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We investigate the relative performance of stratified bivariate ranked set sampling (SBVRSS), with respect to stratified simple random sampling (SSRS) for estimating the population mean with regression methods. The mean and variance of the proposed estimators are derived with the mean being shown to be unbiased. We perform a simulation study to compare the relative efficiency of SBVRSS to SSRS under various data-generating scenarios. We also compare the two sampling schemes on a real data set from trauma victims in a hospital setting. The results of our simulation study and the real data illustration indicate that using SBVRSS for regression estimation provides more efficiency than SSRS in most cases.  相似文献   
Two-phase study designs can reduce cost and other practical burdens associated with large scale epidemiologic studies by limiting ascertainment of expensive covariates to a smaller but informative sub-sample (phase-II) of the main study (phase-I). During the analysis of such studies, however, subjects who are selected at phase-I but not at phase-II, remain informative as they may have partial covariate information. A variety of semi-parametric methods now exist for incorporating such data from phase-I subjects when the covariate information can be summarized into a finite number of strata. In this article, we consider extending the pseudo-score approach proposed by Chatterjee et al. (J Am Stat Assoc 98:158–168, 2003) using a kernel smoothing approach to incorporate information on continuous phase-I covariates. Practical issues and algorithms for implementing the methods using existing software are discussed. A sandwich-type variance estimator based on the influence function representation of the pseudo-score function is proposed. Finite sample performance of the methods are studies using simulated data. Advantage of the proposed smoothing approach over alternative methods that use discretized phase-I covariate information is illustrated using two-phase data simulated within the National Wilms Tumor Study (NWTS).  相似文献   
This article analyzes scores given by judges of figure skating at the 1980 Winter Olympics. Judges' scores are found to be highly correlated, with little evidence of scoring along political lines. However, an analysis of variance shows a small but consistent “patriotic” bias; judges tend to give higher scores to contestants from their own country. The influence of such effects on final placings is estimated.  相似文献   
This paper examines team performance in the NBA over the last five decades. It was motivated by two previous observational studies, one of which studied the winning percentages of professional baseball teams over time, while the other examined individual player performance in the NBA. These studies considered professional sports as evolving systems, a view proposed by evolutionary biologist Stephen Jay Gould, who wrote extensively on the disappearance of .400 hitters in baseball. Gould argued that the disappearance is actually a sign of improvement in the quality of play, reflected in the reduction of variability in hitting performance. The previous studies reached similar conclusions in terms of winning percentages of baseball teams, and performance of individual players in basketball. This paper uses multivariate measures of team performance in the NBA to see if similar characteristics of evolution can be observed. The conclusion does not appear to be clearly affirmative, as in previous studies, and possible reasons for this are discussed.  相似文献   
Computer experiments involving quantitative factors at high levels are becoming more and more important in the study of complex experiments arising in the area of science and engineering. Uniform designs are found to be widely applicable in computer experiments in the form of space-filling designs. In this paper, the projection uniformity for quantitative designs is studied under wrap-around L2-discrepancy. A lower bound of uniformity pattern for general asymmetric designs is provided, which can be used to serve as a benchmark for both comparing different designs and also to determine the optimal design. As a byproduct, a lower bound of wrap-around L2-discrepancy measure for the asymmetric design is also obtained. Some illustrative examples and numerical comparisons are also provided for supporting our theoretical results.  相似文献   
The objective of this paper is to investigate the issue of projection discrepancy for extended U-type or nearly U-type extended designs along the line of Fang and Qin (2005 Fang, K. T., and H. Qin. 2005. Uniformity pattern and related criteria for two-level factorials. Science China Series A 48:111.[Crossref] [Google Scholar]) based on the centered L2-discrepancy proposed in Hickernell (1998 Hickernell, F. J. 1998. A generalized discrepancy and quadrature error bound. Mathematics of Computation 67:299322.[Crossref], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Extended designs are obtained through augmenting optimally few runs (or points) to an optimal U-type design. Lower bounds to projection discrepancy with reference to the centered L2-discrepancy of extended designs have been obtained. Some illustrative examples are also provided.  相似文献   
The purpose of the current work is to introduce stratified bivariate ranked set sampling (SBVRSS) and investigate its performance for estimating the population mean using both naïve and ratio methods. The properties of the proposed estimator are derived along with the optimal allocation with respect to stratification. We conduct a simulation study to demonstrate the relative efficiency of SBVRSS as compared to stratified bivariate simple random sampling (SBVSRS) for ratio estimation. Data that consist of weights and bilirubin levels in the blood of 120 babies are used to illustrate the procedure on a real data set. Based on our simulation, SBVRSS for ratio estimation is more efficient than using SBVSRS in all cases.  相似文献   
The foldover is a useful technique in construction of two-level factorial designs. A foldover design is the follow-up experiment generated by reversing the sign(s) of one or more factors in the initial design. The full design obtained by joining the runs in the foldover design to those of the initial design is called the combined design. In this article, some new lower bounds of various discrepancies of combined designs, such as the centered, symmetric, and wrap-around L2-discrepancies, are obtained, which can be used as a better benchmark for searching optimal foldover plans. Our results provide a theoretical justification for optimal foldover plans in terms of uniformity criterion.  相似文献   
Polynomial regression models have applications in the social sciences and in business research. Unfortunately, such models have a high degree of multicollinearity that creates problems with the statistical assessment of the model. In fact, the collinearity may be so severe that it could lead to an incorrect conclusion that some of the terms in the model are not statistically significant and should therefore be omitted from the model. This note provides a simple transformation to achieve orthogonality in polynomial models between the linear and quadratic terms, thereby eliminating the collinearity problem. It also shows that the same procedure does not achieve orthogonality for higher-order terms. An example data set is analyzed to show the benefits of such a procedure.  相似文献   
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