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There has been a dramatic increase in the number of new HIV diagnoses among people aged 50 to 64 in the United States, and according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in just 7 years (by 2015) 50% of those living with AIDS will be aged 50 or older. To address this public health concern, viable HIV/AIDS prevention and treatment options for individuals over the age of 50 are necessary. This article discusses the No One Is Immune initiative that planned, implemented, and coordinated evidence- based HIV/AIDS prevention and education programs specifically tailored for middle-aged and older adults. Guided by the health belief model, an educational conference entitled "Sexuality, Medication, and HIV/AIDS in Middle and Later Adulthood" was conducted along with research activities that assessed HIV/AIDS knowledge gained using both qualitative and quantitative measures. This project can be replicated by other providers within the aging network.  相似文献   
决定理论最先的蓍作倾向于经典理性主义的思考方式。我汇集了一组与此有关的论著,在他们看来,经典理性主义思考方式能使人们对在形式主义外表下的现实作出良好的描绘,也能对机制作出更好的分析,并能对“最好”的决定规则作出归纳。 然而,这个思考方式在大量与此相关的研究中隐含着的问题是: 1.决定者是杰出的行动者,其行为很富有理性。决定是这个行动者为了获得最大的收益,用十分理智的手段从已知的抉择中进行的选择。  相似文献   
自30年代关税战以来人们坚信不移的信条是:实行保护主义的国家不会有好邻国。因此,以关贸总协定为主旨的战后国际贸易制定的主要目标一直是减少贸易壁垒,降低冲突的可能性。从这一点看,90年代的贸易关系将具有一种矛盾的特征:伴随贸易壁垒的削弱,贸易摩擦和争议将会加剧。这一预测并非由于主要贸易国家对外政策目前趋势而产生的杞人忧天,而是在经济一体化日益增强的年代,缺乏必要的国际制度和规范必然出现的  相似文献   
在经济分析中,使用有益的工作这一概念比使用就业这一概念要恰当得多.以国民生产总值来计算经济增长作为衡量经济发展的标志是极成问题的.衡量经济状况好坏的更适宜的标准,应当是在国民经济核算的基础方面,应当把成本与收益区分开来,并把福利的各个方面看作是具体的社会目标.而且,还需要对非货币经济进行澄清.  相似文献   
What motivates doctors to get into politics? Some say it's a broader sense of accomplishment--helping not only patients, but society as a whole. Learn how some doctor/politicians got into the game, and what they're learning as they play it.  相似文献   
本文利用制造业SITC3位数代码商品1978~1998年对不同国家出口的平行数据,采用似不相关估计方法对我国出口商品需求方程系统进行了估计。分析强调实际汇率风险、实际汇率错位对不同商品出口量的影响,其中汇率风险的回归系数随商品不同、国家不同而有所不同,汇率错位则在大多数分析中表现为对出口具有不利影响。由于伴随着人民币汇率水平与(或)汇率制度的变动,人民币汇率的错位水平与(或)波动性也将发生相应的变动,因此,本文对此变动的净影响进行了模拟,结果表明不同商品对不同国家的出口数量将受到不同的影响。  相似文献   
Euthanasia and assisted suicide are subject to an ongoing debate and discussed with various aspects. Because physicians are in a profession closely related to euthanasia, their attitudes toward this subject are significant. Thus, research intending to explore their opinions is carried out in many countries. In this study, opinions of the physicians regarding euthanasia's definition, contents, legal aspects, and acceptable conditions for its application are addressed. The questionnaire was given to 949 physicians, more than 1% of the total working in Turkey. Of the physicians who participated in the study, 49.9% agreed with the opinion that euthanasia should be legal in certain circumstances. In addition, 19% had come across a euthanasia request and the majority of physicians (55.9%) believed that euthanasia is applied secretly in the country despite the prohibitory legislation. In conclusion, the authors infer from the study itself and believe that euthanasia should be legal in certain circumstances and that the subject, which is not in the agenda of the Turkish population, should continue to be examined.  相似文献   
Don't fix it     
Next to doing nothing, fixing a problem is often the worst thing you could do with it. Fix a problem but miss the context, and you still have the problem--only it's bigger, it's weirder, it costs more, and everybody's grumpy. When something comes at you with a "problem" label, use it as an opportunity to connect things up, to explore, to ask the bigger questions, to find the new possibilities. When we react to a problem, we put ourselves into a dilemma. To find fruitful and creative solutions, we need to be in a place of choice, with many possibilities. Real participation--giving people real choice--is the only way you can bring people's intelligence and life experiences to bear on the situation at hand.  相似文献   
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