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Abstract This article examines the colonial and post-colonial histories of gender, labor and alcohol production and consumption in the tea plantations of North Bengal, India. It argues that the symbolic and metaphoric constructions of primitivism within a - wider imperial narrative provides one backdrop for an exploration of the symbolic and material histories of labor and alcohol politics in the plantation. The essay moves between different historical periods and languages, highlighting the interconnections between the semantic and bodily practices, which continue to index the gendered and racialized labor politics of contemporary tea plantations. It ends with a contemporary ethnographic examination of women's protest around the "liquor business" in the postcolonial plantation.  相似文献   
This article traces the implementation of a programme with young urban women living in poverty in the Indian cities of Mumbai, Hyderabad, and Chennai. This programme aims to increase their economic independence and control over their bodies. It begins from an intersectional analysis of women's access to decent work, their unpaid care work responsibilities, and their sexual and reproductive health and rights. It is part of a multi-country ActionAid intervention, Young Urban Women (YUW). The article looks at some of the strategies used in the programme, identifies successes and challenges, and offers insights for others working with young women in urban areas.  相似文献   
This study used social functional semiotics and the concept of gender display to examine visual representations of the female condom on Google Images. A content analysis of 195 web images identified that almost half of the images were about the appearance theme of the female condom followed by the how-to-use theme. A majority of visuals did not have captions. Humans were present in 64.1% of the images, with a majority of visuals depicting dismembered female body parts rather than a whole person. These and other findings are discussed in regards to theoretical and health message design implications.  相似文献   
Two-phase stratified sampling is used to select subjects for the collection of additional data, e.g. validation data in measurement error problems. Stratification jointly by outcome and covariates, with sampling fractions chosen to achieve approximately equal numbers per stratum at the second phase of sampling, enhances efficiency compared with stratification based on the outcome or covariates alone. Nonparametric maximum likelihood may result in substantially more efficient estimates of logistic regression coefficients than weighted or pseudolikelihood procedures. Software to implement all three procedures is available. We demonstrate the practical importance of these design and analysis principles by an analysis of, and simulations based on, data from the US National Wilms Tumor Study.  相似文献   
Logistic regression is the most popular technique available for modeling dichotomous-dependent variables. It has intensive application in the field of social, medical, behavioral and public health sciences. In this paper we propose a more efficient logistic regression analysis based on moving extreme ranked set sampling (MERSSmin) scheme with ranking based on an easy-to-available auxiliary variable known to be associated with the variable of interest (response variable). The paper demonstrates that this approach will provide more powerful testing procedure as well as more efficient odds ratio and parameter estimation than using simple random sample (SRS). Theoretical derivation and simulation studies will be provided. Real data from 2011 Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance System (YRBSS) data are used to illustrate the procedures developed in this paper.  相似文献   
Artificial intelligence (AI) methods have revolutionized and redefined the landscape of data analysis in business, healthcare, and technology. These methods have innovated the applied mathematics, computer science, and engineering fields and are showing considerable potential for risk science, especially in the disaster risk domain. The disaster risk field has yet to define itself as a necessary application domain for AI implementation by defining how to responsibly balance AI and disaster risk. (1) How is AI being used for disaster risk applications; and how are these applications addressing the principles and assumptions of risk science, (2) What are the benefits of AI being used for risk applications; and what are the benefits of applying risk principles and assumptions for AI-based applications, (3) What are the synergies between AI and risk science applications, and (4) What are the characteristics of effective use of fundamental risk principles and assumptions for AI-based applications? This study develops and disseminates an online survey questionnaire that leverages expertise from risk and AI professionals to identify the most important characteristics related to AI and risk, then presents a framework for gauging how AI and disaster risk can be balanced. This study is the first to develop a classification system for applying risk principles for AI-based applications. This classification contributes to understanding of AI and risk by exploring how AI can be used to manage risk, how AI methods introduce new or additional risk, and whether fundamental risk principles and assumptions are sufficient for AI-based applications.  相似文献   
Book Reviews     
This article uses a Bayesian unit-root test in stochastic volatility models. The time series of interest is the volatility that is unobservable. The unit-root testing is based on the posterior odds ratio, which is approximated by Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods. Simulations show that the testing procedure is efficient for moderate sample size. The unit-root hypothesis is rejected in seven market indexes, and some evidence of nonstationarity is observed in the TWSI of Taiwan.  相似文献   
Author: LARSON, PIERS M.; History and Memory in the Age of Enslavement. Becoming Merina in Highland Madagascar, 1770-1822.  相似文献   
This paper uses data on expenditures and incomes of New Zealand households of different demographic profiles to construct equivalence scales. The scales are useful in estimating the relative levels of spending required by the households to attain a given level of utility. Preference consistent 'complete demand systems' are analyzed to test for the demographic effects on the consumption patterns of households. Equivalence scales for respect to specific items of consumption as well as total consumption are worked out from the observed consumption behaviour of households. The results are largely in line with those found in existing similar studies both in Australia and New Zealand. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt at constructing equivalence scales with New Zealand household budget data in the framework of hypothesized utility maximizing behaviour of households.  相似文献   
The paper describes nonparametric approaches for comparing three-period, two-treatment, four-sequence crossover designs through testing the hypothesis that the treatments are interchangeable. The proposed approaches are based on a model which incorporates, along with the direct treatment effects, self and mixed carryover effects. Related asymptotic results are obtained. Comparisons among the designs are made numerically with respect to type I error rate and power of the tests considering compound symmetry and autoregressive covariance structures of the response variables. Lengths of the confidence intervals of the treatment differences are also used to make comparative study among the designs.  相似文献   
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