Regional and national development policies play an important role to support local enterprises in Italy. The amount of financial aid may be a key feature for firms’ employment policies. We study the impact on employment of the amount of financial aid attributed to enterprises located in Piedmont, a region in northern Italy, analysing small-sized firms and medium- or large-sized firms separately. We apply generalized propensity score methods under the unconfoundedness assumption that adjusting for differences in a set of observed pre-treatment variables removes all biases in comparisons by different amounts of financial aid. We find that the estimated effects are increasing with amount of financial aid for both small-sized and medium- or large-sized firms, whereas the marginal effects of additional incentives are decreasing with amount of financial aid for small-sized firms, and have an inverse J-shape for medium- or large-sized firms. 相似文献
We aim to promote the use of the modified profile likelihood function for estimating the variance parameters of a GLMM in analogy to the REML criterion for linear mixed models. Our approach is based on both quasi-Monte Carlo integration and numerical quadrature, obtaining in either case simulation-free inferential results. We will illustrate our idea by applying it to regression models with binary responses or count data and independent clusters, covering also the case of two-part models. Two real data examples and three simulation studies support the use of the proposed solution as a natural extension of REML for GLMMs. An R package implementing the methodology is available online. 相似文献
According to the 'reproductive polarization' hypothesis, family-policy regimes unfavourable to the combination of employment with motherhood generate greater socio-economic differentials in fertility than other regimes. This hypothesis has been tested mainly for 'liberal' Anglo-American regimes. To investigate the effects elsewhere, we compared education differentials in age at first birth among native-born women of 1950s and 1960s birth cohorts in seven countries representing three regime types. Women with low educational attainment have continued to have first births early, not only in Britain and the USA but also in Greece, Italy, and Spain. Women at all other levels of education have experienced a shift towards later first births, a shift that has been largest in Southern Europe. Unlike the educationally heterogeneous changes in age pattern at first birth seen under the Southern European and Anglo-American family-policy regimes, the changes across birth cohorts in the study's two 'universalistic' countries, Norway and France, have been educationally homogeneous. 相似文献
Quality assessment is a crucial issue in the strategic management of the public health sector. The objective of this study is to investigate the patients’ perception of the health system quality and explore the relationships between doctors and long-term cancer patients. The data under study have been collected during a survey conducted with long-term cancer patients who follow an oncological therapy in a Public Hospital. In the study, exploratory factorial analysis is developed and two structural equation models are proposed. The first model describes the service quality as perceived by the patients, which is influenced by four important factors, namely tangible aspects, reliability, empathy (doctor–patient human relations) and hospital organization. The second model describes the relationship between doctors and long-term cancer patients, which is influenced by three factors, that is reliability, empathy and hospital organization. The discussion highlights the contribution that the results of the study may make to the investigation of the possible strategies for improving health care service quality.
The paper explores patterns of skilled labour mobility from the Southern eurozone to the metropolitan area of Copenhagen by means of a qualitative micro-study. The key hypothesis is that in/outflows may not only be a consequence of the present economic crisis but may also rely on the deep-rooted, democratic-socio-cultural aspects or dissimilar policy choices of sending/hosting countries. These same aspects are expected to influence return/circular migration. In contrast to mainstream theories of international migration, this viewpoint is supported by findings which illustrate how non-economic factors can be also crucial and why enhancing beneficial return/circular migration in the Southern eurozone can be incompatible with the application of austerity. 相似文献
We analyse the Italian labour market, which is typically considered to be highly regulated. We focus on the costs imposed on firms by the institutional environment in which they operate, and on the adjustment strategies that they pursue as a result. We have followed two complementary approaches: the analysis of the development of the laws relating to hiring and firing, together with a set of interviews of 61 manufacturing firms. This also allows us to quantify the extent of turnover costs on the total labour costs. Hiring costs, which include recruiting and training, range between 2.0 and 2.6 months of labour costs; firing costs range from less than half a monthly labour cost to 20 months of labour costs in cases of conflict. 相似文献
Social Indicators Research - The presence of foreigners in a host country is a contentious issue: opponents claim, among other things, that the cultural distance between them and natives is too... 相似文献
The Journal of Economic Inequality - We investigate the short-term effects of COVID-19 on labor market flows and how they are mediated by labor market policy. Using Italian administrative data on a... 相似文献
Although advanced education has been found to be consistently associated with a later transition to parenthood for women, findings about education and the transition to parenthood have been much less consistent for men, and no stylized fact has emerged from the literature. We argue that the inconsistency of findings for men is due to the fact that the selection process involved in union formation has been disregarded in earlier studies. We hypothesize that men’s educational attainment consistently and positively affects the transition to fatherhood via higher rates of union formation. We apply multiprocess event-history analysis to data from the Generations and Gender Surveys for 10 European countries. Our results show indeed a consistent positive effect of education on the transition to fatherhood, but it operates chiefly through selection into union. Failing to account for this selection process leads to a major underestimation of the salience of education for the transition to fatherhood. 相似文献