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In current Chinese health insurance programmes, there are two types of cost-sharing methods: the time-of-service copayment policy and the reimbursement policy. In contrast to the copayment participants, reimbursement participants need to pay for all medical expenses in advance. We study the effect of the reimbursement policy on the utilisation of healthcare services in China. The theoretical analysis indicates that the medical consumption of low income households will be less than the optimal consumption level when enrolled in a reimbursement programme instead of a copayment programme. Empirically, using data from the China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study (CHARLS), we find that the total inpatient expenditure of the reimbursement participants is 12.7% lower than that of copayment enrolees, and the reimbursement arrangement negatively impacts low-income and rural populations. Therefore, reimbursement participants, those who are financially constrained, are more likely to suffer the up-front payment burden and finally reduce their healthcare needs.  相似文献   
六方会谈:决策树模型视角下的“猎鹿困境”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱芹 《太平洋学报》2011,19(4):54-63
朝核问题是国际核不扩散体系中最令人关切的核心问题之一。朝核问题的症结在于怎样解读和执行朝鲜半岛无核化,在于美国的军事存在及敌视政策与朝鲜安全诉求的负相关性,在于现存国际法致使捍卫国家安全的正当性和维护国际安全的法理性二者相悖,而消弭这一悖论的纳什均衡点难以寻求。作者以决策树模型和猎鹿博弈理论,论证了解决朝核问题的机制——六方会谈的实质是购买朝鲜弃核。本文认为,该机制本身孕育了致使其难以成功的困境,并进而得出朝鲜难以在现存国际体系下和平弃核,以朝鲜半岛中立化机制内化掉朝核问题未尝不是最佳出路。  相似文献   
Gao Q, Yoo J, Yang S‐M, Zhai F. Welfare residualism: a comparative study of the Basic Livelihood Security systems in China and South Korea Int J Soc Welfare 2011: 20: 113–124 © 2010 The Author(s), International Journal of Social Welfare © 2010 Blackwell Publishing Ltd and International Journal of Social Welfare. In this article, the Basic Livelihood Security (BLS) systems of China and South Korea are compared. The purpose of BLS is to provide a safety net for poor families, particularly the unemployed and the retired who were hard‐hit by recent economic reforms and crises. A common characteristic of the two systems is residual welfare marked by strict eligibility rules and limited coverage. Both systems are subordinate to the primary goal of economic growth and therefore only compensate for the very disadvantaged left behind by market competition. Neither system is particularly effective in achieving its original antipoverty goals. However, South Korea's provision of self‐support programs to supplement cash transfers has helped individuals to move from welfare to work, and thus has implications for China's BLS system. Both countries need to put more emphasis on equity and social justice in their ongoing reforms and expansions of BLS.  相似文献   
杨道现  杨琴 《创新》2012,6(6):81-86,127,128
以许某离婚案切入,剖析我国现行配偶权制度之不足。我国现行配偶权制度存在忠实义务内容过于局限、相互扶助权内容不完善、婚内损害赔偿制度缺失等几个亟需完善的问题。针对这些问题,提出明确性权利、扩大忠实义务请求权范围、扩充相互扶助权内容和延伸扶助权期间等建议,并设想构建婚内侵权赔偿制度。  相似文献   
高诱三书注异读音注反映了语词的语法形态,表现为异读区分致使非致使、自主非自主、及物不及物、动词施与指向、完成未完成、词性转化等功能。从高诱音注异读语法规律看,上古汉语中确实存在着形态音变现象。  相似文献   
A central limit theorem for a linear combination of all the maximum likelihood estimators with an increasing dimension for affiliation networks has been established. Simulation studies are provided to illustrate the asymptotic results.  相似文献   
利用国家卫计委2010年12月的全国性大规模调查数据,本文研究了城市外来流动人口的社会保险覆盖率及其影响因素。研究发现,教育和培训提高了流动人口的参保概率;企业所有制性质、有无劳动合同,显著影响流动人口的参保;农民工各项社会保险的参保状况显著低于城城流动人口,并且中部地区流动人口的社会保险参保率显著低于东部和西部地区。流动人口不再是被动的社会保险获得者,已经有了一定的主动权。在提高流动人口社会保险覆盖率的政策设计上,除了加强流动人口的职业培训和教育之外,还应该严格落实新《劳动合同法》的实施,将农民工作为社会保险扩面工程的重点人群,并将中部地区作为扩面工程的重点区域。  相似文献   
福州是中国三大温泉城市,其温泉带贯穿福州CBD区域,是名副其实的温泉城。阐述了福州温泉的基本概况和开发历史,分析了福州温泉的两大优势。认为要保证福州温泉产业健康有序发展,为做大做强省会城市,为提升福州城市知名度,需要制定温泉的专项开发规划,并从五个方面提出了福州温泉开发的创新思路。  相似文献   
对西方自20世纪60年代以来的女性主义与马克思主义结合进行反思.从以下三方面展开:一、女性主义与马克思主义因强调性别压迫与阶级压迫使得其具有历史盲与性别盲的缺,两者必须结合.二、女性主义与马克思主义结合路径可大致概括为:以哈特曼为代表的资本主义与父权制的二元结构分析,以扬为代表的资本主义与父权制的一致性分析,以享尼西为代表的具有后现代特征的关于差异、意识形态的分析.三、女性主义与马克思主义的不幸婚姻源于女性主义与马克思主义的不平等地位,表现为马克思主义明显控制了女性主义、对马克思主义的性别化改造与意识形态修补.女性主义与马克思主义的婚姻并不幸福,但围绕女性主义与马克思主义结合所作的理论探讨不仅推动了女性主义的发展,而且展现了马克思主义在当代的意义,还将对中国马克思主义妇女观研究具有重要的启发意义.  相似文献   
1988年12月,费孝通参加庆祝广西壮族自治区成立30周年活动之后,不顾78岁高龄,进入南岭山脉瑶族聚居区考察,并就瑶族的历史与文化、中华民族多元一体格局、我国的民族政策和建立南岭瑶族经济开发协作区等做了深刻的论述。本文记录了费老此行谈话的内容,并探讨了其意义。  相似文献   
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