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When the X ¥ control chart is used to monitor a process, three parameters should be determined: the sample size, the sampling interval between successive samples, and the control limits of the chart. Duncan presented a cost model to determine the three parameters for an X ¥ chart. Alexander et al. combined Duncan's cost model with the Taguchi loss function to present a loss model for determining the three parameters. In this paper, the Burr distribution is employed to conduct the economic-statistical design of X ¥ charts for non-normal data. Alexander's loss model is used as the objective function, and the cumulative function of the Burr distribution is applied to derive the statistical constraints of the design. An example is presented to illustrate the solution procedure. From the results of the sensitivity analyses, we find that small values of the skewness coefficient have no significant effect on the optimal design; however, a larger value of skewness coefficient leads to a slightly larger sample size and sampling interval, as well as wider control limits. Meanwhile, an increase on the kurtosis coefficient results in an increase on the sample size and wider control limits. 相似文献
Pradeep Ravikumar John Lafferty Han Liu Larry Wasserman 《Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series B, Statistical methodology》2009,71(5):1009-1030
Summary. We present a new class of methods for high dimensional non-parametric regression and classification called sparse additive models. Our methods combine ideas from sparse linear modelling and additive non-parametric regression. We derive an algorithm for fitting the models that is practical and effective even when the number of covariates is larger than the sample size. Sparse additive models are essentially a functional version of the grouped lasso of Yuan and Lin. They are also closely related to the COSSO model of Lin and Zhang but decouple smoothing and sparsity, enabling the use of arbitrary non-parametric smoothers. We give an analysis of the theoretical properties of sparse additive models and present empirical results on synthetic and real data, showing that they can be effective in fitting sparse non-parametric models in high dimensional data. 相似文献
In this paper, we consider a Bayesian analysis of the unbalanced (general) growth curve model with AR(1) autoregressive dependence, while applying the Box-Cox power transformations. We propose exact, simple and Markov chain Monte Carlo approximate parameter estimation and prediction of future values. Numerical results are illustrated with real and simulated data. 相似文献
"创造美学"是蒋孔阳先生建构的美学思想体系和美学学派.蒋孔阳美学体系所以卓然自成一家,就在于它的对于美与实践、美与创造、美与艺术和人与现实的审美关系的独到的阐述和极具建树的概括,及其包容性、创造性、开放性的特点.蒋孔阳创造性地把"实践美学"推进、发展、延伸到"创造美学",拓展、丰富了"创造"概念在美学中的内涵,是对于中国当代美学研究的历史进程、研究现状、未来发展的思考性总结,也是对于中国当代美学的卓越贡献. 相似文献
刘杰 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》2001,16(3):3-4
在中国共产党诞辰80周年前夕,我们汇聚一堂,隆重热烈地召开党建和思想政治工作理论研讨会,以此来回顾我们党的光荣历史,讴歌我们党始终代表中国先进生产力的发展要求、中国先进文化的发展方向、中国最广大人民的根本利益的光辉业绩,展示自贡师专全体教职工在党的领导下不断端正教育思想、转变教育观念,全面贯彻执行党的教育方针,实现培养一代又一代具有正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,具有创造精神和实践能力的全面发展人才的目标所取得的成绩,表明我们在党的领导下,努力探索在新形势下高等学校党建和思想政治工作新思路、新特点的… 相似文献
以科斯定理为基础,从产权界定与交易费用视角分析1978年以来中国经济改革的政策进行解释,研究发现,在1978—1992年和1992—2008年的两个阶段里,中国因为"摸着石头过河"找到了适合国情的产权界定与保护方法,使得市场价格机制得以运行,全社会的交易费用随之下降,赢得了经济的高速增长。然而,近年来中国部分经济改革措施却与产权保护、降低交易费用相悖,使得经济出现了不可避免的困难。 相似文献
“中国模式”对马克思主义中国化历史发展和理论成果具有重要的作用。具体表现在:“中国模式”内容要素是马克思主义中国化理论成果的重要组成部分;“中国模式”各要素的和谐运行是马克思主义中国化理论成果尤其是中国特色社会主义理论体系发展的重要条件;“中国模式”的成功是马克思主义中国化即马克思理论基本原理与中国实际相结合正确性的强有力的证明。 相似文献
企业文化的道德审视——问题奶粉事件所引发的思考 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文以对问题奶粉事件的思考为契机,梳理了企业文化与道德融合的历程,指出企业文化在一定意义上能够促成企业道德氛围,但企业道德氛围存在重大隐患——“内部道德”现象,它对企业成员道德推理产生不利影响,问题奶粉事件集中体现了“内部道德”作用下的消极结果。本文还进一步探讨了改进企业道德氛围的相关建议。 相似文献