提亚群体的抵制,两派因此而发生冲突。孟加拉省督阿什利·艾登为了安抚僧侣集团,认为安置移民应限制在没有菩提亚人、雷普查人生活的旷野荒山地区,而国王图道南杰年岁尚幼,深受颇当喇嘛等影响,私下给予其接受移民的特权,违背了民众意愿,哲孟雄内部的隔阂、矛盾进一步加剧。  相似文献   
受命于吐蕃王廷,高僧巴廓·益西央率领他的藏、汉团队,在藏东一线摩崖刻石,弘扬佛法、力促唐蕃和平.而在法藏敦煌古藏文文献P.T.996中,记载了另一位高僧布·益西央的传略.本文经过梳理和分析,认为这两位高僧的人生轨迹重合,实为同一人,巴廓·益西央即布·益西央.吐蕃政权分裂后,由于社会动荡、信息闭塞、路途遥远,后人在流传过程中难免产生讹误,导致后弘期史籍中将巴廓·益西央误写为布·益西央.  相似文献   
哈萨克族历史上是一个生活在草原上的游牧民族,哈萨克族在长期与草原接触中创造了独特的草原文化.其文化中有很多相关生态环境的风俗习惯.通过这些风俗习惯来规范人们的行为,达到人与自然环境和谐相处,形成要保护与利用自然界,让自然界为己服务的朴素生态意识.  相似文献   
This article explores one chapter in the history of medicalization through a focused study of oral contraceptives and home pregnancy tests. Each commercially successful in developed nations and both decades old (the Food and Drug Administration approved oral contraceptives in 1960 and home pregnancy tests in 1977), these reproductive technologies created the first pharmaceutical mega-market comprised of young, healthy, sexually active, heterosexual women. Examining the discrete, but interconnected, histories of both products, this article explores how the Pill's popularity and profitability medicalized and feminized contraception, encouraging pharmaceutical companies to invest in the development of patented variants of hormonal contraception and creating a means by which the under-used Pap smear could be introduced to a population that had previously resisted it. Home pregnancy tests, too, had unintended consequences. Designed to shield the detection of a pregnancy from a "medical gaze," the test's widespread use encouraged women to become medical patients at an earlier stage of their pregnancy.  相似文献   
Various strategies are used as tools in health promotion campaigns to increase health-related outcomes among target populations. Evaluations of these campaigns examine effects on changing people's knowledge, attitudes, and/or behaviors. Most evaluations examine the combined impact of multiple strategies. Less is known about the unique effects of particular strategies. To address this gap, we used highly systematic methods to identify and review scientifically rigorous evaluations of 18 campaigns that examined the unique effects of three sets of intervention strategies (entertainment education, law enforcement, and mass media) on changes in knowledge, attitudes, and practice with regard to various health behaviors. Results showed differences in evaluation processes based on the type of strategy used to promote campaign messages. For instance, evaluations of mass-media based campaigns were more likely to examine changes in knowledge, relative to evaluations of campaigns that used law enforcement strategies. In addition, campaign effects varied by particular strategies. Mass media-based campaigns were more likely to affect knowledge, relative to behaviors. Law enforcement and entertainment education-based campaigns showed positive effects on behaviors. The implications for planning and evaluating health promotion campaigns are described.  相似文献   
Sport for Development has many reported benefits, but quantitative evidence of the impact of these interventions in Low Income Countries remains sparse. A new monitoring and evaluation toolkit was used in a cross-sectional survey at Moving the Goalposts (MTG), a football project aiming to empower young Kenyan women. We wished to determine empirically whether increased membership duration brought increased benefits. MTG selected and translated toolkit items consistent with the organisation's strategic aims. We collected 333 completed questionnaires at 15 sites. Psychometric validation revealed some reliable scales; remaining items were scored separately. Scores were sensitive to differences between members defined by sociodemographic and site characteristics. Bivariate and multiple regression analyses showed that increased membership duration brought increasing benefits across several domains (perceived lifeskills; social life; insights about HIV/AIDS; outcomes related to female empowerment). Improved leadership skills were mainly age-related. Members attending more established sites experienced greater benefits, but members at more and less accessible sites benefitted similarly. Positive thoughts and feelings were related not to membership duration, but to how long a site had been operating. This indicates the importance of creating a positive culture over time. This cross-sectional study provides quantitative evidence for the benefits of Sport for Development initiatives.  相似文献   
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